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X. 5§ E:i ‘=;.f "=»&e1\~:==e".’_ g_N<';¢ ‘Q15?-mi” <;:;<€~_{a<2r*<:> Q"->‘=.=:»~':;"' T?{x¢:1rEf.~.;1;:» §>~“lt:» Q! <:t>:-\*».;~—s »| " @‘\€_“">~=:."@... ._~.,»_w.-»,¢_~».- W :,._ --, _ , ‘#1, :3 T31; ., ;1’€ ‘iggn. '- $/12:14 1-< 1;‘ Q . 1\‘?5?§i‘ ~‘ 21$. -». -13:L%1!<;- ‘‘¢*1;1v<‘‘ \-T "41 _ " '~- ¢§~ 141 '3'? wfifigfifi Qgfiaagfig ‘ If . » T '9 SEEWEE NEMQQM, _.,, Service nenartmeni Via Canap,;;1,3 - 8tupinigi A- Torino (Rely) Fm.-n ED3_5d.5B~3 - Aprfl, {Q63 .. 2000 ~ 5. A.N. - ‘Fcrino 1 |_~m$‘)>_'|I£fill .;E_¥s>|l‘V;m_iv:|_;i>;_vm_ >:_ _h _%_I; fitf _ \flMi V A@_M_AflH§_P\=I‘'_t1.{‘MI“!l“|___‘1]irtEI!_miHsi;%@1_|wHa}EHMHV» W * J gm > E A) W M Jb _fi__ m _‘( WT? Iv¢___w“ ¢ /‘if: 1 lm%!d AW I ___,__m,)1I_vV ‘__v:_M6 _|J ,__’l‘_ _'fi_A_“_'JI'7 _'_‘__‘1*‘ *‘____‘”E_5_qw_p 1_'M _“N__ E" “‘| 1"‘ H‘ _A __/as _‘_ _____ _ IW Q “\‘ K\agfimfikpfi lg'u5%ah“: K_E__$ ~\flaw _?A_ _ _1/M_F”‘mv _‘ _{A 5/E%/\ i fig“ w $ ‘In. K3 _A 4“ H‘~‘~‘ [AW Ii\_‘ffi’ ‘ gm“; m~__ “}_ki_g§ X _ qllédfllj R_ _ ‘X‘_i_H_‘£_!EAH_I1JH L_,~N|M|V4”//I Hu{Vfi/1%’? _’ ,/6km") F’ 1:‘;I1}P‘ fJ_, '_E‘ll>11 ‘_lJ9 La'_h/VF...’ _ "uW Eé_asumm U¢°3mmam m"_‘___w _ w°_:w_ P M /IQ_/Ru_Mi fix %\ \ 52 t\ \ ‘in (1 »-.= 5... 9.; ;. l TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLIES .l- W-._»,~_ CLUTCH The master clutch assembly is composed oi two dry, single-plate clutches, one for the tractor transmission drive and the other for the power-take-off drive. The unit is controlled by one single pedal which, during the first part of its travel, disengeges ihe main clutch (transmission) and En the following one, the power-take-off, but only when this attachment is directly driven by the engine (independent powewtake-oh). The three diagranns of Fig. 82 illustrate, respectively: a) the clutch engaged; ii) the main clutch disengaged; 0} clutch completely disengaged. €l¢i{}[$£t_ ‘ Nu ‘F) ; \_»»-I 1 Fig. 82. - Clutch functional diagram. a - engaged clutch. b A main clutch. disengaged. 4 I I c - clutch, completely disengaged. F we Power take-off dm-en plate - C = Gearbox driven plate - P = Lever points. l I > I. -1 \ 1 Removal and stripping of clutch. Removing the clutch assembly from tractor: Paris to be removed. i Operations and cauiions. The batteries. The exhaust pine. The engine, with the front axle (Fig. 83}. ‘ Disconnect the following components: 1 ' »~— the hydraulic pump oil lines, the steering shaft lever longitudinal iie~rod, the board‘ from the bailery 1 J I support and this support from the gearbox case, the accelerator pedal fife-rod from the transmission shaft; the electric cables central connection; ~»— firf two‘ wooden wedges on the froni axle, attach the engine assembly to a lift and place the gearbox case on a stand; ¢— remove the screws assembling the engine to the gearbox and facilitate {he removal by acfuatlng the clutch pedal. " . Nofie. - To pull the flywheel inner pllol bearing use fool A 619827. Fig. B3. - Removal of engine, with front axle. 53 -._-. -_0. _.i-<~\.-»,. ._-i i [ ‘W ~,§‘i"? "!§;L ilfi 5'".-' " 3: --J‘ '*.w,.;"-J ‘ “ ‘ - |‘ . _ . E _ -_ ;-:' "'~ w ‘ _ ~ ‘= ' . . 2 b ' ’ 15$.2”. v ‘=5 ' A — ‘ ,. ‘ _V _. 7 _ ‘ '~ ~~ ' _~' __ "\ p--- 1. ‘i3 ~'I >~-4 :='&»'' 7- :1,.;%,=':1.<:=¢,r1:‘.-2;:..=§.=;1 .4 7‘ "-"-»j - 1' ' :1-..> ;'-'-5-‘_. ;.<‘::'1'¢"—»;,.'-}=a*.£-;¢;“ ‘ a ;;.’;,.,Q.I‘..‘,""'" ' -;’f'§.. .___1~* -~ ; L -‘$=£:'-‘>1-..',;‘:“,i-;fi'~'_f3 2‘-:5, ~;1,_-=:‘__:'_‘ -_:J\_|h-‘».~_;_ -1,. 1%a..-,:=..~ ,_._=_._7,, =1 -»‘ 1-.-. _-...—___.,,., F -'___.4§'vm_:-_1;:1-&<{5;t~ rd"-36 ,_.‘ ~- - V — "h~-‘ *~ ‘2:;=r.~~"-.'-2;-_#=1:, ' -- . . ' 1» *1 =,"_-J-',.:-—; "K. .. .9‘-V . ;;; ,~:; ' ...--. '~.=.»=.;.- &,~~' 1'4‘. - =;;;‘~:~::. "ii ’ , J '~I='i-" '*£:i£"-.'.:'§: . 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I -r:.\;§----»‘ : ‘*~’ -‘$1 ‘. m '-l 1;;-. 1' ':=;.-|..»1‘-;l_."..¢::; ;‘.":‘ 1 1" » as . -r—,=;'-..-:='\.;;-"l';'<-3.8“. _.l.;__._-_,._§» ;@_'.;— ‘J;-. - -.~.. 2.-;*2=:~‘ :".=..;,-.12. =»¢*.'+-.:.*.'.¢:w4:-;':¢:;:--,2 ' " ' " 3 r @:_-_-;\.;=‘.~. V‘ -'-E-,A V,-_,»_.~.'.?I_‘:-'--;".§1,,‘z-__ _ 1; £5 > ‘-"‘ ' .. ‘ ;~.‘_<-- -;-,V;,-_¢_'1=>-:'§={< -f===;41.""‘.:-. " ‘___ = _ __ _ I;-1,11», 7,.-.. _;.__.5—-4; 15‘ -,__ __ .' ;-.1. -, --.’:~ .&:~~»,..._ 4' $7-31.-,¢~s'~-V .._-.‘_~<~1.. ._~ 3; _» ",..~.,_-v-avzt -~ . . -l-)-A" > Alli“ -‘-.»':' ‘W’ »~,.;4 *""'-“"' - =-"~-.-=.==<~>:== < - »~ :»,=- .H 12_, 4;; , ~ .‘ - \ "-=.:-.¢‘,‘—":**=‘.-.-:.‘*f:‘-=‘:?‘.:"@a~2@;‘ --=:@.,¢w~>=:*-;-';;=.~--»" . ..-=-A =' ‘A-4-**. -<4-»;=-<. , ~*'». ~\-____ -a ’ ¢' ' _.6 ._ wag *‘_2-. _ Ffiggaq 1 , ‘.'1;=iL-.‘\.;— K" - r. ~_.,_p_,'“,:;. », gm- - . ‘BL! “vi. “‘~.£;a_§~ii" _ ~‘fl-' ."'?v.';.-i.;". 1.~4 . 1 ' ".-"F ‘_ ...- V ‘ - ~='¢-‘ --ml--‘.--_'-,=; W4 7,, _ =;~'-'-_>; ' *=._- -'. 1-I.-‘-:11‘ 1-‘’ K1“-'.‘;‘..-=.‘;!,f;~ _e '-sii?“ 4»,-'ri-.,. .=."-='_ ~~= ‘ ~ _ -''-'-a "'‘ V _’" - '- '‘ ‘ :~ . ;,;.. , Fug, ..,. _\w;.1 '“ "'-- _.,-‘ , I """'€,£s< 7'» :5‘ - . : Q.» =1' :51 - »;,_ ‘,1; -s-., M.:‘.':"""‘5".§:I>-L"3:= " =‘_I‘ ‘ -*7::-* *1 __ . = ., > . "' . , _ . ' nt view of a tie-rod and oriemaiion of of clutch cm device A “I'HOE3fA Fig. 85. - Fro elastic (See the last figurepins for references). Fig. a - ‘i "pp Q I i A. Disengagemeni {ever adjustment nuts - 1. Elastic pins 2. Lever pivots - 3. Forks - 4. Fork adiusfing nuis. i l 1 Mount ciuich on fixfure A 711063 or on fixture A 711063_lA, remove the elastic pins (1, Fig. 84) and Stripping of ciuirchz i push out the disengagement lever pivot pins (2). By siackening the siua‘ boffs fasiening the cluich £0 fixture, a1! parts become free. If the clevises (3) must be removed urzscrew them from the pressure plate after slackening the adjusting i 1 nuis (4). l Inspection of clutch dismantled parts. Check the oiutch components as follows. according to the data of fable at page S7: - them; I‘ surface smooth brushingthem. are - check condition of friction linings and of metai surfaces contacting iindnecessary lf the rings are soaked with oii, replace them, as washing in Q0150 me a insufficient; -— check cléarance between the clutch driven disk hub teeth and splined shafis; -— check the throvwout bearing, and the clutch shaft piiot bearing, located in the flywheei; am ‘ 1-La.» ~‘;';;,-“i. % _=,\~:" .\ w & “.5 E J:-, - 1 ' \. a “ V-I ' » ‘ ».__ ._‘ 1. :._. *3‘ 54 Fig. as. - Ciuich, exploded view. ;s 1'3 VI’ ii - check ciearance between bushes and disengagement lever pins; - check piate spring characteristics; - check the throw-out coiiar working siiding surface. If wear does not exceed the permissible iimiis. the shaft can be mounted again after rotating it ‘i8G°; if necessary replace the parts when grease I drips due to excessive clearance. i ‘ Assembling and adiusting the cluich. 1_;_,i;,;i¢a1§Qn_ Smear iighiiy the foiiowing oomponenis before assembling using quaiity chassis grease: i i i * .-.- i — the clutch disengagement lever pivots, the cievis ends confaciing the disengagement fevers (3. Fig. 34), the c1uZcn~gearb-ox and the clutch power iaise-off baiifever endsends of where push levers (P,shaft Fig. splines, 88), the the ciei/is confaciing the disengagement collar; in addition $ ,....._.._ i_i r i service the bearing housing in engine fiywneei. \ s 1”‘ ._;.._-r;»'==‘- “.F '\I ,- 1 __ \__._.....a- 'l_:_f:T *'~i <—-_ - ' 3" W‘ . ' ‘.__¢_ _ *"'1‘<1'”" .._ C ’,;x_>,;y_~ < cw ._‘_ —xx vu - M '£-2.~¢-'=I-*- i. l:I{'*'—‘$_“" =—» W ' rams. i,‘ 155%, W1 in .33»).C4 'f.'-~’/_, ' - -=.:=~.‘~:— ,. -.1 T‘ :§ F. ii '- .e¢;::‘=v‘" ;_=.=-~"_»1.‘=_=+e3~...'.' -, _ was IA.- J. 1- .1 i-1.->.$'1,_ -,fi~!4.‘»§ ~._ I3 '- —..e. - i _ T.\ ‘_T.'.'_ ‘ ' I 1 v ~ vi . " ~ .=. 1:1. —‘ 1:.-es. w . . ”‘7"-“'2 1 {YT ':,- '1'e.'§-";?.-'i“-'§‘-‘§»'=_**-‘Q=~'~*-._._- II“--\.,_\ ' ' .'\';=""..,=\_-‘ _.-1:?-E§~\"‘€' -‘ w “ '- "’39::§'7;F ""-. r Ll_,_ 7:‘l'-‘7'T:‘-F - J V" ‘ .1;-.§A‘;:jg,_I-"=1‘,’E;'_7‘_'T;-':.t_,__ ‘-"- L‘%€:.:-l‘:‘§-‘:2£:|:§E‘£)hI-7‘ ' ..= V;-¢ " *'=:¢-‘ K1’ -" " * I I - . V _k_ _ I ¢' v— ~ ' - ..“7:fi'_=3' ‘V "V ,6 4' s. .,;:_:‘i;;5;-_;;i~":g;‘=j :1 "“'"‘-+-=~ '—---\—*""“'.'I '.'l.'-57! '=-;.=€r'-'3-""'.irr‘"‘ -"-"fi'-‘*~*.-. -r‘-PE-.":".»:»§rv' " =. '_=- ? .- - i Ctutch adjustments should be made as follows: .»§:4_A':w.».¢--s - -“ ‘~ " w l !_‘£v__°1;i_-é,;_:.‘-_‘:‘,___H=‘=‘_- .3‘_|.§_-¥3’k,'§j;1;::‘;‘>’-.':|?:;,:'_P Y-:11; .~_'r1fi'i1_1==~.5.';i@»:r~ :»1~“’ 7‘- 1 Mote. - lfclutch is installed on fixture A 'l1‘l063lA. the adjustment may be made after the assembly on the tractsr, using fixture A 117683 provided with a suitable flange (Fig. 96). l 1er..1F4;glhr:_'_wfl - 7 ' ~ in-> Fig. 89. - Clutch adjusiment using fixture A 711863 5,6,1»-I Fixture cornpcnenis - D Spacer bearing No. M1 R, used also for other wheel types belonging to fihe series 490. Clutch contro! adiusirneni. Assembiy of clutch on engine. b) Adjust the clearance (E, Fig, QB} of the power lake~off pressure plate clevis. Check that clear- ance be 1.5 to 2 mm (0.059'l"' to 0.0787"), and if different, unscrew the loclmui and screw on or unscrew the sleeve. The clearance adjustment may also be made when the clutch is mounted on the tractor through the gearbox side cover. The free travel of the clutch pedal is 25 to 35 mm M19843" to 7.37190"). Plate wear, however, decreases fine free travel. Unscrew the pedal lie-rod clevis as much as n€cessa1'y to reestablish the previous value. i l The centering oflhe assembly on the engine flywheel is facilitated by using fixture A 117083 (Fig. 91) that may also be used for the disengagement levers adjustment, when tilted with the proper plate (Fig. 90). l I _ H ,.;;,_ 1.5 +.2 B“ i -~,~r-E-J:-¥l~.n /‘\ PS5 »_~~ \_______,,_.,..----—--' §>‘_‘{~ lg; ll. Fig. Bi. - Mounting clutch on engine using tool 11 ‘.1'l0fi3. Fig. Q0. - Clutch adjustmeni on engine, using ioul A 11'£fi63, complete. B 56 Clearance €,5-2 mm (0.059!-0.078‘? in.). _r" ‘ >- FLEXIBLE COUPLING BETWEEN CLUTCH SHAFT AND GEARBOX Calls for the dismantling of the elastic coupling to check the rubber block e;‘i‘7ciancy,' if blocks have Noisy transmission. excesslve wear, replace them. .-_,_ I l .I “ ‘~ '1’ : I .'.'_".-_v‘_ 1~'-.1 --4 - . L _ 1.--=.3~-.:~‘.i~i-'_' "“ .-}{:_'E>.\;':k;;_-'fy-__‘- A ':'-}>?=,_-2"-‘--.*-3: .= '-‘- ~_ -- .L|- \\I ina 7' _ Z — \ _ jg u AW“-‘l-’“*' -- __ “ "Q; "'-_. /1;? -$5 1‘. "*':‘.>3",-'4'.E-Z"'.':'-‘J1'2. -:~E-‘-- >:‘l§;" '_'?.1‘: ""-‘lhw ’ ,/%'%_\;f;1._‘3 . QT‘ \ \"-7 H11 ‘._. II; ..~.. '1 ~’3‘:':E';'.€' 1 \‘ 1':-fill-5.‘-I 5-J-'1.-'I‘.=‘---, V’ ....-. ~....,,_.,.---~-K.’ Q3 -'T 2 "III \. mun \n1~*_$\_“-“\ __ 1Q \\ "' I , -:- ..-T -_~ .= n_._-: .*‘ Riff _ the fastening bolts of {he flanges to a torque of 2,5 kgm (18 ff./la). :_-» ..,.“\ ~:»-_-.~z='_: ‘ ~_— rm3:* ._‘,-¥=,_¢~_§. ., _l1:¢ .-".1 IT . ._ . 3.1,».-_ » ‘.J"i]:;vPfl_— .,__. 7,21 _ 1 ._ . ___.r When reassembling ascertain the correct functioning by locating coupling and shaft splines correctly according ihe drawing of Fig. 92, in addition iighien I ,,,;.:.»~ ,=;'.'.'.“Ti” ‘ ,_;-:\::1'.-2'-' _.M/W I l 1 Fig. 52. - Diagram of flexible tolxpfing for clutch-gearbox ' shafts. v I I “'4 H -as 1.4 I I -I ; K’ '[ IIii .2 I _=__,.> EM CLUTCH COMPONENTS: SPECIFICATEONS, ASSEMBLY CLEARANCES AN D PERM1SS1BLE WEAR '25? I I Em 1; ! 2'3 I §§ : E I cl e aran ce s Assemby . In . mm Between wheel drive splinad shaft and its disc 0,010 to 0,105 Wear iimits mm E; m, 0.0004 to 0.0042 0,35 0.6138 0.0005 to 0.0045 0,35 0.0138 -0.0809 in -0.0028 0.20 0.0079 I? 1: I 1:3‘ 1155 I 2‘?-; .. . LIE £2” II } Between powe: take-off clutch spiined shaft and its disc . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Between wheei""drive shfiaftvspline flanks and €1exib!ejoim': collar . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setween disengagement lever bushes and their 0,013 To 0,115 -0,024 ‘£0 -0,072 1:-»_ §._., 11 if I glns . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . , . . . . . . 0,613 to 0,064 CLOUDS to l3.fiG25 0,30 0.0113 Between shaft and ciuich throw-out collar . 0,930 to 0,145 0.8912 to 0.005? 0,30 0.9118 Clutch driven disc thickness (wheel drive and power take-off), complete whh friction fining B,6 0.3386 T 0.2755 Tightening torque for flexibie coupling flange nuts (Fig. 92) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 kgm I 18 ft.Ib I Clutch spring speciiiazafions Spring free length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.? mm (26024 in) Spring {ength under check load . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 45.2 mm (£3795 in) Check load . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,810 124,6 kg (248.7 to 2':'4',7 lb) €'-\l...-J» ' / _ -‘w ’ _‘ in’ ll. Elva‘, 4/IL ‘ 45/"ifs. ,7 ».._’_ Léw c..J'.:; :1"/. . -4 , I f 57 I Z - 4 1 GEARBOX AND EPECYCLKC REDUCTION GEAR I I Dismantling - Stripping of components. Remove the gearbox from tractor as toilows: Pgrts to be disassembled. The engine, with its from axle. Operations and cautions. Follow the sequence described on page 53 for the main clutch removal. The steering box. The two foot-boards, the rear temps cable and the dutch disengagement tie-rods. if the tractor is provided with oil lines rfiihning from the hydraufic pump to the lift, remove them. I 5 The stripping of gearbox components is ’§aci§itaied by instaiiing it on the rotary stand ARR 2284 (Fig. 93). The centrai clutch shaft and the throw-out collar. Remove the two screws fastening the clutch throwout collar .5UppOI"i to the gearbox, and remove it together with the engine clutch shaft and the fie-xI'bie coupling. The gearbox and the epicyciic reduction gear shifter rods. r Remove the gearbox cover with the shift lever; remove the shifter forks, after puliing the fastening pins, beginning from the central rod (2, Fig. 95); siide out the reduction gear control sleeve with shifter forks and rods; take away the 3 springs {Section C-C, fig. 108) and the detent balls. "-.:—--. 1 I I I I I \ I. 1 './-'~ I ";;£ __ 4. , Q"/ZS :\‘\ - _. " 3'?‘";’ =i»a o...-.. t'*i'?" 51? - *:,..T1‘," “L; g; . - .. 1. .I"-"**¢"-‘.'_'1 = .. I ‘l ‘/-§.f‘“‘—‘L'1'!5§->‘!7*7T\'3’ - J», _ jg ,_ _;::_-, ,'-',,_;_i,1.-.'-'.<¢f=‘-.1’ “.1-2* . . 1,~;._,;= ' - 1...-:1 lg, »‘.;~;- '%:*: _r;J;.' §z_;:~§/: ,_~.>.1 W - -?;;,.=— . ;.-‘Y. .f"f . .< =~ v_=.-.1‘. ‘;i:,M<.;."_-- € "W -‘-.§1ifiF1:'=.‘:'.7i 1'-. 'Ji~'-"~=“:.--'.:'§=""_'=_.‘u, " _;;~,.=:_..<:".s~ -..-‘ l: ‘— 's._“r;,.;-,.‘%~_...._,.'-r."{';'_.~';.»; , -._.=_ -‘gl;—,‘;"-_f—f . L - - -1 _. ."i.\l':'v~;-?"".‘;':':'L'}‘ . ~''3? -T-ivf’ 5 .. 6»; " ‘*"»._~%_e;j;_e-;-‘-Id.*¢*=.~.~':I-21 .-if5‘ , ‘§:‘r.;:.-'=,3“;.;-3;. »~3_: 1;3,-1.';:’:u'=,="i'. E\E_§§_ ;-...=_,~."' i=~= _ I i 1--K-_=~‘e_.~~ 7-2;‘: ='""-"."-- 1- ’ 1»;-:.'. :' 1 u..~ :53. .<-4 ~ i¢;;_,.<. -_. ..»_.‘_-_V_e.~,_;, ..,;_.\~ j.~.__..-"__ _ -133. _-_'§_ '7"—" *'i5 11¢”-5';:o';--_-=.§¢""'""' ' ~.-,“.-Rm_.- R»-~. ,-. Fig. 93. - Gear shift lever. Fig. 99. - Assembling epicyclicshaft. reducfion gear on gearbox ofsecondary 1. Control lever doweis - 2. Sector plate fastening screws 3. Gear selector pivot ratchet. 6. Primary shaft rear bearing - 14. Shim _ R = Reverse Bea,shaft » V = Shim pin, 60 il Gearbox and eplcychc reduchon gear reassembly. To reassembfe geaubox components proceed as roiiowsz Paris to be assembled Operations and cautions. S-=cond=ry shaft Assembfe on the shaft the rear ball bearing after heating ii in an oil bath to a lernperature 01‘ 80° C. &ppr0X.,' install in éhe gearbox fhe front bearing after sfiding in the shaft from the box rear end, and mount on it the gears according to Fig. 97. Note. — The shaft nut tightening sjmuid 59 made after the insfaliafic-n of the primary shaff, as if could be facilitated by meshing two gears af the same time. If the bush has been replaced, after reassembfy it must be reamed using reamer U 8321, up to the dimension of page 53. Fasfen fire reverse shaft (R) as shown in 1~'ig.9B. ,_ - - fiW_____.__.__ 5 II \ \\!'».:,;)€ I18 \§ "~§~=¢ \\ \‘~ '" ______ mu _ ————7—— — 3*‘? _ gggfi Ea_§“________ ~ "—'> v §'§°§“..'.1:-.,.,.»~mw film , 11-.|.m-'-’’ “5‘" ‘ ?4%b_~.n.\:'k| II filnv _,, —- _(.— A A \ I "%.~/ ‘ _ L _ *=—"‘ q | \ n F ‘_ \, ‘ \_ r I t \ \ 9,9,, {gs "< __ _ ‘\ I {\ fig?”-1,’ :&1 , 1 / ran \. :;t ‘* \ _;' 7 7 "-* ‘M‘ " ' Far" 'a _ 7 _ "“*_ ' ' ,, 1 = ~uBs2r~ §.aw¢ =m-oz-n», :-~=v.,:>_§_ ‘Q ‘* ¥;~'§e *2 5),, §i‘ QM ll. ‘ /,__,_' _ ’ ».-.= ‘Inn. if .141-' > ,_ i ‘-:9-W ,'* 52%“. """" '%%>»~=<~ ' l|uILl;§;§;. __ _ _ - ‘ "" ” ‘* F?,,_W___-___! 1 4."‘ - ‘r-. -=--Y, ~~.:;-_ \. . . .. , ~Q m___._=..:..-:.-..‘.._-....._-.....T_ ..__'-_. _ K. -..-5 " Y 1- ; ‘I-..‘f_#::: Q5 * J ‘*-.635" “" *""‘*‘-"‘"'“- . 3:‘ 4 1. 1 "h:~ll'-‘-,1‘ :21 '5 L..,»,!' T. -. - - ."'; :‘;~';u.5<‘.,1?1"'»_€";-- "ii" I" l;§'~‘, L l * $2-{ "1 == -Q3‘. Y »":.P;=-‘re ' 1 = l /I,» >".=»-.;<\;+;",*\ 5*},-1; . : 1» Y - < ' -.1-~ . . . .. .;"..'-:1.-.. -.=~ Tel - ' '1. . its 7 2 Z fl; :.;.-:'~'»3 .\ -:3 ea -A.5-‘i"ii“'»j:I.:. =I= ' §—w-,;:; ‘-I~=' J Fig. ‘E01. - Epicyciic reductiun components. (Note: Skirting from chassis No. 427935 up helical teeth have been superseded by straight teeth). .2 Assemble the epicyclic reduction gear c0m,00fl8niS according to Fig. 101. Mount on the gearbox the primary shafi rear bearing Epfcyciical reduction gear (Fig. 191}. {6} and fasten by its pin (V), the inner thrust disc (14), having its lubrication passages Iocéied as in Fig. 99. Mount on shaff front end the bearing, the oil baffle and the efasiic rings; slide-in the shafi from the case front side and fit on it the first, second and third speed gears; Primary shaft. - _ ~ <~ - — __ I+ , 1 ~ _ " ; .'5. ' ~-T - »:- >' I __ <,.- ~.:'-@;?fi.. . -‘ '_ . . .;?‘~. ~ 3. 1. 2 .- - -; _ - f;-¢.Y ~=:—- _,_ _ F - 5: . . . W 1 and their gaskeis. When mounting the first cover, slide if on fixture A 137003 which avoids the oil sea! gasket being damaged by the primary shaft splines Confacf (Fig. 102). ";».-:5s'_i-.415 .- r--334"’ '-=-=1 .r@F'f.--,-__ .‘I ., — . ._",,.=.~.._.?,=::;;;=~ L_- - ~_,.‘.-Y. P "~:*-=~-.~.~::u='=“r~J“-'*~~ . .~f"?.E mount the primary and secondary shafts front Covers '*@='-‘~i=‘:‘~ -a:_;'¢:.-r,=fs~’1-1:-.'- A ' '~~‘-- , ';,<+i=;_1;-/,€;;i5;.*.<1:.5.: 1’ —,7=f5":§:c' :‘#:1<2-:$- '"1%¢:'{‘1i‘.2-"A, ‘ <-Y :1" -" . ~'-"..,. Q-.~¢>.11&?~:,-$1. 1‘; ‘- - -~=.;_~;= ‘;.==:-:- %»‘=1"<-14;'<;:;':=*-\\‘-5:1 .,1-»¢<,, . ..:->’_:\.*~é\'.. -'1 '- "= .‘A _. ‘ .r ;:‘*""' 5‘?-£i~‘='. '=" - .'+"i:I>.‘%=" .- -'1": 1 _ ~ n ‘;,.;~._- 2' ii.-. ‘ (;1':‘;I:_'::"-';~€:;£4l;.. ,, . . ,_.,, .. . ,$~‘.'we_;§",»\_-;g.g.-‘¢,-=- ?=-=-»'~e1=;»'-'=. &,;'»'-,:a;N-~.~ . ->,!\;. :. "'= '~ * " . " “"~~"~'1='i=-; --~ =:*.-s~1- gag. 4. ‘*+=-@:='11..-, .¢,=',-_ .__;._ ».~~ ‘_>1.~.:.~-9,59;-.,»..-1:2-»:. ;¢;,;;;-|‘;~.¢,-’_~=;.\-.,_-=;.'==->~Z3I;=" __.;,; - es 1 . ye 14 ;-- ' E? -‘2:1"l?<5IZ-fl‘/‘»Z!1': . »..;.»-' . .- ._ . I - ' . ..-_i ~ .- .~- - ' '"~_ ' — -_ —;-. ~. -.1i=~, :29-,1"' -' »~ . ‘ ; * 11 1: 11 #1.? "~.'1'-."—¢‘-lo,‘ . =.4¥¢:.i.:".'-‘:*'!!:v9=@@$§=_=,-4-1.1?-.1-i~11'?:%=£a§§!='=> . F.'-L';i#'*’-'—'QL'_ E» iv-.‘-.4~1~ - ‘ .-.1‘ (~".L :- $5;.e1-,;;._.-‘J: §_;¢;;_:,:_1.;i -' 1.1,. e?‘ .'.w..~ -’* .- »"‘-.. ‘ fr e '11:“-=;>' ‘ ’i "' 9' {:- Rods and forks for the gear contra! (Fig. 95). Fig. 102. - Mounting ihe primary shaft front cover using too? A 137803. Introduce through the gearbox wall holes the three detenf springs and mount the ball and the first gear shifter rod with its spacer and fork; introduce through the waif middfe no/e ihe two epfcyciic reduction gear control roe‘ check belfs (see é_ {_X F diagram C-C, Fig. 106) and compleie the assembfy by infroducing {he two balls from the reievamf hole and rnoum.‘ ihe rod, ine spacer and fork aciuaiing the second and the third gears. Fig. ‘I63. - Orientafion of the various spring pin cuts with reference io direction of force (F) or of rotation. Note. - The cuts of the p:'ns fastening forks io rods should be oriented so thaf the strain expand ihe pins in their holes (Fig. 183). Gearbox cover with control lever (Fig. 93}. Mount the lever and the two dowels in the cover and add the cap and snap ring; \x 62 I mount to fhe co-/er lower section the sector pia-fie and fasten it wiih the two screws (2, Fig. 93); mount also the gear selector pivot (3). Before mounting ihe cover, shift in neufrai all gears. Mount on gearbox-clutch contra! shaft, the flexible joint, the suppcri, the bearing, and its disengagement Gearbox-ctufich control shaft. s/eeve. Before mounting all parts on the primary shaft, be sure that the sea! ring is 1'nsz‘afied (Fig, 97), NOTE: Shift the gear shift fever backwards, thus disengaging the reduction gear, in order to faciiitate the operation of fastening the gearbox to the transmission casing. GEARBOX AND EPKCYCUCAL REDUUHON GEAR COMPONENTS: SPEGFICATIONS, ASSEMBLY CLEARANCES AND PERMESIBLE WEAR Bat? mm (In) ‘ _ , Assembly ciaaranhes T ' 0,35 (03133) Beiween gearbox driving w 0,10 to 0,20 3 and driven gear toath flanks , (Q0039 to 0.0079) 0,50 (O-.0197) 1 of epicyclicai fixad redu<:: tion gear Epicyciical reduction driven gear ; j Epyciclicaf reduction need,“ éiamaiel. driven gear needie seat diameter 1 , 20,41to20,¢3 limits mm (in) Between gearbox shaft ‘ 0,010 to 0,105 splines and their driving - {Q0004 to 0.0042) and driven gears , i Between driver: gear pinion . ‘ tooth flanks and the flanks _ 1 Wear mm (In) 0.07 to 0,13 _ 2 (Q0028 to 0.0051) ’ j W 0,35 (Q9135) ‘ E , § 10.5035 to 0.8043) Y ‘“ , 0,01 m one \ 2 2.99 10 3-9° 1 8e‘W?en ‘?°“°HB$ an?‘ axie?’ 5 (M004 to 0,0024) ’ _ (91177 to 93131) of eprcychcai reductlun dr|' E-Ipicyciicai reduction driven gears axis diameter Q or (0.0'0§9) ven gearS 14,-$00 to 14,389 I (05669 to 0.5665) _ I Reverse shaft bush inner diameier 25,065 to 25,098 {obtained by accurate tapping) 5 (£19868 to 0-9881) = WV ""”""W WW Z" 1"" Reverse shaft diameter _ 7_ gr 7”" = - Between bush inner diam- 1; 777‘ 25,000 to 24.979 Bier 9-fld H5 F9‘/9l'$9 5115“ E 1 (09842 to 0.921.243 ; I ! 0,065 to 0,119 (919925 £0 Q0947) _____ ___ ___ , _ . _. 0,30 , (Q0118) ' V '__ _ : ____" i 5 g Control rods release spring Spring free Iength _ _ , , , _ , , _ _ _ 36,5 mm (14370 in) Spring length under check load Check iuad 1 Gearbox seieciion release springs 1 . . . . . . . . . 21,2 mm (0.8-345 in) . . . . 31,5 mm (1.24CI2in] , Spring length under check Toad . . . ‘ 16,5 mm (£16495 in) . . . . . . . . . 14,710 15,3 kg {32,4 to 35.9 Ib) Spring free length Check load _ . . . ‘ . . . {SA to 20,4 kg [40,6 to 45 lb) n , 1 63 4-=*N.¢-,~v?.HM- ,w._i BiFFERENT!AL AND LGCK The rear half of the tractor body is a case housing the differential assembly and its lock; it is closed at the rear by a cover through which the power take-off shaft projects; the belt pulley unit may be attached There/:0. The case upper opening allows the fitting and removal of the power take-ofi drive and driven gears. -k 5'!-N-',a1'.'*=‘=-"""“""“""“"' ‘ _ Fig. 104. - Removal of engine and gearbox from rear Fig. 105. - Transmission casing rear cover removal. transmission casing. Disassembly. To remove the differential case from tractor and to dismantle it, proceed as follows: Paris to be removed. Operations and cautions. The hydraulic lift. Remove, if installed, ihe /lfl unit, its oil lines, and the implement hitch. Drain lubrication oil. Remove the two plugs found under the tractor body. The gearbox from the dii-Ierential case (Fig. 10¢}. Disconnect the rear light cable connection. Place the differential casing on a stand and lift the gearbox with a winch; remove bolts connecting such two components and disconnect them by a lever. l l The final drives (Fig. 195). Remoi/e the rear wheels and their discs. To help the disassembly ofthe various units, remove the mudguarcls. The soar. The seat should be removed lo facilitate the operations which follow. The transmission case rear cover (Fig. 165). Remove the dlfierenlial case upper cover and sei the power fake-off control levers at the position << MOTORE n (engine). Unscrew the rear cover fastening screws and remove the cover by pulling and lowering it very slowly, {'0 allow the removal of the front bearing of the power take-off shaft from its housing. l 64 l l At the same time, remove from the upper opening the \V ./‘w ." r _.*' - Y‘ /' . J ~ . gear which is thus free from the shaft’ end, to avoid damages from its faffing in the box, "1 T \ ' 1 - 1,‘ . ‘- . . ‘ ‘ - Note. - To easify disengage the rear cover from the transmission casing, set the power take-Off engagement fever in the <1/VIOTORE» (engine) posiiion. , ‘ ,‘ , 1 <*rW?; ‘?:§=,i" %ifi*§%““e ;. I Y -T-; y Q: _=‘_ 5%" 1 Wlf;--‘ » fit ‘-. ;-5 t‘3§;I&} 5' if: f-="1';‘f V ‘ha, _-A .V':..,_.~ . -" T311 ‘-.-.1-‘ -' _7 -L, -J - .'_';.;; _ ~_ -. ' wYmfl Fig. 106. - Transmission casing mounied on rotary stand ARR 2204. The differential iock controi. To inspect or rep/ace parts remove the rear cover, ihe pedai compiete of aiiachmeni, the plug from the shafi /eff end, in order to make ii possibfe hammering it out from fhe right side. Differential gear Casing supports. Fasfen the casing on support ARR 222$, mounieo‘ ‘J97 3 -.--\‘ Y on rotary stand ARR 2204 (Fig. 106). Remove {he gear casing supports and remove the bevel gear, complete. MNWWWEYMM 'l. :;1" L‘). ,___/-f“ if ihe difiereniiai casing inner bearing races have to be removed, use puller A 537105. _.7_\_‘- .__¢,-y. \_'I~ I} <_-5.; , ~.~~;-1“ = \=:c-==\=\y;zi L}, ‘. z*-*-' ~* | 1 31‘!!!Llsih Q . s'fi§§W@it .¢. > —, .1_ Q V ‘__;;._¢:>k~_*__—:;‘iii-_:r?;1i;;;;;:';;~$_‘ *' _\Y'§Z'.§s,¢j§l_ ~..~ K. 1*, \c_ 2 1u>»'~%:;i-§:= ,es~:' I gs, ..r~¢-. .\ = . P ’ ..»~—v A‘ .‘- -:u—I4 F. »_;. ‘§»."-‘ii; <51: “ _o : =.. \‘ - = F~¢*fl;fi“F€'fiQ* ,5 ,- it-1;; 1':’f':_"-“ ’. Q . ;-.~“";r;-t-,1 ,, J"’”’f‘ V )3? 1 I i\ \ Fig. 167. - Lock conirol spring mounting using tool Fig. 108. - Beve! ring gear assembly with differeniiai. A 237033. 1. Differential lock. i (OFI WP. the spring is represented before assembiy (A) and after assernbiy (B) on the tool). I‘ I 65 i |. 4 1: 1; ‘_ ‘l '- ‘WE-s - '4.» 1’/® a “T4 ' - 6 C0 ) e " i Fig. $59. - Rear iransmission components. 1. Differential loci. - 2. Power take-off driving gear - Ra. Bevel pinion roller-bearing adjustment shims - Rb. Ring for centering bevel pinion on ring gear ~ Re, Ring gear adjustment shims. The bevel pinion. Unscrew the beve! pinion shaft fastening nut using wrenches A 711109 and A 611108 and stopping the rotation with the brass hammer A B61322. Remove the shaft by applying a bronze punch upon ifs front end, and hammer it out. The power £ake~ofi' driven gear and the spacer are removed from the casing upper opening after setting ihe power taIl l_ “‘SL154’ _~> l \ ‘r s l~ A . _.,-) is ./W_/5"; '\ '* K , ,_Q>\ F‘-1 _“'~.“ \ \, L... _ _ _‘_~'¢:»,‘\El; R ‘Ear. '1 ~ V - : 4 ' \.“' u- _ 2 - l r, ii ./‘T ' \ Q "i_@"l@‘-i=- .--- _- ; it IT *‘ ' 5 ' _ Q gr» " ‘ ' _ . z__r_';»\'i*.*‘_iv€fil-if _._ ' _ l l_, 4, i -*‘ 5 _|_ .e,§ én , W “~- $’*%-s _u' ms V H 4*f§::-as no l___ I 7”’ -_ J‘ i w->3 1 6 . W‘, ' _ ‘:-5 3> é ._./ .; I: ls.-.; . ‘ii lg l ~»u;,3,g5;_ .M.-&._-1, 7 f 1% l 1‘ ii i Il l l W4' / ~ 114% 15% :21. -i"'»#._l-I 9_~ _ l , ‘F _k_ ‘l > .—— s .'_ ~ li"“fl ,.i,.;T,,.,*T-" isig4: 1iwi 2,-s» -"“—"“‘""" cu /' \x-..\-LW.._._.\-._~._. . _ . M5J..A:< A-UMZIW.YI£A\F4 PI'\I§1'Ii"NT-V." \./K ,.,,~.\’<{.-:. 't:*>»,_‘.1 , i 1 V Tl H .:i _W, 'hilfii A § i i fl = w --*='-""*'=*-*’*‘¥‘“‘~*‘*'~ - , ' 1 _ ‘I *L“'.v; , * I i _ -_ r1-“*3 ;:.;_;_ \"> .s ii-,=g,“ 1*-=1-l K-\ . #_ /_‘ \ '\; 0 ' ,(- ; a ;s€ :§?.33 2;’¢1;2'2'~"n /’>‘_},'; ~ 36%m"_-‘Aa37 /5?" gi~!"’ -i"‘ZIn ‘»*o'+“’ l “$ . », -. § ‘xx . ‘Jem’ art '9-r ¢*".‘ i " ' £74{fl Fig. 1113. - Rear transmission sectional view. 1...’?av‘ R: 7 Ring gear shaft adjusirnent shims - a = Drive wheel shaft and spacer, up io iracior no. 4-33¢S5§. F’ / L.2z'&,e_ \\ \;\ \. M».., ». ,T;4_ — the assembly of the taper roller bearing inner * races on the casing should be made after -._>.i4_=. . heating the bearings in an oil bath ‘co a temperature of 80° to 90° C; the same procedure applies to two bearings and to the power takeoff driving gear, on the bevel pinion shait (2, 5 _; \ ‘\. \ \ "" To facilitate the reassembling of the differential I l %/ —.¢_¢,_;;;:: ;. ’ ‘E. '\ " "~:»:~ . \ Fig. 109); ~— the differential lock control spring is installed as shown by the Fig.10'I, using tool A 23"i'lI}33. sr L)‘ 1 Fig. ‘E11. - Bevel pinion and gear correct tooth hearing. case to the gearbox, we suggest placing very near to the shaft {Font ends -— by manoeuvering the relevant levers —— ihe power ts5‘”*§e~;;2§-1-;-$11-?>,,=,_; ._.-..‘..-. -- . ‘L.'1 ‘ 21~-W =.- -11-‘ - = ._ V 2*? ' ~4* "' be 57; ~ rt t ' ‘¢-1'-1 '1'.‘-’=‘;":?..i. ,"-'%':1~-L‘-'» :-*=!~. ' _» .. _.‘,‘:<»‘.:It.l= .\ iL: . t /r »_=- 55" < i =-.7-:10-.=< - r-1,51“ ~—. irr;_~ ".-.J~.*- . -.-',~"_'.;_=u:-1-=,;_. '---*6 =~»‘;.-2-is '. "1?-mi"-T;'-, --’75'-v="»-1. 1 .1» aw “'1-‘»-J:-“i 7 .1! -vi.-Y 1 1 ' FIT?" " " cl _ is ?'=. * =1 .i . -~‘-1::;%;,'-‘.i.E'g.- _‘= ti '-.5 5.‘;-tile‘ '-'11‘-"1r:n=s:; ‘~ 1 er - “-7 Q“ ‘~€1.'-i ;-.‘."*'‘.-1"'5"’ = - " 1 1.‘-=1‘-:~‘.>:-' ;,‘_ - 7.x‘; :-"=,_- ,1-t~_ ._+ --:=_ -,3--- éf:-}L_‘f‘|-:13" t,.; 1»; ; rir. 5»-'=.-4Q‘-. i"':’.'§1." ‘ f. I-I‘ ‘Se, . :-; -<1-1»t:t'.*+ >"~ i 2.’: §~_ ==' 11*‘-_='z'<-i rs;"* = ¢ f-‘-14¢‘:,t:.=“i"i:¥'1'=<>;!"l"': :17‘-=",'-*,';‘:=='».=!?E3t _ ~;' E" '.-'£,‘=fi?2i';‘;l-Fh\;.? :1‘ = _4J';-P1 V*_':~;‘;V‘:"V;"r-l ll?‘ ‘E1 =»'-3"F;‘—j"-L‘.-‘1 ‘.1,@r'>c::.'s.¥2:;<;.?,-. "-2.11.153‘},-s-,:T-,-,'3;:--t=1¢l'iS;==‘4'§'L;H;e¥_' I"g‘{,-i:;‘3'5_¢-'-i.;r_ - ~ "J, ‘ =?.'-".=‘:1"f"i",J5:=,..?—I':"§-is"'eT11‘='*~i.?;if" =.-= -~-.-.,-_,.- -s +-set» ‘ ,, *':':e:3»' '."‘I ' V-¢e<1-=_ , 1-'6; : 7 l‘ ' '- -3'55? >.:‘=f';a-‘*5?-til?-'¢$'."*1" -1‘ ' l . , "11-’- =;¢:~ ,‘ ~ ;~€- - f£1?'_=‘=5"£-:;“fL§fi.?1‘!-iii’ 7v“l-%"£~’*;’3,-i=1‘-;=='-1': -.i‘3i.l";i.‘lY;l'j* l. 9’We @, zif; "~ 1;: ' kl 5.-ihjri K: - ~ * -1'fli=-*l"I‘=3?i.‘-‘fl" --1 ".-~ :i'>-1:1? -“1'-T;“‘»l.‘;- 1l-"¥.- -' -" "-?.T-'—':1'I'§”-T 1' i "3? vii 5:‘e:_t£.-_=:-'.=T"‘ ii; '2 - 1 ' :»-‘ - , -..">'-_l =;('§fi1=lZ'I;"Ci,;17;,,2:-=1-$*§€$.%“§;»§i&’%;‘fI!1FiTi='— __ w-it ""l‘\—_-4' l_-‘-.- _—¢n <¢~H.|Iu.,»Q, . -- -~ l >11.,». -- <;_ 1,-.'.._ ;~. '-:_s=:=—..i. . '- o~:-~-- »'-.~.-=‘n."-21357. _;;,_ _,__-1; ;¢ c _i".-" '3'?-“'..:l"‘¢¥‘§?i-‘<‘i’_:' §~'l‘-ti? ' ~_'§"T‘-L?,,’_“",,';:§_‘l";J_ ' - 1 . -:¢r.e‘“e: ‘l':'JA:ii‘l‘:'»_f:,:‘T l e ~ -0 ‘S1 1 _-.::. ffi-‘\;'.;,;:é\$‘—'fi:-; ’ L ‘ E5;-€’!i"*'“_ '_ 1*»:-' L» r ’;.?‘f,i,i-Jzti ' $ .; e >;;~ls' =‘ t .. E '%_»l~’é§'.~'.v.=;-'rt§=é‘=z'.¢_;==-L-sii@ :-gr . '~.-i’f"*" 5 2;" ;;=.;~l - r..>: 5 13-.=.e.‘e =. '¢;.\;+‘.$,"}5l"J.i£1l';_§J'i ‘ , '_ - -Q ‘-=-—-=“=?5-F»: 1'-1., 1 , ‘;'§‘|>_gZ‘*.;]7|'§§‘:‘:_u}iT_mi'Eb§4‘.4'.. ~-2'2‘ ?.-.1~u‘z.- " i.-i--. - . ._-‘?:‘=»~‘_-;»:~.-r.==~__—»‘{1—"‘.»‘1-Z1;T.:"'-'=-“'_i‘i.15.fit_ ’=:<==_=:i:'.;e.&r-55'"!:.:é;~:‘i;; '1-;1=‘=i—,_a . "‘;?;;.-..».= ;,;;-*_';~r=--"..‘.~- V . .,=~ 5 - _' 1: ig::;se=sa=3';»g=;g§;- t.» l~;=1-“"1-ti-9"“ _--ta-;;‘=':=.:\=i:.~—: ‘:1==,1~'-*£:1»1~—.: .;.“ ,fi-_'rr;,#-.-¢ net - ,_~._-L7,;--_ 1‘—I\;._ _,»--ea‘ ¢>‘ls ~I;§.,€;§'cq.'¢ ._ --_-'\ i",_f-“=;>.,'!_\_'-;,~l.=>s-‘q';‘:_~,, = L , -. ; —:_: -":_~"5~ j .' “ -- V, - I; ' e~ 5‘ . ’ -€3l’i"7' ‘ . . 1 = i,.a__ we ‘-~"=..—=-F ;===, ‘ " , 1-4,15 ~ .; 5v 5 '*"‘ -‘.~..-_ =»= .-n" Q,-' tens __- . i E" Lu . '-l»—._ ~4- A‘L _<' <-; ‘@111 —-_» V -u|¢;j;=<'1,="— 1‘. Y-. -»—-ii. ~-‘ _. Fig. 112. - Rear view of tool A ‘£37010 for bevel pinion and gear adjustment. Fig. ‘H3. - Right view of ‘cool A €376€’0 for beyel pinion and gear adjustment, (2.362? to 2.342") the sun": of the gear width and the spacer width. Finally, check the shalt tor tree rotation and mount in place of the foregoing shims others having their total thickness minus 6,05 mm (0.G{J2”), which will set a 50 ltgimm (ill) lb} pre-load on the pinion bearings. b) Remove the bevel pinion and mount the bevel gear complete with differential pinions and supports; tighten one of the pinions with its screw and check with a teeter gauge, at the other support, the overhaul thickness of the bevel roller bearing shim rings. Divide it by two placing each ct’ the two halves Rc on the two supports and check it rotation is tree but without end"piay. c) For a correct tooth bearing (Fig. 111) pay attention, at pinion assembly, to the number stamped upon the smaller base and marl-ted by -+~ or —~; this is C§Ul’E8* necessary to determine that thickness ot ring Rh, which will be most tit to avoid noises during operation. We suggest the following sequence: »- mount the bevel pinion shaft titted with all its parts and with a ring Rb oi any thickness; — mount on the casing the tool A 133110, according to Figs. ‘E12 and 113; —- rotate the tool shalt clockwise so that the eccentric zone contacts the pinion base, and read on the quadrant graduated from 92 to 94 mm £3.62?’ to 3.700”) the value at which rotation stops. it this value, indicated on the quadrant, exceeds the one calculated by adding or subtracting from the theoretical distance existing between the pinion smaller base and the bevel gear axis (93 mm - 3.661”) the number marlzed on the pinion (not proceeded by any letter mark}, it will be necessary to replace‘ ring Rb. The ring to be mounted should have a thickness increased of an amount equal to the difference between the two values. On the contrary, it the value read on quadrant results less than the one read on the pinion after adding or subtracting (accotding to the + or M sign) from 93 mm (3.6614”), the thickness Rb should be decreased. Example No. 7. Reading on the fool quadrant Measure read on the pinion 93.-1 mm ~{~ 0.2 mm Distance between pinion and bevel gear: 93 + 0.2 = 93. 2 mm ($6614 -i— 0.0978 = 3.5692”) The ring Rb should be 0,2 mm thicker than the one installed, calculated by subtracting 93.4-93.2= 0,2 mm in order to set the pinion at a distance of 93.2 mm according to the indication marked on ii. 68 Exampfe No. 2. Reading on the tool quadrant 92.6 mm Measure read on the pinion —0,3 mm Distance befween pinion and bevel gear: 93 —~ 0,3 = 92,? mm. The ring Rb should be 0,1 mm thinner {ham the one insta/fed, caicu/aied by subtracting 92,7 -— 92,6 = == 0,1 mm. d) Check with a dial gauge the tooth backlash which shouid be 0,20 mm (U.O08”J; the correct backlash can be obtained by shifting adjusting shims Rc from one support to the other, in order ta set the bevel gear farther or nearer the pinion as required. The overhaul thickness, determined according to paragraph b} should not be aitered. SPECIHCATIONS, ASSEMBLY CLEARANCES AND PERMISSHBLE WEAR OF THE DEFFERENTIAL COMPONENTS . Assembiy clearances mm :1 (in) mm 1 (in) Wear iimits 5 Wearlimits i 1 Between pinion and crown whee! taeth backlash . . Beiween splines of differential axles and their gears . Diiferentiaipinion and geartoeih backlash . . . . . . i Between bushes and differential pinion axle . . . . 0,20 0,010 te 0,105 0,15 (0.008) 1 (0.unc4 to 0.0042) (00059) (00008 to 0.0037) \ (00031 to 0.0052) . 0,020ia 0,093 ‘ Between casing and differential gears . . . . . . . Beiween differential lock coiiar and casing . . . . . - Specificaticns 0,030 to 0,153 {}_120{¢0,245 i 0,4 i (0.015?) 0,5 (0.019?) 0,25 0,5 (0.004? to 0.6697) {0.0E]98) (011133) (0.0? 9?) mm (i rs} i ‘ Crown wheel adjustment ring s!1im)thicknesS (Ra, . 3 Fig-1103 - - ~ - - - - - - . - . . . . . . . . i 1 Bevéi pinion sifiiii adjustment shim ticim:-ass (between Q Biniw and fear fairer bearing) - - - - - - - - - - ‘ 0,3-0,5-0.7 (toier. -30,02) 3,g.3!g.¢.4,1.4,g.4_3-4,4.4,5..4,5- 0.011s-c.0197-0.0215(=1-_a.0ooa> . g_1495-0,;535_g_1575_g_15q4_g_1554_ 1 0.1693-0.1732-0.1772-a.1a11-u.sa59e.1s§n (i 0.0008} . 1 Beveipifliw shaiibearins adiustmentshim pa¢kihi¢i<- ij 1,1-1.754,s-as-2-2,1-2,2-2,25-2,3 0.0569-0.05894:.07u9-o.o'14s~o.0?s7-\ ‘ 4,?-¢,s (toiar. :1: 0,02) mess - - - - - - - - - ‘ ~ - - - ‘ - - - - - - - - § ‘ Differential gear ihrust ring thickness (1) . . . . . ‘ Differential pinion round thrust washer thickness . i _. - i 1 Tightening torqué of bolts assernbiing pianetary gear ‘ casing to crown wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Differential ¥ock control fork spring (toler. $0.01) _—‘-Ii-3U1 r-0-I-PO0 -1-A , I 5 32' to 36 ftib ‘ . Check load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.5 to 31,5 ks H : I 4.5 Y0 5 F4901 . {i 0.0004) 0.0531 E0 0.6509 0.0551 fo 0.0536 . (DU! 188 126,5 _ 0.0827-0.0866-0.0386-nneoe NI O1 Spring free ienth . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Spring length under check ioad . . . . . . . . . . _, . ,_;.,__f_. 7.4036 4.9803 62,8 to 69,4 ib ‘ _ » ,_ » _., .._.. V____ .. | I 4 _________[ (1) Rings of oversized thickness of 0.1 mm (00039 in) are avaiiabie. Wear iimii of a shim: 1 mm (00394 in). 69 i FINAL BRIVES Each consists of a pair O f gems ha VI‘n Q individual casings, mounied lateraiiy to the differential and driven by it (Fig. 110). Final drive overhaul. ‘ii The majsr overhaul thereof should be made as .0 ows: Removal from tracter (Fig. 114). Remove the electricai cabfe energizing the rear lighting from connection, and take ihe mudguard away; place the transmission casing on fhe stands and remove the whee! assembiy, with disc and fire. Remove the final drive casings frcm the tractor and null outwards to slide out the difierenfiai axle from bevel gear. Shipping out of components. v 1 1 .r \ Mount fire assembiy on the roiary stand ARR 2284 with support ARR 2221, and remove the brake drum fasfening nut.‘ E Remove the drum using a universai puiler (Fig. 115}; remove boih finaf drive casing cover and driven gears; remove the axie inner bearing stop ring {see Fig. 116) and push it out the casing. i Note. - The final driven gear remova! does not necessarily require removal of the casing from tractor. To unscrew the driven shaft nui of the final’ drive, mount £00! A 137014 to stop gear roiaiion (Fig. 116); ihen use a universal puffer provided with 2 screws 5: E 1; \I 1| i {diameter 15 MB, pitch 7,5 mm} (Fig. H7), I \ Fig. 114. - Removal of final drive casing from tractor. YO Fig. 115. - Removal of brake puiiey using the universai puller. i 3: 1 < % -/ ‘ i L 1 1 Fig. 116. - Final driven shaft nut removed. Fig. ‘E17. - Removal of final drive driven gear using universal pulier (16 MB x 1,5 mm screw - 2 required}. 51 4 lnspeflfion of components. Check the or‘! sear’ of the difierentfal axles and of the driving wheel shafi‘, to prevent off feakage on brake bands and fiom {he driving wheel. Check “bearings for free running and iooz‘/1 backlash (see specifications an page 'Ir’3). Assembling, When reasssmbling avoid damaging the sea! iocafed in the chfierenirar’ bevel gear support. BRAKES The pedai and hand actuated band brakes act-on the puiiey keyed on the differential axies. The tractor when used on roads requires sudden and quick braking and therefore the peda¥s can be connected by a lock which ensures simuttaneous braking action. This fact must be born in mind when setting the pedal free travei which should be equai for both. 'T‘.‘_“-» _c-__:: Tjj-__ ___ ____ .._.._. . "==~== _...__k \ '—z::3@ _ _. _.-._,~--—~»~—w_A___/*~—-.= f J ., _“\ ‘" ‘* / A _fi, _M__ \ "if; \ a ' -1 1 § . .0‘. kn) ' \.-.-1. 9‘-1.9..‘ ‘u. ,‘. IR! nan S» ii! ~ _' 11L», *1 _ 94-‘=\I7‘;‘\\‘\\\\\1'vi\\&\ .‘ . .:-wmlxom R \F _\ 43 / _ ‘ , ' ‘" ' _, 3 A - fina-"_ ‘ »~ ~. - ~:.*'_m*.s.s_-‘Q " /\~_ /' \"?:;_<_=o_,__ -' - ' ' i --\. U —’“‘ E’ . r I F . Q; ~ I - i . * 1 s ~;tf»" .t_ A @ “ Q ‘rJ ~l€.>>A|A.' '%- -fir? , '1 -r . ’“"“ . o_ _| | i //' ~ Z19‘-':1L_—.:,- !\| ruw - v W _ _- - Ix ’-- F _ _‘__ . _ _,.._-- R h / ‘Q! _ ; | rum:--._,;",1 . ; ; b Y . J, :_,_ {sa: -= ' Tm ' Fig. 118. - Brake assembly, pedal and hand conircls. a. Clutch contra! pedal assembly - b. Brake pedai assembly. A ¢ Cievis lock nuts - B 1 Caps ~ R’ = Brake band centering screws * S = Inner arm - '1‘ = cute; arm - v 5 1,-me, am-, fastening screw - Z 1: Brake band pivot pins. . ’/Mmn? 5_;€_%__ 1 .‘}\¢v¢; 4 J"/1: Z -- - J 5:'?'n1¢1Js /10! 1 ,i> I A . ' ‘m 1" I - "'9 “73"'$/C - _ , - . “J v flfca cw: $'f*1'1~,?“-.71-' r ‘ ~ ~=<.~.-‘e z’-'<'~!;.r,gZ--*2 ‘J r“=P’-.wl2-7» .~,¢ ’_ Q» _; -' *1 w‘ - ~* "’.'_‘£.o-' ?' '9 » " . . D and no braking action would be possible; - when mounting final drives, avoid damaging the ‘. differential bevel gear support seal wilh the differential axle end. >-';':.-<— '_ ‘ I ~ 2% .~.'.-.-.»..r. - -1»~, . - ll. v ~ \-.. '-'2 f" ,»_r »> 1 E~ .::-.'~-;.-;=’ ,.-3=2'-,,:;», . Pu _ . . ~:j; 4 | ._>.,;../%=: ~9.. * fie-.1-*~ :5 g ;;:; 1 ..-~~=>~—<~.~.c.A.;-5/;=<;;:e:v.=':=.~;~5:,t:;*.i%i&.+, ‘ #5. -"7 ;' .lli R ’ ?§,:-.=;’i.<.;=?:=*.‘;;".f;:=.>=5451;.l<§;;§;;§I1i»" A ,. {.3 -5-}=.n‘5'» :¢;:-.:.~:+;:.;i1:¢e$-§.-?-‘5§?=‘: ‘ _»,+;;=-,.-_,_"";,‘, 31» """.‘f"'__ Brake adiustment. the exiernal levers T have been interchanged 1; , \ ‘ ':%> -..- ~:§=,_',;-~...;;—;;-;_:;,;3~.7,5., , v>..==';-#=:~i;.r‘ ~‘ . ". ~=».<;_=-‘* .. .o-'1 .1» I-1. ,_. 5 '- ow-@;l . I . : ' "eo i‘-J./'‘. ‘J=_;;;/" - , Fig. 119. - View of brake hands ané ccmtrois. ' A = Clovis lockouts - B = Caps - R =- Brake band centering screws ~ T = Outer arm - V = inner arm screws. When mounting brakes on irecior: - unscrew [he two nuts and compleiely screw on the brake band tenierlng screws (R, Fig. H9) then unscrew {hem lhrouglv a complete Zurn, and re-lighten the nuts; - slacken nuis A and unscrew rods (B, Fig. 119) until the free travel of each pedal is taken up, than screw them again two turns so that the brake pedal travel is about 50 mm (1 .969”). Before adjustment, the brake control lever should be set all live way down with respect lo the sector plate. 72 1 l I ll F-PE£ZiFiCATlONS OF BRAKES AND HNAL DRIVES WWW s : Final drive pinion and bulb gear tooth backlash . . . . . . . . . 0,15 to 0,25 I (~0.002G Yo 0.0019) = (8.287?) Brake pulley diameter . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . 4 ‘ , _ . . = I *1 _ .-. -. . - r J (£10059 to 0.0098) -0,050 to 0,048 Clearance between driven gear driven shaft splines ané gear hub . 1 om mm fin) Brake band shoes thickness . . . . . . . A . . . . 4 . . . . . . l ‘ ; Clearance bet-ween bushes and brake pins . . , . . , . . . . . . 1 0,5 (0.019?) 0,20 {0.D\'J?Q) 210 6 (02362) 0,120 to 0,144 (Q0016 to 0.0857) I E _ l ‘E5’/-3-Lu. &'1Ca. 815:] -$1; Wear limits mm (in) 4 ((131575) 0,4 (0.015?) 5;“ Pg?“ ~l l _.<-. -. STEERHQG AME FROM?‘ AXLE STEERING BOX AND LINKAGE .3 l Removal and disassembly. E The steering box removal and disassembly should be made as follows: l Parts £0 be removed. Operations and cautions. l The batteries. The dashboard. E x Remove if wiih ifs frame from the batéery box and the gearbox; detach the rear /ighfing cable from central cormection. Steering arm from drag link. The steeri ng box. 5/acken the 4 screws fastening the baféery box to gearbox; remove screws fastening the steering box to gearbox; remove the steering box with the dashboard {lift the battery box firsi). Clamp the steering box in auvise and remove the following components: $%@e-"ire arm. Use puller A 735003. Shaft and roller, Remove the adjusting Screw 1'Q¢k,r7uf and {he ,0/ye, F 5 shaft side cover (see Fig. ‘$23), 1- 73 EI -_'I,|~>¢<;.aw=-u1~,\»a_\ ' .-<....,,__=_‘_'_ E I 3'"F‘f'.‘.‘.';\4» --“‘\ \ \ “ ~ i;. nxy‘ .-" "-~ in WT:‘\ $1 T I5 ; :*~.:.'-sh:-1 7_;:_; Ii e‘ 1‘ 1,3,2. §12-_‘;. 1‘. =_’_ ' ‘a »..~T'1.* »>:».;., 5 ‘I: e:‘:l"'*'J 5* fie>4»' “l-"‘ - Y-“.1? 2585?}??? -._--mm‘ —:; id" '*17‘1'?"€ -T1 r-_=..A : L. =..-‘.1,-~ _.»,¢‘- .1. Fae‘ ' :- m..-- 3 in .,3‘ . . .» - .~,-'-‘,- I \. Y»I .|_ ’ §::.'=3.?\i~.'-"5 1.<,;__;; l/,1;d_1i;l‘ r.:€‘_ §1- _l':.f': -‘"=._ .;z Fl.1‘ ~. ig._ Q , 4;-_f~, _. ‘Q; r-" _, -:=;:;.. 5: .,-- Fig. ‘E2<}. - Steering box perspective view. R == Roller washers » S = Screw to roller tooth aligning __ . 3 - ‘Kg-;»~ R L “‘\?‘I :w‘:A;' :i_fl"' d *i;'§ ~‘,;;' '.~e;:;_.5.,;§ ~. ~, l F R at ‘ J‘-‘An ; ~.m_1. ;~:_.l;-:1‘=-~ '.';.4.r,-W!. J ‘‘“Z9,IT‘I?».-; [f "'9;, w~ .-.8lg: C? ==-I-~ -.--—-1;: ". _ I’.- eh .. ‘.—.-=1".-‘:"1‘---5-' W .,T‘ h“*1”we "ii~M.;.<.s':.=¢‘< , '_ i’ .2"? .fi= 2% ' ’ £6 ‘$1! .. .~f_::~*;* 6; ';.~__.: . ,. ..:¢';~.';z_ 3%? .3‘;-'= F5; , L? P*~‘:"E'=.‘ ‘”'§;»\;» '-'7" ~f{5!."=§Z%>!‘&1..~'§h¢" -~.~:1¢~>:l .1 . —;. f»»\—. ’ _ _ ,1. -. 1.V 1 . 1 . "‘/'4‘-‘§4":=_‘> . so ,1 31:; 51115’ _~=.-.~-.__.__ . . ,.__§'"' 4-€'1~F 2:: <-,. ~, ‘ ---"25’; ‘ -- :;'.-=_-;' ‘ f‘i‘=‘.¢1.. V .;' ~12--’7€\; '" ' ' _~. .-Ir-.‘-"1"‘ '{=i'~17' W-‘*2 ¢-..‘:~'-1:‘ +1 .»; 3.. ;._. -.1.-.--‘.~; .-‘.»- ' .;. .-.-;-;-.'_ --;-=7 -g " :I._‘.J.','-1;’ ., :_:_‘-‘-§‘1“::i€-__‘-I,-—:_E' _';:l.;:n-1j1_§l:' ~;;Z€‘=.. - . . _ -r -.. =,,_ V P »- ;.~: V. 9;: ~rz‘;.~\29_' T. ' 1: " $35.2"? .i'.",~,.=Il1=‘$Zt‘1 " fi“*‘»q='%=>-1?‘-""-n‘ -=-=:-‘.‘>':-":'»:§»,._. ' F ' ;.:"&=.“e—~"‘-‘. --‘;4;;>;:r shims ~ T =1 Taper roiier bearing adiusténg shims - Gg and Gp = Roller shall seals » VI’ =1 Adjusting screw. Fig. 121. - Steering box muunied on iractor. hlspection of stripped out componenis of steering box and steeréng unit. Check mating surfaces of roller and worm gearfor notches or traces of seizing. Check alignment of roller and worm gear, this signifying that the roller and worm screw reciprocal position is correct; if otherwise, the shims should be changed (S, Fig. T28). Check for clearance between bushes and the roller shaft, according to specifications of page 76 and replace bushes when iimits are exceeded, in order to maintain proper mesh between roller and worm gear. Ream bushes after assembly, using reamer U 611916 to achieve the correct diameter. ‘ H roller shows end play, due to wear of the two washers (R, Fig. 122}, replace the shaft also, being the parts riveted together. l Check the taper roller bearing for free play and the roller shalt oil seal. v~+/ Check eieering arm and drag links for straighthess; if bent, straighten ihem anci make sure ihat their strength is u nlmpaired. -._ . -~. ,_. _ l .- . _= -. Steering box assembiy. Parts to be assembled. Operations and cautions. The roller shaft bushes. If bushes have been replaced, after reassembiy ream l l l them using reamer U 611916 up to fine rfiameéer specified In page 76. 74 l; '£ ! §. . . ._-. lg 1; l. ax.» -‘.:c>,¢.»c4;g-.u4_- The lower taper rolier bearing outer races and shims (S, Fig. 122). To avoid eitering the setting of roiier and worm gear, the shim pack S thickness shouid be varied if ii i the worm gear, the roller or the steering box have been replaced; the shims pack should the/7 be J . adjusted as foiiows: ‘i w a) mount the worm gear assembly, after smearing /*~-\ 1 it with red lead compound, and adjust rj‘/f,-‘&(3_r;§Q of taper roller taearings; / / \ b) mount the roller, shaft, cover and the steering arm; 5’’ 5':1 C} adjust theroiier and worm gear bearing afiggfds ing to indications following. z 4 ¢";'£fq '.'¢--' .21?" . . “ii” *'¢ »~'/ -_.; . .7 ”- _.-=.i-4.;-e iv .1 -4 | Wf it " '=.\ . hi“\rer, 5 ‘,- new adjustment of bearings with shims T. \* if-_-.§__, ;.' _, _,_. .:5’ star» J Note. - Each variation of shims S, calls for a * "““'*~ I | ' ‘*1-_.t at c-."-;“e~ - =9 _,¢/,§'-er:-Tu.-_ \\-iu;€§§‘ 6‘ “ \J \_/ -' “ , . .1"-.-.’,.'.r..-.r— fur -»_...../ J I ‘E’ “T” "' "' I "l\ K) _ _ > ‘ 5',-\ 1 'V - ' / , \ ‘Ed/I g F c * "" t .. _ D ~5 QV Q " 1.8 \ 5 ‘Q’! 1%} 2; ‘ '. s 5:-:1: 5‘. I D Q M liiréjl _ ,,. K7- .---§ -_. _—- J 4 Fig. 122. - Roller tooth cross~sectinn. R = Rc-Her washers - S = Shims centering screw to roifer - E; T = Centering shims taper ‘nearing adjusting shims. The worm gear, with the taper roiier bearing actjustingshims (T, Fig. 122). Fig. 123. - Longitudinal section of rolier tooth shaft. Gg and Gp = Sears - Vr : Adjusting sci-9W_ Mount the worm gear shaft with its bearing shims and check it for flee rotation which must be ac- complished without excessive effort. The roller shaft, the cover and the steering arm. -...,, Adiustment of rofier and worm gear bearing. The correct functioning of the mechanism requires that the distance between roiier and worm gear be as sm aii as possible and corresponding to the original specifications. To this end, after mounting the unit and positioned the steering arm as in Fig. 122(this corresponding to straight forward motion of the tractor) the adjusting screw (Vr, Fig. 123) should be screwed on, in order to take up the piay between roiier and worm screw; in addition, check that this condition remains un- varied as the steering wheel is turned 30°, ieft and right. After adjustment, tighten the lock nut of screw E/r. To refit the guide box assembly to tractor reverse the dismantling procedure. I 3 5 After assembly, service the guide box with SAE 90 oi! and the drag link grease nippie with chassis grease. 75 ~., -y~,».-'= Steering {@518- After adjustment. check the steering wheeis aiignment with the tractor axis; nevertheless a toe—in of abeut 5 mm (0.‘|Q69”) and a camber of 2° are acceptable. Check tightening of the steering lever baits and the cross tie~rod ciamps and check tie-rods and levers fgf gtraightness, to avoid eariy front tire wear. ! i sP£c%r=z<:A"r1o:~ss, ASSEMBLY CLEARANCES mm PERMISSEBLE WEARVOF swaaams mscmmssm rsvzsrasm BOX), "ma-zoos AND LEVERS | i 1 I _ ~—~ * — *' "f "W : r i ! *" 5 nah?) I , mm U" "' ' "*** ””""" 3 ' 1 i Assernbiy clearances ' ' ' 7"" mm (in) Wear E limiis 3 mm {in} i Steering box bush inner diameter 34,925 to 34,050 ‘ ~ Between steering roiler shaft | 0.3750 to 1.3160} 0,025 to 0,075 and its steering box bush Steering roiier shaft diameier i i 1 I i "' i g 2 . \ 0,15 (00010 fio 0.0030] E 34, Q00 to 3d B75 ~ 0.3740 xG 1.3.30) , (00059) 5 I k ‘ i Coverbushinnerdiameier{afierpress | 34[g12m 34.93? I ii fining) 1 (13745 to1.3755) l Ba-.weera ‘ _ steering roiler shaft "i ”” mi i Steering control rolier shaft diameter 34,875 to 313,900 1 0312 10 {L052 iwl anditsbush °“s‘e“"‘g hm‘ Cover (00005 \° 00024) - P .. 5 ‘ moose) ‘ ; (153730 ‘I0 1.3740) 29,020 10 29.0729}; Y Upper bush inner diameter of steering _ (1-1425 *9 31445) i_, _ _ transrnissinn lever _ _ i _ ,_ __ Between upper bush inner diameter and ihe steering ' transmission lower iever 28,96‘! to 29,000(°) pivot Steering transmission ieverpivot diami 9421' (Section A-A, Fig. 126) i (‘M404 io 1.1417) inner diameter of lower bush of steer» mg arm ~ K —— Steering arm pivot diameter 7 i __ _____ _ _ _____________ ‘ ! 38,025 ta 38,087 ¢ ' 0.4910 to 1.-£995} ---z' V —r — | " __ ; Drag-fink pivct djameier = i ¢ ; i _ ' B EIWEEI1 ,0 I DWQF b U5 h IHFEEF . E; ! 0625100126 i diameter the steering 5- ((100.0 '6 10 . 0.0050) ' arm iowerand pivot 0'35 " i _________i M 12,000 to 12,043 ; (04724 to 0.4741) W __ _,_ Beiween drag-fink end bush f and its paw . _ ________ _ ir (00138) Z I ‘ Drag-link bush inner diameter ‘ ' ___ _W___ 0,35 (00138) I| w ! 37,961 to 32,000 1I (14945 in 1.-mar) ___§ 0,020 to 0,105 : (00003 to 0.0041‘) 0i __ _________ 1 __,__ Mi 1 0,000 is 0,070 (mono to 0.0025) 0,3 =;Z;;~:-ea L‘ . ~_,. .-,_ -‘ .. ’.»,.%::»-1;.I’3€:fi‘1"‘ .-,-e-'~ _: -_=¢_;§-‘=,e;71-e-' -. . , '4>r\' »=e:y- '=-?s."* -_,_,-._v :__ 1 5. e ' :__ ‘- ~_ r

. ; ‘lé.-fie, e‘ . ;=.-::=< ‘e " '1,*.-.~ =¢ ..»_!; -i1L‘l%“r'5i“e, ‘=;_l..§;;+-5-.-: _ 1 - .'“=.1--'3 "2 '1-'J;'§'§'~.::é=K;-¢_<1 f ;if!7:;1g? '36‘ ‘ .; 1:- ! e e .-; /Q K’ 2:-as-1*;¢‘;=\. \-.,sI1\‘~- -'/ “r ""§r>.;§_ ,.,,,~. .2-» “ _ -- Fig.124. - Remove! of front axle and radiator from engine. ;E Fig. ‘I25. - Front axle mounted on rotary stand for over”.,_ ~-.<_+,\.u»e-,'_—.~» 5 2 3 >§ hauling. § § 77 ¢~.-w»-,~=.-1»~?- JVZ Z/‘I3 I 1" 4&3.‘ / >.,2 bi r5 ‘i '\ '\_l _ -1 4 “ x '~" £__\" I ~.- ~r9V\V 1/.» v-_\ J 1?’;/1-'-'-’\f-r\:/>.J:\';§-/r.\r 3&1 , ;~\;;.;\_;.-i-q\'_ “.".;, ~__>\""._;_- ._._.-.c,::Jw__....».-um" .6-“>3. .g;,..___...-:1;/__.a,,1;gfi"'~€-104'?-4'Tr_¢2E/1 i» 1 " \1!|\x m.Q w1»--' -fmm“ "' l ~_\.. .; .m_ i . - £3 i i ‘___‘_:* _‘_ .‘__~T__-_ I ‘ ‘i .x-=~*‘**‘“““ ‘ ““~\u. mam‘ 4 | 'd. _»/ '~ \='~.~' :.-;_‘~T:r $19? d f‘ ; L is _ _,_,.» W ._/1‘-M I 1 ,,_ A ;,// ‘i 1 ‘ :n4e,,. 4:-I-h 4v.,,-4___’£.:'.; ?’ .e -ma». j./{’*"§._i‘j._s;,;":>\ ex '¢"/ arms _\ "‘ "~ sq i ill l -.;§ 1,_.._ ' "~<%-7 .,. F“ “ 1 "1. '1 - z _\ ‘ . ‘ ‘Z I‘ ~ "e. In . ~Ii ' I‘ - I ' 9% ‘u¢;,\ \\\$ \\\\.\»>\ ‘-\;\w\\ 1*‘ I ? - was v... J Sect. A-A i _ _ . » . i,—;_-;=;.§-.-;-r_>_ -.—~-€—-1'--in-:-1~'c<'v.-iqif " é é i I . Z . - . ,_._ - —. KJ I "'\ unnmnonm "L ~ . _-.J_ _ Fig. 1&3. ~ Front axle section. Check the wheel nub cover rubber seals which must ensure protection against slush and moisture infiltration from outside into the bearing; set near to the wheel a surface gauge and rotate the wheel to check the disc and rim for deformation: this check concerns both steering wheels. Check the camber of the steering wheels by laying a square in the vertical plane along the wheel axis, and checking if for any two opposite points on the rim, the difierence between measured distances is constant; _ check front tires for wear and replace them if their central steering ribs are too worn. I i ! Assembling. Assemble axle according to Fig. 126; no difilculty l should be experienced. Note. - The lower bronze thrust bearing of the steering knuckle shall he installed with its lubrication passages facing the steel upper thrust bearing. End the assembly by greasing the hinge pivot, the steering knuckles, the front wheel hub cover and the front wheel hub with chassis grease. 78 E E SPEClFlCAT'!ONS, ASSEMBLY CLEARANCES AND PERMISSIBLE WEAR FRONT AXLE COMPONENTS § 1 ii 4‘ ~ 9 J Data mm (ml 1‘ \ ,‘ . _ _ ._ ‘ . 3 1 1 Axle hinge pivot bush inner diamtfzer (dimension to be obiaaned &?ter bush press~1‘ittir:g) (1) 1\ w ‘ \ " W W’ l Min WW ' W’ " ‘ Axle support thrust HFIQ -_ t h-ickness mm (in) ' f 31,975 to 32,660 Z (12589 to 1.2598) hing!-1 Pivvf 3 ‘ \ ' ‘ 0,025 to 0,112 0,35 f (0-9019 '50 E‘-99“) Q (onisgég is gfigso) _t we” limits mm (in) : . Between bush and from axle 5 ‘ ;' _ 1 ’ \ Assembly cfearances ‘ 32 025 t 2 08? H5603 is iéfiss) Axle hinge pivot diameter > 1! 1 1 ___ I ‘ ‘ 3 ___ ‘= thickness fiftinimum 2 ‘ ‘ 1 \ _ (OMS-B) {0.0?87} Y . 1 5 Sfeering knuckle bush inner diameter 38,025 to 38$” (dimension to be obtained after (_M9?0 to 1.4995) ; 1- bush pressmflng} (1) A-" * ' ' Steering knuckle pivot diameter a e nv ear: ' <1‘sa m .. bush Inner ' ' -i 37,975 to 33,000 ‘ ‘ eter and king pin @025: , 0 cm ', g5 (011010 ‘:0 0.0044) ass , £03138) 1 (14951 EC 1.4951) 1 1 1 Axie thrust bearing cup thickness Axie hinge thrust bearing thickness v \ n - 3.925 to 4.600 (031545 to 0.1575) 1; 5 1 1 Minimum 0,91 10 1,09 _ 410.0358 to 0.0429) _ — _§ —~ jthickness 0,6 § g (0.022:-5; 1 Minimum »— thickness 3 (Q1181) 11.. W WK. ._;_W _ ,_ _,_ (1) Axle hinge pivot bushes and steering knuckie bushes shall be mounted into their seats with an intederence af 0,05 to 0,23 mm {c.0020 to 0.0091 in). 1 I | 1 \ E w i 1; \ I 7 > I 1 1 J | \ 79 > p _.é_._ "- OI “’~“* ——~ev ~:-~M.'\m'~f‘-. c Z ‘ 1 M til¢t~§|§izls§:1:l*&=@ @g:l:|=;§l; B 1 Q <1 nr (3! cf E 8 l T" ~ r-J 1 Yc'l{wie::_ Slack L'“' __ j ‘ klluw __8r¢L "'_(— II "O _' _ -6: =1- - . _¢l},;_.j=},_ _ _; ¢,:_'°——I-¢l'»;__»';__ §:fi\‘t1€12=3‘.§|. 7 ___U| ‘ ' I P Brawn I ' »Z " ‘l" _--_-'*'fr--—*r l ‘ U,_. _ , _ . l c:::.»— PC so ‘I Q § l; = '1" Brren 2 .1a 1 ‘i r(».T\— J _¢D@~. M._ . lB G] ‘l 1'24! | JCIZ 'v _ l ‘ 1 39% 54/2 : =l "1] n.r‘h Sn 6?, I 2 "A Qt FPG _ C1~r' , W’ GreL ' "'7 _ fit h 1 , Blue W L-@¢?B>"j . .'_""""—j' Ls I £&lu<-I l 5§3 F . r - = -_.,- *_. i 1 ' !=r=1 L?" _ 7, *___m____ l ‘E: l <6;___.._ |___- l- H_ iii» __‘_ __V_ B|=c5___ J r . L4_ it uni B'.;t\:____~_~i ‘ I f I 9-‘own 7 ”9{="*"\ r Y mu : -.r»~4. _=.t~-.M-~. _ . _ il 50a .-_ . . 56b........i'_ I __ , 1 m1.!@ . 51 V: lbw.T‘ . _ _ “ (“I and 2 Elazk ' Q-‘ I-»—1-~—- I ac: Green l 1; ‘ | * “ 4i‘ »— _;..._.__ _., _.,,..:[._._.,. I I 1 gr)» _.-_. -. -O l a=r I1 r. l l9 - *»**=5.#-54 _f_ ; M.__i.W____ ..Y ::_’__,.,_ . - W >__ _ _V _V;_r_:i l ,i--..~...--4 ~ mfg FPT 12] -* F Yeiio Fr — ~~*~' Lf - ii|___.; ‘W ~ Q T’ q§_l_9__*- if-‘-*-—2? GP " and Black ‘i—'—-"3 , — -t— ~'.'¢70— ;- - ——-—'-—-~--—--—-- /l*_‘ :~-&‘§§@>rl%*- PR W |.. r;=> Fig. 127. - Electrical diagram cf tractors series 400. 8. Generator - M. Starting motor - C. Glow plugs. - B. 12V Battery - A. Horn, optional ~ PA. Horn button — FPA. Horn i fuse - P. Headlights, with a 5€J_='1.‘5 W bulb - GR. Control box - PC. Fuse box ~ FPG. Control bax éuse - LS. Battery charge warning iight - F0. Dashboard lamp - CLA. Lighting and starting key switch - CA. Starting lever switch » FP. Right taiflghl ~ ' FPT. Combination number plate and lelt tall light - GP. 2-pole socket - FR. Rear lamp (optional). 1 » 80 &l\bAI-v.y-. Each position of the iever on the switch corresponds to a circuit, and precisely: ~— position £1: 15/54 —— All equipment off. ~— position ‘t: §5;'54-19 —— Glow plugs. ~— position 2: 15,r'54-‘E9-filla - Glow plugs - starting. The lever returns automatically to position 0 from levers 1 and 2. i i s\ Fuses. The equipment belonging to the electrical system is protected by tour 8 A fuses contained in a box pieced near the dashboard and by two other tuses. I 1 I i — Fuse 54,3 protects: L. H. side front parking light - R. H. side taliight ~ 100 mm die. tloocilight with built~irr switch. — Fuse SUEZ protects: Driving lights. -— Fuse 301'? protects: Passing lights. — Fuse 54,"2 protects: R. H. side tront parking light - dashboard light - L. H. tailight and number plate light ~ two-pole socket. —~ Other fuses 1: -*w»v'-e—wr_»~=.<-w>»~.=¢_,-».~r,_ protects the control box; protects the electric horn (optional). The generator with spy-light, the starter and the glow plug circuits are without fuse protection. -\ QM»-,. @r—.< ,_~.w_,. Find the cause ot fuse failure prior to repiacing a fuse. -vu».~ \<¢--ul.>»no1\-=.|~rum.s_-' B2 1%--~v\ — 1 1 § § r,. g . 3*" Q Y. 3 =! .,it 1: GENERATOR TYPE R 115-140;'24-1600 Var. 2 2 ='\ Specifications. '?jd:1LE‘~f; 7;/‘W7 éffififjd 1'00."-*1 fin) Fiat generator type R 115- 146,!24- T660 Var. 2 (see fig. 128) having the foiiowing specgifications. has been mounted up to engine No. 005644; it has than been repiaced by generator type D(3115_/24,f?;'3 C. Maximum continuous output (24 V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Maximum continuous current output (Ampére—fimitaf:ion at 28 V) . . . . . . . . . Speed at maximum continuous current ouiput, at 24 V and 20° C (68° F} . . . . . Maximum continuous speed 3: ‘r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . Direction of rotation, as viewed from driving side . . . . . . . . . @ O"1\ 3e2.A»-A / i; E:-A 31 _"?'1. 1. i, ~ ' Err ~..\ " ‘ r:§<’,ir on ‘H 1] A fé‘ \J\ shunt cfockwise . A53-14-0j24 V /K I / ..» , , 4%; _. ii‘. 4|; 5., 6' /1.64%“ ‘\§.__V. _ \ / J’ /., 7 J\ §gH_». :\ua1\¢~Hé\-';’ (‘W , 2 /Ix-r _ 1 - g, ‘ 7 7 1 __ \ , r; __ 6 ‘_- n| o :._ :5“) ' _.__,iV;":: ' W5!‘ by *%\\~-av‘ T ‘T’ 5, - av. lip‘ , _'“"oi‘ I o rrio M -—-‘W ——- 5 % 1") 7: '\ I } i K 5»'2 9592 5*_ 1,_L ‘-. 7i 1 " Tr ‘—m-ii’ -~M_~_--W“ I ~ , 4 I @ / '9? 4 u W |,._._..-__..._, 1% ~ =3 In ‘I’;/fit /‘Q1 ‘ _._; 4000 R.P.M. . . . . . Reguiator group type . 1 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .:‘. .,.:§;,.A ‘HG W 4,75-5,25 A 1400-1880 R.P.M. ~:~:n»:~1¢,U1 -(Q.-[$3 \ @%\\@ /2 ‘ “J“ +9 as ".~’ Fig. 128. - Seciional View of generator iype R115-‘§48,"24-1EDO Var. 2. ‘Vi L Radial brushes - 2. Fieid coiisr - 3. Pole shoefasiening screw - é. Pole shoe A 5. Driving side support » 6. Frame ~ T. Armature 8. Comrnutatcr ~ 9. Lubrication wick - 10. Lubrication chamber -_11. Field coii terminal. Bench testing the generator. r."4u=-I."-hnair‘ Test generator efficiency, according the checks Jisted hereafter: Generator shoufd aiways function coupled with regulator type A/3-'14€!,f24. 7\ E -<..._ Generator tested as a motor. The arrangement consists in connecting fermfnais 67 and 51. shoré cfrcuifed, as shown in Fig. 129. \ 5; Generator shaif be fed as an electrical motor aé 24 V. K“ Check that afasorbed current, under such a voltage, is 3-5,5 A at 9504150 R.P.M. A5 g\ As test is finished, immediately disconnect terminals Q ~:—!.-=\_¢I,M-\_<;.n,o_q P =s a ,=‘\ 1 e ,>. , 1 moJ9 /-~r-M-*2 /r 1._ 57' and 57 (short circu/Ted), to avoid damaging the V fieid coils as generator speeds up. AG Q \ \ .....L__ Z ¥--r ML? E-a Fig. 129. - Wiring diagram for testing the generaior as a motor. G. Generator ~ V. Voitmeter, 30 V ,€op reading - A- Amrneter, top reading. (B?-1?9='5' should suppiy slightiy more than 2:1 V, V as current is TA). = f-Inna» >-;J~_-M.ur1:u =.-M, 83 ’| i s The output curve shown in Fig. ?3B has been obzfained Chegking generator output (constant voifagel with generator heated after a period of operaiion. Therefore, before plotting the characteristics, mouni the generaior on five tesf bench, according to diagram amr>@r@_ ,__ of Fig. 13%; rim it through a moior for about 30 rml .— .1 —- en *1 i‘ § _ ‘J nuies, at 20-00 R.P.M. The current output (5-5,5 A az‘ 28 V) shouid be Sup- _*_i_1_. piied by a rheosiai, Siop generator, and disconnect ioao‘-rheostai. Fioéaie 44v4“\ 5——; _ ‘ \ E 4 ‘ |_.T____ ‘ I . W ‘ 3. Q.J>(<€?Y‘_.,..L 1 37 2; _ ‘ _ r _*_ 1 _ 1.7% _ ,I \ er. I I ‘ ‘ .‘_ .____Ti o . 5. ‘ '1 0 _ , P -/ \ - _-._ -._,__ _ _r____ _ ,. 11> _ __ EGG L\‘; — I Such e speed represenfs the cui-in speed {hot con- ~ __ a _ ditions) and shouid lie between 1230 and 1360 R.P.i‘vi. (points on abscissa ~ diagram of Fig. 139). W __ _______ HM ii W?’ 1‘ 7 »~--. i r, 1 \ 3 ‘l ~,e-§i“i: :;:; ;§§“ _o ii ier; —nv-~V6on~-;e:-_ ; " : : : :iTfi: mom“o ;om o-._.:~ ; u._ L.mL._ > E E).§;.:_ .,._.‘ _..1.‘_ _, _ _wi;_ _ W_.w _o . T..- /\ “M1 “‘4W4; 4 1 _i generator, graduai/y increasing ifs speed uniii ihe voiimefer reads 24 V, Eben measure the generator speed. F568 Fig. 130. - Output curve of generator type R115-$40_!24$603 Var. 2, when warm. Sfop fhe generator, inseri the /cad-rheosiaf, and meiniaining constant fise voltage, check againsi the various speeds fine current values included in the cross-haicheo’ area of diagram in Fig. 138. Diagram piofiing should be made rapidly when generator performance is beyond iés rated output and therefore overioaci mighi damage ii. {Cut-in speed at 24 ‘v'.: 12OD»‘lé(}0 F?.F.M.). i“m“%__‘= I ’}I‘~ '1" m ’ G \/“"1 “ _:o 21 57 51 '\ , + i = e—Jmn@ ._-M.-M;@.- _- _ _ IL,_ it- - - J .q]..L..e_.. _.. e ‘r—\£l§1$2l.:Q ./‘-3;"Q HG-_ ; Kn” K/LP "W. it---if \\J/ _ Fig. 13?. - Wiring diagram for the output curve pioiting {ampére versus R.P.M.) at 2 constant voitage of 24 V. Fig. ‘I32. - Diagram of connections to check genaraior heaiing. Ni. Generator actuating motor - G. Generator - V. Voitmeter, M. Generator actuating motor - G. Generator - V. Voitmeier, 30 V top reading - A. Amrneter, 10 A top reading. (The reguiator group to be coupled to the generator should 30 V "lop reading ~ A. Ammeter, 20 A top reading. be of the A;‘3-140f24 type). Temperature test. if in doubt es lo the maximum temperature of the generator during operation mount if on the iesi bench, with pulley and regulator group, according to diagram of Fig, 132. Run generator coring 45 minutes at 2000 R.P.M. and during Y5 minutes at 4000 R.P.ii/i. supplying to a resisior a current of 4,95 to 5,55 A at 28 V. Overheafing measured by pyromeafer, should be: — on generator frame: 45° C (113° F), or less; W on commuiafor: 90°C $794" F}, or less, 84 <,.LZ'lZ‘IlTl;' Checking ohmic resistance. l Field-winding resistance at 20°C (68° F) should be 7-.' ;.~-.l '-4 l l l l Bisassembly. Proceed as follows: - remove the commutator head, disconnect terminal 67, unscrew and remove the through-bolts: 1 cl 1 -» remove commutator end bracket and slide out the armature with the other bracket; -— clamp armature in a lead-jaw vise and remove the drive pulley and the remaining bracket. Troubles ~ Repairs. W. -ew. e-l. . ,‘ l l l l l Battery charging faulrs may be due to: i ~1‘auity generator; - other trouble in the system. l l Make sure to locate trouble first. The tell-tale lamp may furnish an indication with engine stopped or running at different speed rates. if the generator is faulty, the cause may be sometimes found elsewhere, and particularly in the regulator group or in the circuits; "therefore. the operator should take care of generator efficiency and also check the regulator §?oup and the whole system in order to prevent repetition of the generator trouble after its I lI l l reconditioning. The battery charge spy lamp may be helpful to detect trouble. li when introducing the starting and lighting key, and setting it’on position 1, the battery signal lamp remains lighted, the generator is normal; if engine is being started and accelerated to a given speed, the light should go out. i - l If, on the contrary, the lamp goes out only when engine has reached high speeds, the trouble may be due to faulty windings (grounded or short circuited), or to the armature. Generally, the higher the R.M.P. rate at which the charging begins, the higher the potential damage. ll the lamp remains lighted, this indicates an interruption between the generator cables and the regulator group; or shows that the group contacts are oxidized, and internal connections dissolclered; or that some generator coil is interrupted, or completely grounded. ii the above procedure leaves the light out and the trouble persists also after replacing the bulb this signifies that the trouble is to be found between bulb holder and switch, or between switch and the con- l l nections oi the components branched upon it. When the battery indicator light goes out to go on again the engine speed being steady the fault is probably due to the regulator group or fuse or to‘ the electric connections (the jacks), i 85 is §: Generator repairs are to be carried out as foilowsz a) Brushes. li broken, chipped, or worn out, replace them with spare parts furnished by the FIAT Company ~ Sezione Ricambi. Be sure to avoid the installation of other brush makes, as FIAT spares only can ensure a regular and iong lasting operation ot both commutator and generator. b) Field-winding. A Check field coils by circulating test bench current though them (Fig. 133) and measuring the voltage and the current with the bench instruments, then calculating the coils resistance. I 1 if connections alone are interrupted, repair them carefully; but it the winding is damaged replace the essembly with a new FtAT spare. We do not suggest maicing {laid coils, as a speciai procedure i§‘requlred. Poie-shoe’screws shouicl then be fully tightened to set the air gap at its previous vaiue. Reboring cf poie~shoes must never be resorted to, if the air gap (see table on page 87] is not obtained; we advise warning up somewhat the coiis, which are already shaped, to facilitate their installation. 0) Armature. Commuiator. - li commutator bar surface contacting the brushes is worn or out-of-round, turn down the commutator. Be careful when fixing the armature in a lathe and centering it, as the instailation of armature assernbly between centers is not possible. Commuiator centering should be most accurate, as commutator out-of-round, measured on brush ways should not exceed 0,01 mm {0.0004"). After commutator turning undercut the mica between bars using a saw blade to a depth of 1 mm (0.0394”}. l Armature winding. —~ If damage is in the armature winding, replace the whole assembly. it is not advisable to attempt making a new coil, as a special procedure would be required. Armature checks are to be made with the instruments illustrated in Figs. 134 and 135. i 1 4 i i I Fig. 134. - Checking the armature with twin-contact tool. (The interruption is located by the no indication of the ammeter). Fig. 135. - Checking the armature on the testing apparatus using a blade. -._. ._t. (Blade vibrates at short circuiis). l 4 1 86 n = Y -5 _’J\ .0 Reassembiy of generaéor. 5 i After any repair or replacement and before reassembiing the generator proceed as foiiows: .;' i. a) biow away aii dust — chiefly carbon dust — from aii components. using an air jet; §| b) oiean brush hoiders and the commutator end bracket from grease and carbon dust deposits, using _;r a dry cioth; Ii " 3. 0) ciean commutator surface, removing carbon dust between bars. Avoid using emery paper or cioth soaked with gasoiineg or soivenis. d) check brushes for play inside brush-hoiders, against the vaiuee iisted beiow: ;.u~.,_ ii, —~ cross clearance i —~ and ciearance . . . . . . . . . 0,1 to 0,3 mm (0.603? to 0.6113"; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i1,2’:o 0,5 mm (0.6£i78” to G.0f9?”} e) check brush spring pressure which shouici be 69 to ‘F6 kg (1.521 to 1.675 1b.); 1‘) service with high meiting point grease the baii bearing, the commutator and bracket bush and the recess at the end of the bushes (Hi, Fig: 123) and replenish with oii SAE 50 HD the wick of the same bracket ii.1 The sequence shown in the chapter << Covering disassernbly» shouici be reversed to reassernbie the generator. Mind that when assembiing the drive end bracket, its introduction may be facilitated by holding iateraiiy both brushes and springs. - emu After reassembiing, repeat the functionai checks as shown in paragraph << Bench testing the generator», ‘*'"~i-urg;_. I. 1 FIAT GEEERATOR R 115-14€];’24 - 1600 Var. 2 - SPECIFICATIONS ; Items i Values i & -_.a~mi.2~_;.-g‘SA ~ ‘,-<-,4 Operational test as motor .- _~.¢-. “ _-sew-L ' Running genegaior before piotting oi the curve (hot condition-run duration: 50 minutes}, amp. versus re-vs . . . .-§A.- _ Ti r . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . r.o.m. 9504150 . . . . . Q4 v . . . . . 3-55 A i . . . .. f.§3.rn, goon ‘ . . . . , 28 v . . . . . 5-55 A i oi 4:“: min. ai 2006 r. .m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535$ 0,3 A I’ . Voitage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I QB V i i ‘ Commutator temperature ( ‘ Resistance, at 20°C: —fieid-coils 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3' — armature . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . i‘ i r Commifiator bar maximum aiiowed out-of-round . . . . . ‘ r Brush duration 1 5 . . . . . . Output current _‘ 1-leatingtesf . . . . . . . . , A . . , . . . - K ~ | r . . . . . . i .~ R““m“9 ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' " 3 of 15 min. afi woe r.§.m. ._._‘.,-_/;M. ._ I Speed Voltage Current Speed Voltage Current - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I Pressure by springs on brushes (new) . . . . . . . . . _= increment . . . . . . . . not more than: 90° C (£940 F} ‘| Casing temps-raiure ' increment . . , . . , . . not more than: 45° C (1130 F) 14,5-15,5 i> ohm. 0,520-0,545 ohm. i 0,01 mm (().0OO39”) i 0,59-0,76 R9 (1.521~‘i.675 1500-2500 hours lb.) ‘ Brush cross clearance inside brush-holders . . . . . . . ‘ Brush end clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r Diameter between poie shoes midlde fine . . . . . . . . i 0,1-0,3 mm (0.I3D39”-U.0f18") 0,3~0,6 mm (0.011?-0.0235’) 70,6-?0,8 mm (2.'I79” -2,737”) Air gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Tightening éorque of drive puiiey not . . . . . . . . . . 0,3~Ei,-$57 mm (0.Q1i8"-0.0186") 7 kgm (50.63 ft.ib.) r S7 l 1 q r-.H.n-,w.~ GENERATOR TYPE DC ‘l'§5/'24,"7;’3 C Witt‘: -Eli» mm’ {O-Q it M) Specifications. The generator type DQ115124/7;‘3 C, illustrated in Fig. 136, has been mounted beginning from engine No. 005045; its specifications are: Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Maximum continuous current (ampere - limited) 24 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘I A Maximum current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum continuous power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,5 A 195 W 233 W Maximum power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cut-in speed, 24 V, 26°C (68° F) . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 1550 to 1550 R.P.l\fi. Speed of maximum continuous current, ‘FA, 26°C (68° F) Speed of maximum current, 8,5 A at 20°C (68° F) Excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regulator group . . . . . . W25 to 'lB'i£i R.P.Ni. . . ‘£776 to i930 R.P.iii'l. 58% R.?.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum continuous speed Rotation (trorn drive side} . ciockvrrise shunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . i A""‘-$46124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . type ; ’;P1,.24!7 i I r Main features of this generator compared with the preceding one are: completely enclosed, more power, reaction type brushes. Reaction brushes are advantageous as vibrations against the brush-hoiclers are reduced, compared to the radial type. . For equal brush sections they allow a larger contact surface on the commutator, thus reducing both sparkling and temperature: the excitation current also ls reduced, and the regulator group contacts, \ voltage and current regulators have longer life. When the generator is coupled to regulator group GP 1,-‘24,|’7, starting (cold), it may generate a current greater than the maximum one; but it is reduced when the internal continuous running temperature has 3 i reached appropriate levels {thermal equilibrium), without any damages to the components. The feature is due to the current regulator, which, as explained when describing the regulator group, is thermostabilized. .A V an 2; = i| | I~ ., ‘y :1 “J-T""' en $1~ "“il'* l l 1 “Ia I GI: Id» can / ~\ E l &""'i-'1 J r ‘ " ' ' ____ 1 I Z I < i 'u -,'I, ~‘_‘~ »'>'¢L’:3'»"”" ‘}3:“ 1 ;/"7 ' \ I IA»Q ,, $55,631 $1 ‘N S-' h lam i — .,-"z-in1: =2 ‘“4t».\iie? (5:5'3"—'-"~' --H 'i’i/ E1 iii \ \~ 1- ' - =’ ll! i é "N I-I " — A . ._I.1Zi‘ ‘uiqr . t ......-.=- ., ' _ ,e__,_e_,_e_r_ _ l-=---~Y§-4%$ fQ 551$ -Z ,;_§ N~ .,#._ . 1' or ‘Tn "*1 ol¢5§4,gm l_ ' IE1 ' g, ,2‘ -1 a Fig. 136. - Longitudinal and cross section of generator type DC ‘H5124/"7,'3 C. Note: A bracket is fastened by screws (hot represented in the figure) to the generator frame. Bracket must be required separately. 88 mu-.»:r=-. _ ., -.,\»WMl.-i l 3 Therefore, if required by the equipment inserted in the system, the generator may be overcharged without any damage to windings: in tact, they are at ambient temperature at the start of operation and therefore are not yet thermally stabilized. 5 it When, after 20-30 minutes of functioning, due to ohmic resistance, the group and generator become stabilized, the current regutator reduces the current to a vaiue continuously possibte. 1 ll The temporary overcharged operation of the genera-.or, allows a quic knba -r artery rec h arge, especially if c its charge level is tow, due to repeated and cold startings. '4 T; The timiting current is a function of the surrounding temperature; and therefore during the summer the limiting current will be Jess than during the Winter, and the generator temperatures during the various il seasons are more uniform. ‘I Vi Checking the generator: troubles and re- 1! KP A medias. 21it A P1 Consult diagrams of Figs. 129-131432 for the 13‘11_e. 54;!-5‘I-\4%.~'.1 generator checks, and for the coit check the Figs. 133-134-135. l F5 1 _ 1 Tests to be carried out as for generator type ’r'E'l15~14t3;’24-1680 Var. 2. tabie on page B9. - _ _1 11~ _ 1 \ I rm. [ 1 5l11_ 1__- __._ l 1 " 4*-1.1_ 27.; takes place after ten hours of operation, with a current output of 7 A at 2900 R.P.i\/l. l~1 _i1. tu.-_-.¢_a. .; i Q; __‘ L ‘ ,.. J ::j._ 1r .__ 1 1 .. , __. ,L Té ___*_ 1 ; :4 ‘ 4;. : J 11L\ ~29 1'1iii _ — J ir 0*—l rooo See page 85 for the generator trouble ~ shooting and repairs. Kl... 1. . _. g 1___.1\ it : ;lt_‘_111_‘i:=’ j ‘1 _ be completely seated upon the commutator, which 4.. -4.:;_ 1 1 . ; ;_? l . 7"‘" 1 *1 do 8.-— ‘ii For specifications, see ee _ i_ Plotting the output curve (Fig. 137), requires the previous inspection of the brushes, that should r_-»1.;‘_.e-_‘.-t'. -'r.; 1"»-—_.J em-L ~ ~ ~ ~_ _ isoo _ ’l r.__u 2000 Cl ‘__J 1;_lJ; 2 . ll 1 zsao Fig. 13?. ~ Output curve of generator type lJC1t5,.‘.'z'r1,'1_/3 C. {Beginning of battery charging, at 24 V. T550-1650 R.P,M.3. at-_-.;~w_, .-.~i-1 GENERATOR FIAT DC 115_."24,1?;’3 C - SPECWICATIONS ‘ l 1 __. *1. 1 1 _ 11 11 1_. _ _. Items , 1 1 1 ’ sti -... i Operational test as motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._~.‘.~.¢u._=‘.- 1 Values Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170-1330 r.p.m. Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 V Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running generator before piotting or’ A]r.p.m. curve {hot condition-run duration 30 minutes) . . . . . . . _ . . l i Speed Rmmmg ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' Z ,l Resistance at 20° C [63° F) ohm: i I A 1 » A v » - - 1 5,75-7.25 A 23 V 90° C (1940 F) Casing temperature, not more than . . . 60°C 840° F) 15. 5-159 - . Ohm 030 O32 Ohm ' Tightening torque of drive pulley nut . . . . . . . . . . —— 7' A__-. i _____ i __**_ !______i;_ l 001 mm (0 oooae) or 04 mm recess"-<1 0157) 75 kg (152-1 67 lb) ro,rs-10.15 mm (2.*17s"-2.135") o,a-0,45 mm (o.o11a”~o.ot1r") 1 kgm (50.6 ft.ib.) I Diameter between pole shoes middle tine . . . . . . . . t Air gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . of15 min. at 5800 r.p,m. Output current . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commutator temperature, not more than . , . l Cammutato: bar maxrmum aliow-d out of-round E‘-rush end play with f19SP€Ct to holders) i Pressure by springs on brushes (new) l 2900 28 r.o.m. V Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75-7.25 A . ‘ 5 of 45 min. at 2300 r.p.rn. Voitage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Heating test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Fteld-coils (between terminal 67 and ground — Armature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,5-6,5 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —_—__ *7 - — — __ ' —-—— _ 1 W ; - _ i ..__ __ _ _ _ _ 89 I COHTROL EOX MOD. A,t3-1-£€l,i24 Description- The Fiat A,‘3~14G,»‘24 regulator unit: contains three elements: voltage regulator, current limiting regulator and circuit-breaker. These three elements (Fig. 138), fastened to the block, are enclosed in a sealing cover, equipped with gasket, which prevents shocks, dust and dampness. Mote. — A distinction will be made in the test between modifications made on regulator units with numbers up to 088917 and on those with numbers starting 088918 up; the numbers are marked on the coven Figs. 139 and ‘I40 represent voltage regulator and circuit breaker; the current limiting regulator iooks quite similar to the voltage regulator. Fig. 141 represents the wiring diagrams of the regulator units mounted on tractors series 400, and bearing the production number up to 088917 and from number 088918 up. The diagrams have thick lines to represent the coiis in series on the generator recharge circuit, to differentiate them from the shunted ones gm the same circuit. Ali armature stops are of the spring blade type, and adjust their toad according to the calibration value, through the screw located at each regulator unit element side. The temperature increment due to the shunted circuit currents and deriving thermal expansion. might influence the calibration values of the voltage regulator and of the circuit breaker. This is prevented by the Contact hinges, which, being bimetallic, are thermally compensated. The group bears the following terminal numbers: — - 51 67 31 30 - connected to positive generator terminal; connected to generator field coils; grounded; connected to the battery positive terrnirral and to etectric system. The wiringdiagram oi Fig. 127, points out the valve (FPS) protecting the regulator group. . g -..*=5fa "‘-A». ' 1'.‘ .37 -..T4,1‘:J-3. I2 _ ii :1. E -. _ ?.= ' /-‘ -“B .'.i;;.,'~{:‘.=.~_'- f‘7"‘-""7 “ "1" '31)‘ ..~~"~'J"§" ‘:__’ .F..-'16.»-—--E;-L-iF*?""' _,=_ .,_. '__1 » ..~r1-‘M 1-,.~ ' ."‘_'-.*}')__.‘.‘_*_ _. ..,,“'. _.=_>: _,- .7 1. . A'-1‘_,_..'._.__!_, _.,V: . ’~_ - . '-., .-I " _. 1. Fi§- T33» ' R99?-liilifll‘ unit (from no. 083918 up) as seen from the circuit breaker side. i. Terminal 31 - 2. Terminal 51 - 3. Terminal 30 - 4. Vottage regf.1latorto_current regulator connection - 5. Current reguiator “"95 ‘*‘""di"Q _terminai soidered to circuit breaker - 8. CurFQRT Feilvlator rixect contact connection with the regulating resistance. 90 .- .a ‘ii ;-,-,_ Q 9 ' er 0 :1 ,5‘ ' ”l‘: at-1: ~ __ . ‘ii’ '"‘. -' "w'-"-I*1--=. -M. 0 - E; ."“3‘ -L1‘;TjET‘§*.9,e;,, ,~ ;. Q lrt: 5 j =' , .?:\<.,. _ 413* ‘~ IR _: 1 9 ‘ __" _ . J, r._".,~1e{ _ 9'-ta 1.“: , ‘Ill. __ , rfi "'* 5 ' - _ll l l iZ --_ _ ___.. .‘I 5‘ 1 . ...."“”‘“l.."’ ‘-"q‘ii‘r‘lE-'-'-"==-'~-"' . ' '~ - gt,:-- *"*=t.-.-'“" 1 I~ . _. W 5 ' Fig. 139. ~ Cross section of reguiator unit: (section shows voitage regulator}. 1. Armature adjustment spring - 2. Calibration screw ~ 3. Voltage regulator body - 4- Armature - 5. Fixed contact holder screw - 6. Fixed contact bridge - 7. Hinge steel spring (the bimetallic blade is located on top). r .4 -i ii Fig. 14-8. - Cross section of regulator group. (Across circuit breaker). 2MR:.4-_§l‘*-=\“Z' i C1 2 1. Fixed contact bracket - 2. Pre-load shim - 3. Hinge spring (steel) bearing mobiie coniact - 4. Body - 5. Armaiure stop 5. Calibration screw — 7. Adjustment spring - L. Thermal compensation by~metaiJic biade - (a. Up to No. 088917 b. From No. 088976 up). ~ R. Armature rivet - C. Cuniact gap 0.7-0.85 mm (.00275-043334”) for armature, fiiied with rivet R for rivetiess armature, the distance between contacts i I2 i ii ,1. J: i ‘:’,,....__:_;.;~.:.~=w_z,r..—.._-.~.1;.~.5':_Z":_--...,,‘~ 4 :8. ‘+ 0 _ G mm F, [mm ' ..<.4“ i V _i_ /:\ if _ __ -L"-» ’-JP ‘*1-§Q.,.!£=§:i 5 ‘ ‘~" - —- is 1.15-1.30 mm (0.0-£52~0.0512“). _ 3 i 1; 1*‘ “(-3 - K; , la | . I J --~, - =1 7 _ \—/ ' ii ”L oo ~'-J§@.s=s mm?) R L ii i : 3} E 1-nnnauxulit BI‘....,........... ..=-:3.“ :1, $4; ""-' ..; V .... .£_.. > '~ . .. _ _.__._. , - . . ‘or i1 4i; O ' ‘-*4;~“.- . .|-< .. '17’r 1- 0 -v¢~"" .74’ 1 <22“ Q. A51 \ ' ,. ""'-§ilIiE25"‘ till i =3.. . ";w~»"i= '‘§~..-.-Jr ‘... ,_._,.__. L ..*i s< ,.=- Iv Fr;*" ~’{1_LlB;~=' ; ’"" The wiring diagram of Fig. 12"? shows the regulator group fuse. The diagram of Fig. 142 represent ‘she characteristics of the poshmodification and the pré-modificatign groups. Thejunction zones between the two hatched strips, represents the-functional limit beiween voitage regulator and current reguiator. important. 1. The regulaiion group type A,"3-14Uf24, should function only with generaior ijrpe R115-14!),/24~16G0 and type DC ‘I‘!5,’24,!?,!3 and derived. The group shaii never be used with a third brush generator even if of size corresponding to the generator prescribed above; the elimination oi the third brush would not change things; even worse it wouid be to connect a third brush generator as if it were controlled by a reguiation unit. The reason is that both groups and generator circuits, mainly the fieici coiis of the generator, that are so reciprocaiiy arranged as to get the best performance for the whole combination. »-. :\;.-¢~:.; -zs.:-i_.'-.‘- ._4§_,H.i;m._ _“ _ Ji ' ./‘Voltage reguiaior comer l’E'§i‘_1' X r r"*""""i ~i"~*==.=:3 .iH i F . Curran? reguiaiar /" i W ' xi as ii“ . " Q3 "I i ““' W ‘+ so ‘-1*‘ "I E -1; /._ 21 __.: WW [ \_ '3 31 T‘ e? ii Q1? -1 :> an + :1 + G a) up to group No. 088917, 5.. . ., 2_ »- _q~¢-=-~ ' ‘i :11 ”'?£~='Eé@~= o £67 51 ' — T51 95/ =1: i;“'“'\‘ Q. i i 'I ':' E Ii _ ‘/1 ‘ G 2)} from group No. 0869i8_ Fig. 14$. - Regulaiion unit type Af3 ~ 148/24 electric diagiflm. (As group is at resi, with generator running at iow speed the voltage regulator and Curréflf regulaior conracts are cioss-ci whilst fhose of the circuit breaker are open}. 91 1 vi 1 l r1 freer it , ° ¢@Z$%%%%%%Q -l e____-.-.. = " — | 24L £1 ~ 1 ~ t :“**“ 2 — LII," W _ , = 7 ff; fft" ,. “““*“"W °e"fl§'we2. ., m__ ;TWeju 1;Tf i ,l;§lf' *—~~~ ~-~~ -1.) —--._~ —‘-—- ‘—- - -.-. a) Characteristic obtained as generator runs at 2000 R.P.M.§ for regulation group up to No. 088917. _ ;§ _, 1 . Elli iJ%.. m~*e e@—e»»~e 2511- ; z - _M; l\> CD 25. ~ i ~__-—— ~ u 0 ;;lL;I ....;._‘__1__,_.;i.-_F. i;a _ e....__ \ N —Li Qin" l ll‘ _____ __ _ 22 *~— l —__ _____e _ L1 V .1 ~~~~3 l 4.-~».—r-i¢~._vn~) ' U1 . mH “T? 11> ’e) Characteristic obtained as generator runs at 2600 R.P.M., for regulation group irom No. 088918 up. Fig. 142. - Output characteristic on battery, with group at 50$ 3° C (1221 37.4“ F]. Q i l 3 iA 2. Avoid connecting group terminal 67 to generator terminal 51, even momentarily, because i'reavy'sparkling and group contact oxidation would follow and contact welding would also eventually fellow. it is thus irrctispensable to connect terminals having the same number; as even it wrong connections are eventually corrected and the group functions regularly, its usefulness would be nonetheless shortened. 3. Shocks to regulator unit should be avoided, especially to its lower part containing the adjustment reelstance (Fig. 146). During the bench-testing, the group shall be mounted with its terminals placed downwards, and an insulating sheet shall be -interposed between the fastening support and the base. 4. Connection between group terminal 31 and tractor grounding shall be well secured, otherwise the regulation effect would fail as both the current and the shuntcoils are lacking. This case allows the generator to increase its voltage as speed increases and windings are burned and voltage regulator and cut-out contacts are damaged, owing to excess of current excitation of the generator. Regulator group bench "testing. To avoid miscalculations, the regulator group performance data must be measured by instruments pe-rioclically calibrated and according to the prescribed rules and methods. No removal of group seals is allowed for taking such measurements. Checks. Gperatlons and cautions. Test efiiciency of regulator group as follows: a) a fest bench will be provided with a HAT Fr’ H5740,»'24~160lJ Var. 2 or FIAT DC 115;'24j'?l3 C generator, coupled £0 a motor whose speed may be gradually stopped; ta) insfallaiion should have the measuring devices and in slrumenis, concerning the testing of cutout relay, current and voltage regulators, according to instructions and rules hereafter. Cl-li~f>1lT r'9l<'=1§/- 1) Closing voltage. Wiring should be as shown in Fig. 143: - generator speed should be gradually increased; Q2 J $.. -- check the vohfmeter vaiue when cut-out relay closes; it must he read at the moment the lamp T I of 24 V, 5 W, lights; insert lamp between terminal 39 and ground. 30 3! 5? SS 3 '<‘l .5 . Q 3. ii4 \ 'x Closing value must be 25,1 to 25,9 V, for both pre-rnodification and post»moo’ification groups. ®—F_. Checks shouid be made when cold, before col} temperature increases. mi} a_. _®1_.-_ 2) Back current at 25¢ F0“ C (F73 50° F), Wiring should be made according to Fig. 144 and Fig. 1-£3. — Eiectricai diagram for testing the out-out reiay generator run to 2000 R.P.M. during about 5 minutes. making sure that voltmeter reads at least 29 2/, than decrease the generator speed. closing voltage. M. Motor 01' test bench - 6. Generator - V. Voitrneter. The ammelfer pointer which was indicating a certain charging current will decrease and approach 50 gem and begin to show the inverted current value. 33671 0 '*- "g‘\.z| ':,§H <.-"L,'5§~m~. -*,1am; ;g.‘*E )_H-.‘I ;“ §=3~ + to ' or 51 ..|. 7&7?" Z 3.’ ....-/ to 088917 and within 5 to 10 A for groups from number 088918 up. Fig. $44. - Electricad diagram for testing the inversion Note. - Such a test should be carried out quiclrly to avoid battery discharge. When repeated, start from a stopped generator. iii .1. -u' m; _l .-‘:5 2-v.n,5:,| m-.m As the generator progressively slows down the ammeter dial will show increased vaiues, up in a ¢@,tain iirnit; after that a sudden fall to zaro v/ii! be observed, due to the opening of the cut-out relay points. Such a current value will be not larger than 3 A for groups having production number up I ._ P—-UlI 1‘ current. M. Motor of test bench - G. Generator W A. Ammeter V. ‘voltmeter. (iafieries are connected in series and must be fuity charged, at a capacity of 60 Ah). Voltage regulator. Regulation voltage at hair’ load on batteries, at 566313306 (.12:?i37.4°F). Close the cover and connect it according to the dia- gram of Fig. 145 and operate the group until the coil’ temperature reaches 41" to 53° C (11? to 127'" F). \.N§1ulE\:rlu ii Start the generator and siowly run it up to the speed rate of 2000 l?.P,M.; adjust rheostat so that generator delivers a current of 4 A fhalflload currenz‘); Check that at such current value, the voltage is about 28,? to 29,7 V. =~ Current regufator. Limitation current on batteries. Connect group according to wiring of Fig. 145, and check the limitation current on batteries immediateiy 5 .»_. _=- 313 3‘! :.1-21mac1.¢| :.tivu-4:s;I.->'~‘- a-Hrifi ili.,,¢---J after the foregoing test, using the same instruments; 6? 51 *_o-- 5+* -._ proceed as follows: -— rheostat should be set at its maximum resistance value; -— resistance shall then be reduced until the current K . I Fig. 145. - Electrical caonnecfion diagram for the checking of the voltage regulator and of the current regulator. M. Motor of the ‘(est bench - G. Generator - V. Voitmeiar - A. Ammeter. limitation value of 5 to 5,5 A has been reached, for groups up to No. 088917’, and of 4,75 to 5,25 A for groups from No. 088918 up (corresponding voltage: 28 V); ' -~ said currents should not decrease when resistance is reduced, and on the contrary, voltage should go down nearly to 24 V (for groups up to No. 088917‘). 93 .» .-~» _. -.P=_~W.»Q5’7'-\~i‘"c,m4r.&-'‘1\~Z:i"»-¢1.'r >.;<-it.‘1=2!‘-z Exceptionaily, ii in need of repair, follow the bench checks already described; successively, according to the data, obtained replace the resistance, Fig. 146, and faulty elements. units. Always replace complete v new Components elements as wet! as resistances should be kept into suitable containers, which prevent their being damaged deformed, smeared by grease or foreign matter, etc. I s we 1'0 %=~@ §§“‘-5-,1. .» ~ '-‘-'*" . ' ‘ -» er»-'" if-:.~esa=, 5‘, .1-I ‘ r 1-2. Screw and nut, fastening the resistance - 3-4. Nut and cup fastening the cut-out reiay - 5. Nut fastening the voltage regulator - 8-'1. Nut and cup fastening the current regulator. ’T‘~li‘?5“’"*’=?_"*. ___, 3 1r* . .\.3-Ea; =‘ei,;i '"27‘ 5.$'!”N 3- '17)‘:-L'}2 iii’; " ... - .l .-'-,.= ~. _ r7 re o 10) ‘Q19?-'51 :.~§;=~= .,..,,‘2r.'t: _",i‘." Fig. ‘I46. - Regulator group bottom view. ae.‘-29" ', ‘llwfn 1 ‘ ““;'.,, -- 1?“ -i-5;: ' r3 $1 i0 0 @ > * ‘ T=ilIr~‘|i§fl:TLil§-’~Tl5i‘lvQi;.'|Pnl>I'u‘ir I___ 5.-.1:-gi -%— -~’ :_~,, . Q Q? (? ii-4?." ,,e’ “”‘-3‘ i ’/lriéifiai l‘ ii :£ >1 55 52 1W4. .;:. 9-. -'. 2 »-h "1~;§;} r=@;l“‘56}: ere Bir‘it H.—§' ;",.., L2 B <1 Note. ~ Mosi taiiu-res, especialiy the important ones, such as: — excessive wear, or cut-out relay contact sticking; —- oxidation of voitage and current regulator points; r | I -- burnt or fitted points; — short-circuited coils; — coil burning; may be due to causes originating outside the regulator group and chiefly to generator rnisiunction, as, for example, to field winding resistance alteration, impaired circuits (cables, etc.). Therefore the operator should make the group operate correctly, but in addition extend his checking to the generator and to the charging system. _ _-.4-.. 6:, -: 0 _».\._—___,_-.._ “°';§‘3" ‘J , 3 1 - -E" __ -\r.4:» <¢}g "‘“"- I ’m , e: £3-P -1 = -.‘._,_ -§___“ //i if it §\"P _ '- ., \£ 3"‘‘91, o /(‘:"‘g::"\*5".. cc‘-i_‘_“ Fig. £48, - Regulator group (up to No. 688917) as seen from voltage regulator side. 1. Terminal tube 31 - 2. Terminal lube 51 - 3. Terminal tube an 4. Connection from current regulator to voltage regulator 5. Current regulator series winding and ~ 6. Connection of reguiator to the adiustment resistance. 1 2 r » -. ta-pr. 1-r.-1~:-_~:_ '-. 153 V - £:’_=' ,.,~. t ’ '-. an Q» ~;: .__=t1 .~ Dismantling and reassemi;-ling of group. Remove lead seals; unscrew the nuts fastening the cover to base, remove both cover and gasket and dismantle according to needs. Unweld the coil terminals connected to other elements, and unscrew the nut fastening it to the base. When checking or reassembling such elements, make sure that the setting screws are not being tampered with, as during manufacturing they have been sealed with varnish. For coil terminal seldering use exclusively a neutral flux, avoiding acids. Carefully watch the insulating washer assembling. .“‘*‘?‘*"l F _ .1‘ . Beeora reinstalling the group cover, make. sure that: - the open contacts distance of the cut—0ut relay, when at rest, is 0,?!) to 0,85 mm 63.0275” to 0.0334”) for rivet-type groups (R, Fig‘ 140), and 1,15 to 1,30 mm (Q0452 ”to 0.0512") for non-riveted groups; x - Check the group insulation by applying 500 V at 50 cycies between the magnetic coils and the base, ad between terminal 30 and the base. ' Mount cover when group is hot, to avoid moisture condensation after closing, CHECKING AND CAL§BRATiOH VALUES OF REGULATOR GROUP A13-’i4i}f24 Cut-out relay iwhflfi COW) '3?‘ " " " Group '— I > j @ i . *———~ _ ' —— — .* Up to No. 08891‘? Closing voltage i A _.. W __ 25,1-25,9 25.1~25,e ; e - Battery Ah I _ _ 5, __,_,,_ not more than 5 8t1{Nca. 2 batteries in series} s m 10 (with so (No. 2 batteriein l ‘ Fwm ?~lr>- 088918 up e inversion current ; v Voltage regulation (when heated to 50° C - 122° F on battery) wiring of Fig 144) in series) I ~>,_—=_~_ Cutwut relay (when ‘ cold on battery) F e~_ r _ ’ Regulation voltage at halt load on 1 E mitaticm current battery I v __ ,____ ; A ‘I ,_ 28,1-‘-29,7 (with 4 A) 2a,1-29,1 Y r ~—| l -(with -1 A) 55,5 ~ l ' 4,1:»s.2s 3 ft‘-"‘ I‘,1: 3'“it-.!-1‘ ‘'7‘ ~ Adjustment resistance of gii-oup (Fig. 148) at 20° C (68° F) is 138442 chm. = E 1;:-i=_, .; » ix: f ;2l-;- '1> -, 3' ' feat : ,1 _ -_,_-;-H. ¢- - _-i~ .='.>_~3 = _*;=».~'» .‘ =*§'< '.._<;e;1 - '41:~| i ~52 i z ‘ ~ ‘-'E§<:'_$: (Y‘l>'%\4¢—.A_-VW4 ,~.-~ "*1: ‘—- 1'5-';1 ‘ K .. .- —s-=3!’ ":">‘. 95 | 1 i . ~,. <-mt, e S 465‘b'885 cortTRor_ BOX rnoo. on-r/24/7 (PadNo. Description. The Control Box Mod. GP ‘i/24/7 is composed E:-y three units: cut-out relay, current regulator and voltage regulator. Both the voltage and the current regulators (Fig. 149) consist of a U—shaped body with a bend on the and oi one arm and a tongue (5) on the other. An armature (2) supported by a tension spring (1) is fastened to the body (9). The spring is made of two blades lying flat on each other, one of steel and the other bi-metallic. 51 fin"g;x»;‘ hi.»-.~;4i,§ ,-1 L ; ;-. :\»\-;\- .- . V, . ,. ;. »..' .~. '......= ‘\‘$E?~'- L Q; -'-'-"' _ Q -~ - ,j .. _-‘ _$ GP ('5 I4 nus; r‘ @@@@o I Llli l ,...¢ L; \_=~:~>. ii IQ‘ I —::. '"'""'*B= -r ‘ = ‘ J_sr“‘.*3¢x__u. _. *'—"~ ' '" ' '"'. ' _"' '_'_" '-'= = -5 —-— mi -— .W, /I will» l' Xow“ i @@?@swept , m r -. U _ 1' . as "v i ‘ '_' ‘ii’ §?§.‘TQ.‘¥‘i!'0§iII|i" ‘ " -—-—» Fig. 145. - Sectional view of the voltage regulator. c. Air gap between core extension and armature (to be measured at the position indicated by the axis 0-0 10,99 to 1,11 mm or 0.039 to 9.044 in). '5?.r. .‘ Q) '_ i ~ 'maw$fi a1¥fl%IM1FWM§wWn M'w#lfl&f wnaum:w 4W ¥h.._...-".11" ' {£4.41 I» i ll m "=-- i¥.OlP..‘ ' i’ "----*w----~'~'-— Q" .3? .. ' ill;‘ nan.“-£*=—-’ __ . m_.sWm 5 di@“ @ ~®_ I (L ;_,fl_£-;~I1%; _ '\/v r- rd} _ ---» -. (F2 _ @- QB '1; 5sv *5 2 E s vi:~;,.-.: Fig. 150. - Sectional view of the cut-out relay. cl. Air gap (EL64 to 0,76 mm = 0.025 to 0.030 in). 1. Hinge spring {steel and bi-metallic). - 2. Armature. - 3. Adjusting spring. - 4. Fixed conlact supporting lip. - 5. Adjusting spring supporting lip. - 6. Regulation resistance. - 7. Additional resistance in series with the shunted winding of the voltage reguiator. - 8. Base. - 9. Body. - 10. Damping resistance. - 11. Additional resistance in series across the shunted windings of the current regulator and cut-out relay. ~ 12-13. Plates ciamping the leads of the windings to the additional (7) and regulation (5) resistances. - 14. Resistance terminals insulators. ».4-.~>.i“\;. 1‘ \ a ? Q i The contacts points of the elements are fixed to the armatures (2) and to a support applied to the elements. Point resetting is carried out by using a special tool on the tongues which carry the fix-ad contact points. The cut-out reiay is similar to the other two elements and is also equipped with a hinge (1) made of one sleet and one bi~metalllc ieaves. , The armatures of the three units are equipped with adiusting springs (3). Adjusting is done by loading the tongues £5) of the springs. The three units are fastened to the base by the threaded ends on their cores and sealed by a cover with a rubber gasket. The base is provided with three terminals, the numbers of wlch are marked on the cover connected to the cables as follows: ' . - 51, connected to the generator positive terminal; - 6'1, connected to the generator field coils; - 30, connected to the electric system. The following resistances are riveted under the base (Fig. 159): --~ the additional resistance for the shunt winding of the voltage regulator (7) and additional resistance tor the shunt winding to the current regulator and cut~out (11); - the regulator resistance (6) connected in series to the acceleration winding {a}; damping resistance (10) shunted to the generator field~wincling (between the current regulator body and ground). O peration. At iow speeds the generator voitags is not sufficiently strong to induce in the shunted windings of the control box units a magnetic flux apt to attract the armature to the cores. All ermatures are therefore at rest and the out-out contacts are open, whilst the current and voitage regulators ones are closed. 96 wt.» 1 *3 §.__., if i Ll As the generator speed increases the voltage and the currentoutputincrease creating a stronger magnetic flux, when the generator reaches predetermined values oi speed and voltage the magnetic flux becomes sufficiently strong to win the resistance of the tension springs and so attract the armature to the cutout core to close the contacts. A current is then circulated from the generator positive terminal through the series windings of the units (Fig. 151) to the electric system equipped and positive terminai of the battery and returning to the negative brush of the generator. \‘—:_-—_.-':fl=_-¢u4»ai~ed.*\-€L»1:Lm*.->t*-; -W 3 ¢._»-_' -=:_- -Ll The magnetic flux induced in the series windings is added to the one induced in the shunted windings to hold the cut-out contacts more securely closed. As a rule, otter the cut-out is closed and the generator voltage keeps on raising, the contacts of the voltage reach the predetermined setting value. As the contacts open due to the magnetic flux induced by the shunt winding and acting on the armature, an acceleration winding (a) and the regulation resistance (6) are inserted in the tield winding circuit of the generator. The regulation resistance lowers the current through the generator iieici winding and consequently the generator voltage until the voltage regulator contacts close again. J 1-'5‘-A-J_-;'.-_Ji>‘ .~@ ii{ii ,_ __., .. Tin ' 7’ ---~~-u*=nnlur_nrt. 7, 5rl_l ..l_l..;iIp._fi_il ni°—i1- Fig. 151. - fiectrical diagram of the control unit GP 1;‘2-1,17. 1.1 =1 .i '1 ?i 6. Regulation resistance - I. Additional resistance in series across the shunted wintzling otthe voltage regulator-10. Damp» ing resistance -1?. Additional resistance 1|‘! SEHES across the shunted windings of the current regulator and cut-out relay - vn_=_=gn=r 2_ “‘9"":1___L§1 ;|l i;.-.-»?. a. Accelerator resistance in series with the regulation res- ,| erator model DC 115/'24]'7/3 and its modified versions ~ ”""‘"' *‘ "" (Note: The windings of the three elements of the control ,. _ ' istance (6) - B. 12 V batteries connected in series - G. Gem 30‘ Electrical equipment terminal -31. Ground - 51. Generator positive terminal - 6?. Generator field winding terminal, *"/:m*:\_“~\. ___£=__ _, -=s~1i{i€1 %§[““'F-;;;. ; i I Z = ' ‘*m - i u-_W._-/ _ 1 ! I For -o==__:1_=v x ;,l;%_‘;_._“':‘_:"_='-5;-, -_ ii - 3 , 3 __,_ 1 L-*'>*~"~—' i J “W W H box drawn with light lines are shunted across the generator circuit, those drawn with black lines are connected in series}. Mic? z‘|’2o*’*' "-- bl -1 _ J_=.c_. u_;1t:,. t'.u-42. 11 TEEit W/’>J.§,-. u. . _ E ‘$.‘;._B f J; Then the field winding current and consequently the generator voltage increase resulting in there-opening of the contacts. The cycle repeats itself and an oscillation of the at-matures is maintained to keep tho voltage within the setting limits. The function of the acceleration resistance (a) is to increase the oscillation frequency or the voltage regulator which reduces its pull on the armature (2). in tact, as the contacts open the field winding current going through the acceleration coll creates a magnetic field which is subtracted from the one created by the“'regulator shunt winding and therefore reduces the magnetic pull on the armature, favouring its release. Should current consumption exceed a certain limit, or the battery be discharged, a great current output will he required from the generator: this current induces a magnetic pull on the current regulator armature sufficient to close it against the action of the springs. The contacts open and insert through the generator field winding circuit the regulation resistance and the acceleration coil with the same results described above in the case of the voltage regulator, in this case it is the current which is con._ .-»-.-_._.,__.».-=;_,.“ _;, _~;,_MI. . tained within set limits. if the current output requirements remain above said limit, the current regulator armature keeps on oscillating substituting the voltage regulator one, which remains at rest. To conclude, the current regulator limits the maximum current output of the generator, whilst the voltage regulator ensures through the system a voltage ranging within pre-determined limits (calibration limits), not harmful to the battery, for all the charging range which requires an output below the maximum values from the generator, equipment and battery. l E The maximum power is reached at the operational limit between the two units (current and voltage regulators} and is also known as peak-load. i_. 9? The damper resistance coil (10) protects the voltage and current regulator contacts from the sparking deg-iying from the electromagnetic energy of the field coils during the opening cycles by grounding part of the energy» When the generator slows down to a‘ point where its voltage is lower than the battery voltage, a reverse current is produced from battery to generator. This reverse current will go through the series windings of the current regulator and cut~out in the opposite direction. No consequences will derive to the current regulator, as the current is not strong enough to pull the armature, but it will cleznagnetize somewhat‘ the cut-out relay which has the contacts closed, so that as soon as the reverse current will reach a certain value the armature will be released causing the contacts to open and consequently discharging from battery to generator will be prevented. Finally note the functional importance of the bi-metallic blades which together with the steelgones make up the fastening hinges of the armatures (1, Figs. £49 and 1503. ~ The passage of current across the shunted windings oi the control box units causes a temperature rise, which produces an increment of the ohmic resistance, and consequently the quantity ol current going through them is reduced. As for the armature-s, the current reduction results in less magnetic pull, there-lore a voltage higher than the set values would be needed in Summertime to open the voltage regulator contacts and close the out~out contacts. To compensate the reduction of the magnetic pull on the armatures, the bimetallic blade which makes up the hinges is so disposed as to gradually reduce the tension in the spring as the temperature rises. in the case of the voltage regulator the action of the bi—metalllc blade is more than sufficient to maintain the set voltage against the variations of ambient temperature (thermal overcompensation), therefore the setting is slightly lower in the summer and slightly higher in the winter. This setting value ot the voltage which varies slightly according to the temperature favours long lite of the batteries the voltage of which, when current passes through, decreases as the electrolyte temperature increases, and on its part electrolyte also is sensitive to the surrounding temperature. Therefore, should the voltage setting of the voltage regulator not follow the requirements of the battery temperature conditions, the following trouble would develop: -- when room temperature is high, the voltage would exceed the set limits and the battery would be compelled to absorb a very strong current resulting in excessive electrolysis and consequently wear of plates, insulators, etc.; — when room temperature is low, the voltage would be scarce and could not ensure a correct recharg~ ing rate. Also in the current regulator, the bi-metallic blade (1, Fig. 152) which is part oi the spring hinge of the armature is so disposed as to gradually reduce the tension as temperature rises. But, as explained‘el:iove regarding the other two units (voltage regulator and cut~out}, as the shunt winding temperature rises the current put across it decreases and consequently also decreases the magnetic pull on the armature. When the unit is cold this results in a higher regulated current and when it is hot a 2 lower current because of the hi-metallic blade. The bi-metallic spring of the current regulator works as thermal compensation of the current going through it and determines the following advantages: -~ at the start or aster an interval of about 2 hours from the last period of operation, the control box is at room temperature (that is, not thermally stabilized) and theretors, as explained beto re, the regulated current is higher than the maximum continuous permissible one tor the generator, and should the $Y$l9l"='l “squire it, the generator DC.l‘l5_l24,l7,'3E can be overloaded. ' when the control box and generator temperatures rise, the l:>i~metalli<: blade reduces (in about 20 to SD minutes) the regulated current to a value which the generator can tolerate. therefore the tem98 s : l 1 ‘i porary overload oi the generator not only does not damage the windings but is good for the battery particularly when the charge is lOW, Whifili may happen after diiticuit or repeated coid starting or after ‘I.1,]. \_- f the kind of work which requires repeated startings for short hauls; - the regulated current is dependent upon the Mi '59? Flfikl’ temperature of the surroundings and will be '1 nnanznr arsaumn 'i£'ii»iE£ aslsumer [1 higher or lower depending upon a low (Winter) or high (Summer) temperature, which for the generator means more uniformity of temperature through the seasons. *~'"-'.~‘ta_-s.m-_l.u‘-LP#.‘; TA‘;' :-1 V 5:5 . .3 5.. 5; Z The curve of a hot control box is piotted in Fig. 153 and as one can notice it starts with an almost horizontal line which shows that the current is maintained constant up to a certain voltage, then drops quickly. ,. -. 3 :1 The junction area between the two strips shows the operating iimit between the voltage and cur- -'0"fit“~ 2‘:-'.I!' i Q rent reguiators. Fig. $52. - Front view of the control box. 1. Current regulator armature hinge - 4. Fixed contact support tip - 5. Adiusting spring support lip - 51~5T-30. Terminals. This regulation system takes tuli advantage of the generator output and maintains the battery at a good level of -charging even after difficult or often repeated starts. Should the battery be discharged, it will be recharged with the maximum output current up to a high charge (28 V) and when the latter is exceeded (29,5 V} the voltage regulator intervenes to reduce the generator charge (all electrical equipment oft). .~,._. [It=.5,,-ms, 1,1;-m<_Kn,-L03_qf% £i4V ;Z When the battery is charged, the delivery current is reduced to a few amperes to prevent excessive electrolysis, overheating, insulator damage. “L $1 IMPORTANT 1. — The control box mod. GP‘i,"‘24,-’7 must only operate together with the generator rnocl. DC1t5,"24;'?;'3; this iimitatienis necessary tor two reasons: ~.» ~: 3. a} only the generators specified above can be overioaded at cold starting; b) the controi box has been designed to suit these generators and the field windings have been designed to suit the control box. Should the latter be connected to a different generator, the operation wouid be incorrect, the settings would change, the useful life of the contacts would be pratically shortened and the generator would soon be put out of use. ~ V. is ca . ;._, ,_l 2o~ ,1——— 2. ~ An incorrect connection of the control box 5 ~~ A ,' ~ g ~ — *\ll. r e i ioiT;¢s¥* __, rx_r. _.c ’ §~i‘~——’ hi-""- ;ur_. ,_.< __ . <. is |_ __ . -._ Fig. 153. the control plotted with 505:1»; 39 C w _ .s 4!,’ A/., - E ! ,___,l _ at aaiie - terminal No. 67 with the generator terminal No. 51 which oxidizes the contacts of the elements of the controi unit, it orotracted longer it caneaslly —~., K wt ; produces immediately a strong sparking effect sir: ___c_ 24 W» I ‘, ». , V j _ it 7']M-.1;i “F,}r._*__T.. . §._; "*"‘”*% l 5"? Regulation characteristics {volt~a.-npere) of box model GP 1/24/‘F on the battery {curve data obtained at an ambient temperature of 122°;§< 37° F and generator speed of 3506 r._o.rn.). 99 l O l? cause Spark welding of the contacts. it is therefore absolutely necessary to connect terminals bearing the same number, keeping in mind that even if the wrong connections are corrected and the operation becomes normal again, the useful life has been nonetheless shortened. 3. - The control box should never undergo shocks of any kind, particularly the lower side which houses the resistances (Fig. 159). During bench testing the box must be positioned with the terminals downwards, and with an insulator lining between the bench mounting and the base. 4. - The grounding connection between the control box and the tractor must be secure, otherwise there will be no regulation there being no current going across the shunt windings. In this case the generator voltage output which increases with speed (es it is not regulated). will burn the winding ends and deteriorate the voltage and current regulator contacts clue to the excess of current across the field winding of the generator. Bench testing ~ Instructions. To check the performance of the control box rnod. GP1;’24,l7 start with the following operations without unseallng the unit: — piece on the bench e generator model DQ113124,/‘i_l3 (regardless oi modification 5%., E, etc.}; - connect the generator to an electric motor the speed of which can undergo tine variations over a wide range and provide a 30 V battery; — make ready the instruments end gauges necessary to the elements oi the control box keeping in mind that dependable results are dependent upon the observance of the ruies and procedure which will be given below. Caution: The test must absolutely be performed at the temperature specified for each control and after at least 30 minute operation i. e., when the temperature condition specified has been reached. This requires a special oven suitable for the thermal stabilization of the control boxes. Tests performed otherwise will not give dependable results. Cut-—out relay check. 1 w a} Contact closing voltage at 25°i'I0°C (77@;j; gt; 50° F) ambient temperature. in suri-oundlngs with the temperature specified above connect the control box according to the wiring 3| 5! E? 5: /"\ Kit/‘““” |;. 30 diagram of Fig. 154 and run if idle at 30 V for T5 to 18 minutes. This preliminary operation allows the unit to reach the thermal level allowing the cut-out shunt wino'fog and the bimetallic spring blade to reach thermal 5? “ J 1 stability after en initial period during which the voltage oscillates considerably, is lmmecfialfely after obtaining thermal siab1'lity, starting from an inactive generator, gradually increase the speed to check the voltmeter for the value of the cut~out contact closing voltage, which should -=vi-.» real:-‘ 25.1 to 25.9 V when the light goes on. llFig- 154» Electrical diagram of the arrengementforiesting the ':“t'°"t 'Bi*'1Y Contact closing temperature. M. Test bench electric motor - cs. Generator DC l15;'24f7_/3 and its medlfied versions ~ V. Voitmeter, 39 V top reading. la) Reverse current (in ambient temperature of 25°i10° C = ?7°i 50° F}. Z s i This test soufd be performed immediately after the contact closing voltage tesi, in order to keep the thermal stability reached in the preceding test. S 1 100 !~ Q’ i1 > Hook up according to the wiring diagram of Fig. 157 1 . IA-3: i and run the generator up to 3500 l?.P.M. ho/cling 31‘Fl'--hi 6? it at this speed for 5 minutes. 30% See that the voltmeter reads at least 29 V, than gradually decrease the generator speed. The ampemmeter indicator which had shown at first a certain ‘u.‘ ;_.#\. '5 //’”_“\\ ,/;gl“\\ r\\ii//r""”\E:;i//j l V .552” ‘lg; + »-»fr sir orzrg,J - ~e.-‘ c Yr amount of charging current, will graduaily go to zero, then will show the reverse current on the opposite scale. As the generator speed gradually decreases, the reverse current will increase up to ,3 given limit at which it will drop to zero (cut-out contacts open). Said limit represents the maximum reverse current value which should be 6 to 14 A, Fig. 155. - Electrical diagram of the arrangement for testing the out-out reiay return current. M. ?es': bench electric motor - G. Generator DC €15,i24;’7;'3 and its modified versions — A. Amrne1er- V. Votimefier, 30 V top reading. Voltage reguiator check. Note. ~ To repeat the test, if necessary, begin from a stopped generator to avoid incorrect readings due to residual magnetism in the magnetic material of the cut-om‘. Regulation voltage on half-charged battery (ambient temperature of 50° i 3° C or i22‘° i 37.40 F). Connect the group according to the a‘ia_qram of Fig. 156 and operate it at 50°;!;3°C temperature in-'=._;i-|=.1_"‘-“':M*a.‘»1=?'¥“;2.ra»L§-‘'I¢:.§J=|1;'¢.‘-in|Ju:a.->'irms‘;"-“:'~.\I’.»‘¢m;si“.:a‘. s~‘»u for about 30 minutes, with e half-charge current output corresponoing to 5 A. immediately afterwards. maintaining the box at an ambient temperature of50° i 3° C stop the generator and run it again at a gradually increasing speed up to 3500 rpm; adjust the rheostat so to set the generator half-charging with e current of 5A at 28,7 to 29,7 V. »w~u;<.i|~.-m_<.\-'~*.‘:\u».:v*'_\:-‘.1:| Current reguiator check. Regulation current on battery: this check must immediately fol/ow the preceding one. Connect the unit according to the diagram of Fig. ‘£56 and connect the rheostat maximum resistance; operate the unit at 50°i 3° C ambient temperature for 30 minutes, at regulation current speed (to this end decrease the resistance of rheosiat until the 51 rt rwmnkuq|\vr¢,"w“.':;ai1!Lun‘£\.~4¢;M:-)%r Fig. 158. - Electrical diagram of the arrangement for fasting ‘the voltage and current regulators. thermal stability has been reached); stop the generator and connect the rheostat maximum resistance, start it again and run it up to 3500 F?.P,M.; decrease the resistance graclually until the voltmeter indicates 28 V and the ammefer a regulation current of 6.6 to 7AA. 1 As the resistance continues to decrease the current should slowly rise, and the voltage drop sharply almost to 24 V. \ E M. Test bench eiectric motor - G. Generator DC 115,"24/7'13 and its modified versions - V. Voltrnefer, 30 V top reading A. Ammetar. 10 A top reading. T01 ti; _-. _, .-_, Trouble-sh00i1'fiQ- Q The various cases which may occur during the operation of the control box are the following: A - Low charging rate with a fully charged battery. This is the condition of a generator-control box system working correctly. B - High charging rate with a fully charged battery. This condition indicates that the voltage regulator does not limit the output as it should because a high charging rate not only damages the already iuiiy~chargecl batteries, but also the equipment oi the system. The causes are the following: a} high voltage regulator setting; b) detective voltage regulator windings or additional resistance (7, Fig. 159}; c) short circuit across the generator positive terminal and field winding which prevents the current from passing through the regulation resistance at voltage regulator contacts opening; cl) insuiiicfeni connection between control hex and generator through mass; e) high temperature which reduces the battery electromotive force reacting to the charge, so that the battery absorbs a high charging current even if the regulator set voltage is normal; l‘) self-welding of the voltage and current regulator contacts. in all the above cases, excluding case e), one of the two following conditions will occur on disconnecting the cable 67 from generator to control box: 1) Output remains high (trouble covered by point c). 2) The output stops completely (the trouble lies in the control box which should be checked as to points a), b), d) and i). Note ~ If the generator output remains high even after a long period oi charging but neither trouble nor high temperature show up in the control box. the battery is old or maintenance wrong. It does not absorb any more current, the voltage does not rise above a certain value and the generator current does not decrease. C ~ Discharged battery and high charge. Condition of correct operation of the generator and control box unit. D - Discharged battery and low or no charging rate. This condition is due to the following: a] burnt control box fuse » b) interruption of the additional resistance of the cut-out relay shunt winding (H, Fig. 159} - c) loose connections, detective cables - d) detective battery - e) charging system high resistance - t) voltage or current regulator low voltage setting - g) voltage or current regulator oxidized contacts - h) generator trouble. Should the above condition be caused by the failure of the additional resistance (ii, Fig. 159} repiace it. ii on the other hand, it is caused by fuse failure, search tor the cause of tuse burning before replacing it. The reason may be found among the toliowing: — the out-out relay contacts do not open as the engine stops; —~ short circuit; -— reversed generator polarity. ‘I02 Finally, if the trouble is not due to one of the causes described at paragraphs a), b) and c), look for it in the battery, control box, or generator. To find out whether the trouble is due to the battery replace the existing one with a new one discharged so that it the output still goes to the maximum evidently the fault is in the battery. it not, look for it either in the control box or generator by shorting momentarily the terminal 67 with the 51 and increasing the generator speed. Should the output, previously absent or very low, either reach a set value or increase, the trouble is due to one oi the following: - low current or voltage regulator setting; Fl-4 current or voltage regulator contacts oxidized; v. .1; . ~~ undue resistance, interruption oi the generator field winding or inside the unit. Otherwise, look tor trouble in the generator. -‘sit: REPAIR ¥NSTRUC'£'iONS As a rule it is preferable to repiace the control box rather than repairing or acliusting it, therefore only exceptional cases may justify handling it. The repairs which can be done. provided that it has been found for sure that it is the cause oi trouble, are: repiacing the cover, the additional resistances (‘i‘, 11, Fig. 159}, the damping resistance (10), and the regulation resistance (6). "i“."viv‘>1',i"'E gg . The spares are furnished in special containers to avoid contacts with foreign material. Most of the faults oi the trouble, particularly the more serious ones such as excessive consumption or welded cut-out relay contacts, oxidized or pitted voltage or current regular contacts, coil shorts and winding overheating, are due to faults outside the unit and particularly to the same faults of generator com~ ponents (field winding resistance altered, wrong brushes, faulty cables, etc.). Therefore, the repair man should not content himself by replacing the control box, which has anyhow a high factor oi safety in operation, but rather check the generator and the whole charging system. Cover replacement. Shouldlthe replacement be due‘ to bruises or warping we suggest to check the control box prior to :.,;‘=ru:l.i;-mrj,i1.:ntr$u.b;£i4ar.\ i 4»2.:¢icu.4‘ replacement, according to the testing procedure of page 100 and following. When replacing the cover check the seal gasket and place spring washers under the screw heads of the base, then tighten the screws until the two ends of the washers come in contact. Finally, apply a paint seal on the head oi one screw. 5}-, T32 -»=, Replacing the regulation and damping resistances (6, 1&3, Fig. 159). if1! . | | s Here follow the causes and their respective consequences in case of wire interruption or shorts of the resistances (5, 10, Fig. 159): 3». ‘Fl: ;§1:J a) control voltage low or very low; a) oxidized voltage and current regulator contacts; b) control voltage rising because out of control; h) voltage regulator contacts stuck because of c) control current rising because out of control; self-Welding; c) current regulator contacts stuck because of i d) control voltage very unstable particularly at self-welding; ti) temporary sticking of the voltage regulator l i ix 1,1; W1Auuuo -P-‘k=lfdri*!~'fl£Mfi~-a¥1>,=.ri1.~-<.‘<:i.=,z‘'.,r7<=;:,7:.'L xii high generator speeds. Paragraphs e), lo), c) concern I contacts. the control resistance, paragraph cl) the damper resistance. 103 Z If still in doubt, repiace these resistances which are fixed to the base by rivets. Drtil the rivet head first, then drive the rivets out with a punch paying attention not to damage the Wires soidered to the pistes (12 and 13, Fig. 149). To prevent the current regulator core from rotating whiie removing and refittina the resistances use tool A 127650 as shown in Fig. 157. The new resistances shaii be fastened down zvith the screws, spring washers, and nuts specified tor the replacement. The vaiue of the control resistance (8) is 136 to '14-4 ohm, that of the damping resistance (10) is 60 ohm. Check that the air gap between the armature and the expansion edge of the current regalator core (at position B-0 of Fig. 149) is 0,99 to 1,11 mm (-3.039” to 0.044"). To correct the air gap use tooi A 127051 on the fixed contact support (4, fig. T52} and check with a magnifying iens it the contacts are atigned cerrectiy. The gap between contacts of the cut-out reiay shouid be 0,64 to 0,76 mm (0.026 to 6.030”) and the air gap measured on the expansion edge of the core facing the contacts (Axis A-A, Fig. 158} and with contacts ciosed shouid be 0,25 mm £0,010"). Then toiiow test bench checks, reported on page 100, to ensure that the troubie has been compieteiy eliminated and reassernbiy has not altered in any way the operation of the various parts. cur-our ear»:-r cue.-van? eseuuroe './orrnss eaauuzron W ~ ‘ Iii’ - -‘“' . .-3:‘ .-.///-‘r’-"/"' I h . ' \ ‘ = r \\ "' --3* '41’; ‘tar ~ \ . r. :\_!;_ ¢"*¢§;; 4 . i'i‘* “~”\ ®0‘>,r/Q s‘ _, " “ '1 ' “¥\ re W“ es *—'7=t'-—e‘-‘_».=§=:'!:::=\ _’_ /Q = YU»., _ . \\-___//f ‘ 51 -/ @ = i - ., 17 -*-‘P ‘-..:~;;-4.‘ -.'.‘l"1"§'.- 1‘ 1»"1'-‘.,-.‘~. i ¢.. I "3?" u;.=.-i'I1’I*"' I . ii»--fig“--\‘%§_,~" =.; Ll _ X--"' . _ _i _ 6? I . - .. .j§ _,»._.~,., x , re.‘ ~/‘ , _ __ ,,--,- , - ‘ ,.~.» jggasr FF:5iiLl’eiUR ' i , ye“?iii: %4,?=__i2§§HEiir Résmmr on-our nun TEP?M!!a'A'.5 Fig. ‘i5'!.- Control box GP‘!/241'? withiool A12?B5U instailed Fig. 158. - Rear view of the control box. to replace resistances 6 and 10, Fi9- T59- 1. Cutout reiay armature hinge - 3. Setting spring - 4. Fixed 5_ getting spring, suppmt tam} contact support tang -3?. getting Spring, support tang - . roun . Ftepiacing the resistance on the voltage reguiator shunt winding and the resistance of the current reguiator and cut-out relay shunt windings ('7, 1'1, Fig. 159). It the voitage setting of the reguiator has changed, that is: -— reguéating voltage is low; ~— reguiating voitage rises to high values because out of controi; the cause can be attributed to the resistance of the voltage regulator shunt winding (7, Fig. 159} which can be aitered (short) or interrupted. A coil short increases the absorption on the part at the voitage reguiator shunt winding (because the resistance ts connected in series to said winding} and increases the puii on the armature resuiting in a iower regulating voltage. Shouid the reststance he interrupted, the voitage regulator shunt winding does no longer get across to the generator but remains Ensuiated. Théfeififth as the flow of current is interrupted the core cannot putt the armature, contacts do not open and the voitege, out of control, rises. 104 3, 3 Th e r esistance value is 73 to 77 ohms at 29°C (sew F), ii {he cut-out contact closing Vglfage 53 fmmd R, be low or the conlacis remain open even at high generator speed, check the resistance (11, Fig. 139) to ! ascertain whether the cause musi be attributed lo altered value or to an interruption of the wire. } n Fig. 159. - Botfiom view of ihe comb-oi box GP 1124,17. i "J lg i'n‘l'*' &.‘ '§.2l‘a. i_Z" B.- Regulation resistance » 7. Additional resisiance connected to the vollage regulator winding - 18. Damping resistance shunted across the generaior between current regufator and ground - 11. Addiiional resistance for current regulator and out-out relay shunt windi:-|gs~ 38. Electrical equipment terminal - 51. Terminal connected to the positive pole of the generator ~ 67. Terminal connected to the generator field winding. in case of a coii short , the value of the resistance decreases while the current regulaéor and out-om relay shunt winding absorbs more (as the resistance is connected in series to these windings and closes the circuit to ground) that is, it‘ creates a greater pull on the armatures, partacuiary ' 1 on t h e cu r -ou t one, where the magnetic effect is greater and therefore the contacts close at a lower voitage. 51.5 "houid the resistance wire o. . be interrupted, the cutout and current regulator shunt windings have no current flowing through them as the circuit is not closed across the generator casing, therefore the cu tout ~ contacts remain open, which is signaled on the dashboard by the battery charge warning lamp which remains lighted. Resistance trouble has no effect on the current regulator. d The resistance value is 73 to T7 ohms at 20° C (E8° F). ~i:.2m*;u-.&!.1i‘ 'e Replacing one resistance calls for repiacemeni of the other one, too. To replace them proceed as for resistances 6 and 10.>-,.*:1m<-;1a;:,_»<-1»-*3‘ Conirol box seiting. The setting of the control box on the test bench should be performed without the cover, placing the box verticaliy w§th_ihe terminals facing downwards. < Cautions: if the control box has remained for a certain iength of time at ambient temperature below 15° C (590 F} or above 85° C (95° F), place it for about one hour at a temperature of25°I10° C 07°:0 :10 | -“ Q F). Cui~ou?t reiay setting. Wire the control box according to the diagram of Fig, 160 and p/ace the insfrumenis as follows: - potentiometer P at minimum (1/oiifmefer at zero); c — switch T open; -.~ rheosiai R all on (max. resisiance); ~ swiich T1 open. § 7) Contact poinis closing voltage (at a femperature Q of 25°i 70° C 2 77°7’;5O°!-‘j. Close switch T. Stabiffze the temperature of fhe unit, equipped with its own cover, by feeding it ior about 75 ‘£0 18 minutes at a voltage of 2 30 l/. through potentiometer P; ._,.-_ .- ,_ _,p3ag._“kg”, \;_.§_sn»,;_a‘~=wm,;_s»u_r nmuqr¢“;»w_m;\,$};§M,;_ iO5 1 I I I I I I I I I II II E once thermally stabilized, firing the I/oliage lo 25.1 to 25.9 V through potentiometer P; adjust the load on the calibration spring (3, Fig. ‘$53) by bending its rneial tongue (5) unfil the light S goes out; bring poieiiomefer P setting back to the minimum. increase the voliage again acting once more on the pofenfiomeier and check fhaz‘ the light’ S goes out ai I IVWW a::.'::;"5Ii:‘§ Ii -""—"-"-"-".1_ LIE I I 1 “ "“" " "‘ "7 5 I VI II u--]ig__-..__ ,_. _ I I I I I I I I R‘ v the specified setting. The contact points emflre closing stroke shoulci occur at a voltage variation lower than 0,2 V. LI cl»- Q .’, I i _ ‘ F’ JVV 2) Reverse current (at a temperature of 25°_-'-; 10° C m W”W rr = rrfl i 50» F). m \\‘_,“'“' Fig.'i5I1. - Electrical diagram oithe arrangement for settlng the cut-out relay. B,. 2V battery - B2. 40V battery » A. Ammeter, 20A iop rerxriing {I% accuracy} - V. \/olimeter, 30V top reading (0.5% accuracy, class) connected across terrninais 51 and 31 P. Potentiometer, volrage acfiusting; capacity must be such This test rnusi immedia1‘ely follow the preceding one in order to take advantage of the thermal sfabiliiy achieved by the unit. With switch T closed, bring the voltage lo 27 If by acting on the potentiometer F‘ “(the cut-out relay contact points are closed and light S ofi',I;t1'ose switch ‘P, increase the reverse current through the rheoslat R. and check that the light S goes on when the contact points open. The opening may result to be unstable eviclenceo‘ only by a ringing noise; chock the ammelar reading of the reverse current which starts the confacts opening (6 to I4 A}. that the I:ut~ou'£ reiay shunt winding coil consumption does Should the reading be uncertain or should the lighi not create notab§e variations oi the no~Ioad vcléage measured by the voltmeter ~ S. Warning Iight indicating opening and closing of contacts (2 V-3 W bulb) - R. Rheostat 4 ohm 213 A - R1. Drop resistance sufiIcient to allow lighting up oi go on like iolerance limit, bring the reverse current back to minimum and increase if again working on the warnings, Iighrs S by switch T1 with the cu?-out reiay contacts ogxen. Voltage regulator setting. 31 SI Pl 67 ' ' 1 @J —-O—i- open switches T and T1 and bring the sliders of the potentiometer F’ and rheostat R back to minimum. Provide the conditions suitable lo mainiain the unil at a temperature of 50°;I; 3° C (7221 37° F). After wiring the unit according to the diagram of Fig. ‘£61, wind {he adjusfing spring of the current regulator by shaping the adjusting fongue (5, Fig. 152); close switch I, star! the generator and stabilize the lemperalure of the unit, for 30 minutes, af 2 30 V. ||. 39 the rheosiat R, as instructed before; by varying the generafor speed; open the swiich I and bring the generator speed up lo 3500 R.P.lI/l.; adjust [he load of the adjusting spring of the voltage regulator by bending the tongue, and the rheoslat R, so to obtain a regulaiing voltage and a medium charge current of 28.7 to 29.7 V and 5 A, respectl:/ely; _.;.§ -III: for r ~ \ check stability and accuracy of the regularfion voltage’ by sr'o,oplng the generator and running ii again up to the speed of 3500 R.P.M. fin Fig. ‘IE1. - Electrical diagram for setting the voltage and current reguiators. G. Generaior DC I15/24/7,l3 and its versions - V. voltmeter, 30 V Iop reading (0.5% accuracy cIass} - A. Ammeter, I0 A top reading ~ R. Rheostat, 3 ohm-20A - B. 12 ‘I! - 190 Ah batteries connected In series, I‘uI%y charged - I. Switch. Current regulator seiting. This test musi immediately follow the preceding one, holding the fest temperature at 50°i3°C (l22°i 37° F), and using the same instrumenis and the same wiring diagram (Fig. 161); close the switch I, start the generator, adjust its speed and rheosfai R £0 obfain a volfage and a current of 28 I-’ and 5.-5 to 7.4 A., respecEive!y,' 106 after 30 minutes of operation at’ the above conditions stop the generator and open the switch I. Bring the generator back to a speed of 3500 R.P.M.; aofiusi ihe load of the adjusting spring by acting on the tongue (5, Fig. 152), and the rheostazf R fo obtain a regulating current and voltage of 6.6 to 7.4 A and 28 1/, check the sfabi/iiy and the accuracy of the regufafing current by stopping the generator and running rr A again up to a speed of 3500 R.P.M. Performance check and sealing of the unit. Once set, close the hot control unit with cover and gasket before it undergoes the bench test as from instructions of page 100 and following. Then put the paint seal on one of the cover fastening screw heads before returning it to the owner. Overhauling or repairs must be entrusted to FIAT Service Shops only. Whenever a control box is opened for overhaul or repair, operate if for a certain length oi time without the cover on so that it will warm up and eliminate any residual dampness on its elements, if any. W -_._-______.,. 1 ’ . WCiO»NTRfOl. Box GP1_i24,i‘i sneoarrcznrsons (inf .-- Description I W _. _ W __ a —- out-in voltage . ,1; 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 _ — voltage variation for Contact closing stroke . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . ' I‘ ~ reverse current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . I ‘ — air gap, contacts closed (axis A-A. Fig. 159) J -~ gap between contacts (cl. Fig. T50) - 3. _. V 25,1 to 25,9 V . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > 0,2 6 to 14 V A 6,25 mm 0,64 to 0,? mm [ A325 to 3,830 in) 6 (0.010 in) D I - i Voltage regulator: 1 — batteries capacity at 30V l . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . _ . . . . . 100 — average load current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i —~ rated voltage after thermal stabilization at a room temperature of 50°i~ 3° C ; J 3 (122: 3?“ F} for 30 minutes tr 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . _v , l ;~= 38 V 0,98 to 1,11 rnm [(3.039 to 0.044 in} l 1 12 3 Current regulator: 7 Ah A 28,? to 29,7 V »~ feed voltage for thermal stabilizaeion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — air goo (C. Fig. 149) . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-Y Q 1 — rated current on battery at 50°i 3° C {t22i 37° F} room temperature, after I thermal stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . ; - rated current check voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,6 to 7,4 28 — air gag: (C, Fig. 149) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,99 to l,1fi mm (0.039 to 0.044 in) .5!tr l 3 Resistances, Fig. 159: E I — regulation resistance (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ‘ -» damping resistance (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — additional resistance for voltage regulator (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Data ._ l Cut-out relay: 5 -~ ‘lead current for thermal stabilization . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . > -.. . I A V 136 to 144 ohm 60 ohm 73 to 77 ohm’? -~ additional resistance for cut-out relay and current regulator (11) . . . . . . ?'3 to Tr‘ ‘ ohm* l ‘s Note: The generator check and adjustment speed is 3500 r.p.m. V i (‘fl See data for modified groups under the ioilowing heading. CONTROL BOX TYPE GP ‘H24/7, MODIFIED (Dwg.n0 4035433). | The modified control box 4085433 diners from the previous type (4055883) as follows: 1‘ —~ the series and parallel windings of the cut-out relay are mounted in succession instead of being super— E 1 imposed; '1 ‘-;Lourq|~I\:‘,-"»Lg-‘»,¢t~.-\;Jn.W~»;,-r 1 1%,; ii Z. i ~ the value of supplementary resistances for the voltage regulator (7, Fig. 151}, cut-out relay and current regulator (1i, Fig. 15*!) have been lowered from Y3-7? ohms. to 56,5 to 63,5 ohms. These resistances. together with those placed under the base oi the control box, are not furnished as spare parts. .,<>lF,I-'!_~Wnf—.r Battery charge check Unscrew the plug, and introduce the hydromeier in each element; the specific gravity represents the battery charge conditions, as follows: Electrolyte gravity 1,28 i Condition of battery charge 100% 1,22 E ; 1,15 I nearly discharged 1,13 l completely discharged 1,25 I E 1,19 . I 2 75% 511% 25 % i Fig. 162. - Batteries mounted on tractor. A. Funnel of levei control plug for water filling - C. Cover for levei control plu. 134345 r Therefore a battery may he considered charged if the electrolyte gravity reads between 1,28-7,24 at 25° C g'77° F). Avoid letting the battery to discharge cornpletely; recharging should be made when grarity is not less than 1,16‘ (20° at). The recharging current rate should never exceed 6 A. in order to rnaintain the battery charging within actual conditions the checks should not be made when: . .>_.,-_ . _ .-,_m.- ;~.1_.-, 7 3 1 J i x I. the electrohrte is clifierent from the prescribed one. if distilled water is being poured in, take time to set a uniform distribution,‘ 2. battery is hot, or immediately after repeated startings, or when electrolyte is cold. The most suitable temperature is between 15° and 25° C (59-77F). . ‘J1.,!-._.u. 5'4 ’§ 17$21 it if the battery cells have a specific gravity with differences exceeding 0.02 or high or low gravities, It accompanied by excess of heat (more than 10° C 50° F, above the ambient temperature), call the Service Organization of the battery supplier. fi3g it ~:_-1 Discharge of battery during operation. at4 I 35: -i s '2 Li F": During operation, the batteries are not to he perio~ dically recharged, as the tractor charging plant can maintain their efiiciency. When discharged (excluding after long tractor stops which cause battery self-discharge), the batteries indicate abnormal functional conditions. These may he traced to: .1. Faulty recharging system (generator, regulator group): see service instructions. +7.a ti 2. Current dispersion, due to insulation clefacts in the electric system. This may take place after heavy current draw due to the insertion of extra accessories, A rapid check is made by inserting a microarnmeter between battery positive terminal and its disconnected clamp, after having stopped .2} 21¢. the engine and excluded all equipment. The current rate should not exceed l miliiarnpere. P1?.~:—. 7-5 3;; r 3. Extra accessories in addition to the standard ones installed by the manufacturer are dependent upon .9. the electric system capacity. 4. Tractor short hauls, using gears at low speeds and with frequent stops. To maintain the generator at its normal recharging speed rate, use low gears when running at 1‘!lf5:T51‘ ’\‘"if £>;' -°<'=i;‘Ff§-1?<=‘.'>-'T.‘=“3'.’/,3 ¢ v|fifi.‘ lg‘ 1; ’};\i_m5,h\'i‘rfin~i ¢m'l.; |fi'=-u'.;f:’ <;l@¢;;~)\4Ihl!-4"“\>¢I'fllFn\I1_al-LAn'45l"‘ 13 .1 Checking motor torque when stopped. -,.-: x.,_ _a.-,4;.t=—,.-¢,4; 11-%'‘-'42‘-li l ; _ld?lm; lest Of fl'1OlOF- E; »¢ with the pinion. Shut the starting switch and adjust the terminal .=s C‘-1 .' voltage at 24 V. Motor should then absorb a current not exceeding 30A at 4090 to 5000 R.P.M. étxfl :9 . E?@<3?F@m@Qnel run. 1: til The mobile contact of e/ectromagnet should perform a run of 6,4 to 8,45 mm (0.25? to 0.333"); the core Q 25 Ti’ Stop the test bench ring gear; switch on, and aajigysf voltage to motor terminals, so that .-'1‘ will ecsorh a current of 620 A at I2]-13 V. The starting motor should than deliver a torque of 4,62 to 4,?5 kgm (33.4 to 34.3 ft.l/5). Clear away the ring-gear, to prevent its meshing being Of 3,5 {O 10,7 mm (0,331?! {O 0.397”). Motor internal total resistance. ' The test data of the motor when Sfappgd 5/gow calculating the motor total res/stance, by the ratio between the voltage applied and the current, ,4: 55 40° C (104° F) the resistance should be of 9.0205 to 3%? 0,0275 Ohm. Field col I resistance 5-$5. >”—e M 1') The main field coil resistance (in Series), at 200 c (58° F), should be of 0.0060 to 0.00%? Ohm, 2) The secondary field coil resistance (shunted), at 2:100 (saw-') should be of 1 to mt Ohm, ~..3-. r3L}“1&.’a.)\ C0“ FQSESHHCE. The efesffofnagngf fesjsl‘an€e) at /680;) .--w.';.; should be of 1.36 to 1.46 Ohm. ‘ Mechanical characteristics. See data on page 115. Guide for finding starting motor troubles. Faults in the charging system may he localized either in the electric motor or somewhere else in the system; it is the-retore necessary to localize trouble first in order to avoid a waste of time by lookm 1° faults in the electric motor not being there or clue to outside causes, so that repairs would be use-less g or as trouble would repeat itself. ’\1'1;:*§"‘i.,lT:€%'i§{.:‘,f1§lT;:?il“.=-$:'.=? ~1:t=?é. 1';- 111+}? V !.=~7.~¢ l~.~.=__ : W, Therefore, if cranking is very slow or absent, the defect must be localized. To this end, as engine is '1' "*‘§é';>,'- stepped, the headlights can be used. Comparativeiy scarce illumination can be traced to low battery charge, damaged cables, or terminals not lightened. Naturally, the check is made taking for granted that the headlight circuit and its Cflmponenfjs are efficient and without tension losses for poor contacts at the switches, bulb-sockets, etc. It happens less often that the recharge plant is defective, and this may be ascertained through the regulator checks. Anyway, the battery recharge, without having found out the causes, will not eliminate the trouble Y 1;, that will repeat. _ 1."1“.I_' z 915-‘ ..P :h__ ‘ é~ ‘*|—'-< 2 3;?-; : , :.»t~, we T= l11 ! r ,_ . .r-1:»»:-.-...; _~=:=.,-1 .-.-'2.--1-,,2“... The battery being normally charged, and the starting motor operated, causes the iollowgi-,9 headfigm behaviour: -._ 2-':~ E -_ 1) No light: traced to poor connections between battery and motor, or corroded battery terminals, 2) Considerable dimming as engine is started, and the latter runs slowly or stops: a) excess of oil crankcase density; ?3.i>; j ”£ ;§,;.§:' wri- :7}; W, !i.*I ‘_ b) armature spindle bent, bushes and support worn, and polar shoe screws toose; “'12 :- iii: =4; c} commutator damaged, series field coil or armature coils grounded or short-clrcuited. 3) Bright headlights, and starting motor cranking slowly or stopping: a) ioose terminals of the motor solenoid contacts oxidized or insulated by foreign matter intrusion, or damage of the excitation circuit and commutators circuits; ., b) poor or iauity brush contact on commutator. 5; E’ s/v s » Troub§e~shooting instructions. 1 1 item 1) of the preceding chapter, increases the ohmic resistance laetween batteries and motor and may be measured by a voltmeter, when motor is running. ' The voltage drop measurements to be taken are as follows: between tractor body and battery negative pole; between tractor body and the electric motor frame; between battery positive poie and the solenoid terminal, where the battery feeding cable ends. Each measurement should not give more than 0,1 V, when the starting motor is running. However, if the voltage drop is excessive, disconnect the cables, clean the battery terminals and smear them with vaseline, to prevent corrosion. items 2} and 3) oi the preceding chapter, call for a commutator check for efficiency and the removal of the starting motor, to perform its test with no load and when stopped (torque test). The following cases may occor when such tests are being performed. l - Torque current and speed up to specifications, it - Low speed and torques with no»load; high current drain: trouble to be traced to armature winding partly short circuited, or grounded; or to rnechanicai defects, such as worn-out bushes, armature shaft bent. loose poiar shoe screws. A simpie inspection may indicate that some armature turns are grounded, as the corresponding cornmutator blades would be deteriorated by heavy current passage that wouid take place through the brushes. Ill-Motor does not start and high current drain: might be caused by the armature or the iieid coil completely grounded. IV-Motor does not start and no current drain or less than 24 A: no current drain requires checking the solenoid contacts on the commutator, and of the brush spring performance. Very low current drain signifies that the tieid series winding is interrupted. The solenoid winding interruption may be checked with a test lamp. V‘ LOW Speed. with no load low current and torque, the fault may be traced to the internal resistance or The m0f<>F, or to commutator expanded bars due to centrifugal force. The first trouble is reacliiy detected when the motor is dismantled, the second one may be caused by the tree~wheei too hard to turn or by field coil connections unsoidere-d from the commutator bars. 112 Ca? Q. , ._.,. _ . -,. - __!._;D /1»;. ‘l 49.\ A ' /zi" _ __ ‘1— __.. -1 ‘“‘ Ei >1,1 ;1 .-» §'4 .1:1 " : ... . _ A , . %§\. ,. ‘E w . ' -<1?‘ ‘__-V», ‘Hf’ :1-§\;_iiA.‘. ‘ , W. :1 - ‘zg,.,~: *1 1 ~ i777 —— ‘ Q {:1 wf: 4 -—--*%">'—.| -- V é’__;—;: ';.;>;%-.- ..;__*:I_’ -. A~-;“,_$é§?__ .-I.;,MU-.(o|l3J.FDI§|v-'1"F, <,-;.¢:~,g2._\‘-A4R .-l<,¢I-. _u-élfifl 1- M @ -*= '85‘! ' ‘" ....m_.._ .____,__ @ 2. fa?-2'. ‘.5- W J ____ . ":'“»:~-* "E.$"i' .._., 5 . 5‘-“J _5[§ if-1'» -' % . 35 -1 ’ -- ~...~...-' I ’ \ ___ “ _ : -' -5» gfigza P- ®-33: @\ B 69/ Sect. C-C Sect. C-C. ~ Longiiudinai section. ‘§4 a--’ ,. Q. A Seal’. A-A 21" ' 2 '33:. _i 5;. O‘; = . ~ ' -~ _ q .='@‘\.¢. »» "i'r‘,‘£-\ .,:/Ti \ 45% _ \ in‘ V .,j '1 _;g\- . \ 0 35. ¢_‘.IIrv . SEC’: B'B -a H Sect. A-A. ~ Cross secfion on fork Eever. Sect. B-B. - Cross section an commutator. Fig. 155. - Sectional views on starting meter type iE1€5-3i24-Var. 2 1. Starting drive pinion ~ 2. Fork lever - 3. Solenoid core - 4. Selenoici coif - 5. Solenoid tea-minai - 6. Fixed contacts - 7. Ciamp fur mater fieid coil end - 8. Commutator - 9. Armature -10. Fieid coil ~1f.S1eeve -12. Overrunning clutch hub - 13. Over.-unning cluich ~ A. Solenoid corg trayei (8.5-1Q.1 mm m 0.334”-0.397”) - B. Solenoid bi] ta » “ ' " mo e ~con ct travel (6.4 8.4:: mm m 0.252’-9.333 ) C. Armature shart end piay (0,35-0.75 mm = 0.0138"-0.0295”). D. Sulenoid terminals. Mow! disassembiy. The starting motor can be dismantied into the foilowfng subassemblies: sofenoid unit, commutator and bracket assembfy, armature assembly, clutch assembly, pinion end bracket assembly. motorframe assembiy. 3*?‘-‘ x =’§ ; > .4» aw i 93¢; . 5 *-Z." Operations and cauiions. The sofenoid. Remove the screws fasiening it to the support, afso the fieid coif end from terminaf (2, Fig. 163). L/'7? the solenoid assembly and fake it away. To dismantle ii remove the upper cover (in order to 2;' .- 1:1;-L; 2. <-1.-' *3» disengage the coil end) and make free the ceniral \~ *4-’=.. 15 .2;=<-- iv 1*-5."?-' 23‘ 1 Paris to be remaved. 331- part of the soienoid body (3) from five screws fastening it to the support. and ;‘7/om the terminal ends. 7'0 remove {he solenoid coil core, remove the split pin and éhe mobile contact nut. I‘ ;_ *sl~:'_i ..~‘~“-1;’ _ r —_,.= . ‘>1 .~, ._~_w< ;_. 2 ».-;;i_ ,». 113 . _ ’_wt~A E ______,fi,_-~ r _ _ .....~.-....“. ;._s....... ~».s\.w._;--.1".~:>._~'1v>:z<'air.»2:*;~$v<1‘$1':\1:_?ri:££.Sfi'4¥'$Li'l.5-fin‘? 1.;’aZ»‘2$5;;5;;;;:;i;.:,f%"&?»§; ‘;:_.;g;;;;—3i;:.;j.;|~_;_{;'!;- * —_~.; ..~a}?;.'5:;;_€>§;-R >"\if. Y >_ .;~.~;<-,:. Y;-5;-5:13 .. -'='~.~i .==.~:~¢‘.s-1 .__g.__. Commutator end head. $51. Remove the nuts and the tie-rods fastening we head to the frame (7) and the protection strip (6).. free the field coil leads connected to the brushes,‘ and remove the complete head. ’ ‘ .,~;-;._; .;f lw;5::i 3”’-\i 3.»--.< 9" 5 »~ Pinion end bracket. r_n7,;_-, Slide it out from the frame with the armature; remove the pinion engagement control fork pivot and pg” upwards the fork to disengage the pinion. Free-wheel. -;-1'. Ye; ‘ Remove split pin, unscrew the nut, remove the pinion stop ring, and slide the free-wheel out. To strip the free—wheel, remove the spring cup 510;; $5. 5?: ring, and slide out components; remove the ring fastening the wheel to the bell and carefully slide out the spindle, to prevent rollers and springs from jumping out. Starting motor troubleshooting and component checks. -\ 1 x Brush replacement En the commutator is comparatively simple: raise the springs and slide out broken or worn brushes. Use only original brushes supplied by FlAT — Sezlone Rlcambl, which ensure a long service. Check the solenoid contact which, if oxidized or burnt, should be cleaned using emery cloth, then remove all metal and emery dust before reassembly. ' ll necessary, replace the solenoid, and the starting motorlield coils using original spares, without attempting to repair them or to wind a new coll, as good performance cannot be obtained by such means. Alter having tightened the coils under the polar shoes, check that the air gap corresponds to specllicatlons; to facilitate the essemlqly warm up the windings to about 50° C (122° F). Check commutator for out-o"l~round, which should not exceed 0,02 mm (0.00078"); if necessary, and if the commutator bars have not been thrown out-ohound by centrifugal force, turn them down, then undercut the mica of? mm (0.039") using a saw blade. Check armature conditions with the same device used for the generator and ll grounded renew it. Fig. 166. - Parts of starting motor clutch. 1. Clutch rollers way - 2. Clulch rollers - 3. Push rod for clutch rollers - 4. Clutch hub. Reassembly instructions. To reassemble the starting motor reverse the sequence used for dismantling. Before assembling, clean armature and brackets with a strong air jet, and clean the commutator using a dry cloth. ‘H4 l Refill ihe free-Wheel, and the starting E3iniOn fork guides with high melting point grease; when assembled before the test~bench checks, see that end clearance (C, Fig. 185) ls 0,35 to 0,75 mm (O.l)€38" to 0.0295") .-.~,»-.-mu»1-r. ~-¢.u,_~.; STARTING NIDTQR PERFORMANCE DATA .~.<.~»-.‘,4. ‘ or K 7 ..~_W — - F1 Ti Specifications . -» I 235 A L55 to 2,15 Rgm (13.3 ‘to 15.5 Ftlb.) Q' current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Operational test (under load) voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 r _; r ‘.lf\i:2'.S;l§Jti€;Il-(7’1i'I£‘<$\-i1-=1-H gr ‘ ‘ i ‘ r l = "4 ‘ 21' 1-4' _ torque . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . i l current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ldling test of motor (under no load) 4 voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , speed rate . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ’ Comrnutator out-of-round . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . , . . . 1 Pole shoes inner diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Armaluro outer diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . internal iotal resistance of motor, when stopped (at 40°C - 104° F) . , . . . . Resistance of main field coil {in series), at 25°C E68“ F) . . . . . . . F Resistance of secondary field coil (shunted), at 20416 (58°F') . . . . . . . . . ~ , l ‘ energizing current at 24 V, (2G° C - 58° F} . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z . l = 30l<-Bflvld " solenoid internal coil resisrance when heated . . . . . . . . . . . l solenoid liii force, with a current of 9 A and an air gap of 5 mm (0.1'S-"} g Solenoid mobile coniact travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .= Solenoid core travel ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . A Brush spring pressure (new brushes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . I ‘ Armature axial play (C, Fig. 165) . . . . . . . . . . . . , Q . . . . . . . . . _ 7 ___ _ ___ Values --. M_\~-'n.u!_1l\a4' :.<-¢:- ,7 _ _ _ Vl ll 1510 to 1610 !‘.p.m. l9 V l 620 12.7 to 13 A V 36 24 A V I ' 4,52 lo -4,15 kgm (ss.4 to 34,3 ftib.) 4000 to some r.p.m. l>,l_)2 mm (0.GOD'?8") 75.83 ‘zo 76 mm (29855 to 2.992l”} ?4,95 To 75 mm {Z9508 to 2.9528”) 0.0205 to 0.0215 ohm 0.0060 to 8.0070 ohm 1 to 1.14 ohm 17 ‘ A 1.36 to 1.46 ohm not less thou H kg (24.2 lb.) 6,4 ‘£0 8,45 mm (0.252 lo 0.333”) l 8,5 lo 10,1 mm (0.334 lo 0.391") 1,15 to 1,30 kg l (0.52 to 0.58 lb.) 0,35 to 9,75 mm (013138 f0 0.0295”) 77”’, '_—___—:_~s'_— ___ _;' I ___'_____;l _ El ii _ GLOW PLUGS Z11 _-5 -_ .3 Z The glow plug ‘consists of a thin wire helix, contained in an insulaior and surrounded by a metallic shell _:i,. iq I which is hosted by the incandescent coil to 856" C (?562° F) through the insulator when energized by a 24 V current. V’ The glow plugs are shunt branched (nominal voltage 24 V, MOW each}. .M _, 551 ;§ na- rcemovai and cleaning. Before unscrewing the plugs, free their terminals. Clean them with a metallic brush, wash in gasoline and blow them dry. Checks on fhe fest bench. a) Check the plug current absorption at 24 V (5.82i0.2 A}; b) Sealing. " I T. 4? The plug is screwed in a seal similar lo the one existing on the engine in a vessel the pressure of which can be raised to 30 kglcmi (426.70 p.s.l.). Air leaks, against the atmospheric pressure of 760 mm (29.92l3"') of mercury, shall not -exceed 2 cm“ 110.1220‘l) of air. ' 115 '~ Tiiféit L- .7, #1 . .,gn-L. ' .>.-r ATTA€i-EMENTS E ;&:- Dis _ -. _ _'=Q, _—;:‘,’ _,., g, ..»,.¢ POWER "i"Ai{E-OFF iézlf , The power take-ofi assembly is Located inside the transmissien casing rear cover and may be actuated by a lever directly from the crankshaft or from the gearbox (through a gear instalied on the bevel pinicn shaft, Fig. 81}. In the first case, the power iai'£-3'5“-l’? "‘"' "if/x‘=.‘§-I 5;;-[_ 1' .f;T‘w~¢I. ?:\-.a.- .‘ .2. I _.:‘iT' " I: “ " “ " fxiote. - If tractor is fiffeo’ with hydraulic ./1',-‘t, {here 1:‘- is no need to remove ii; we suggesi, instead, to remave the bait pulley transmission cover, ifmounied, to simplifl the assembly. ‘_ {Esq =_'. 1. . __.>.. - F in-. :*A'_r'_r - r _, QJZE‘-'_J-‘v F s -'75"‘§_'v'-‘,2-':l7'.-L‘ J ,5 _ _ . IL .'-F -JW -<~:;;;=:j<._-,.r.‘ . r_, ‘ii :§\ ii‘:1§:Ag§-;=';”;i-; _ A-\ l ';,-»_-51;-._;.;;‘ ?af.’2‘r;-’1,-. --~_ T5:-Z-‘;__ :9 \ ' —+,_.~.‘=§'.1 \;_ ,. . ' 5 = ._ Mount the assembly on rotary siand ARR 2204 -_v I . (see Fig, 167). ; ‘K. _ . Th ihe the the Th vbihi -I-¢"""5 .i=‘ " T; F‘ =,: 1 5 1 /-'7 Fig. 16?. - Cover-rear transmission, with power takemff, mounted on rotary stand ARR 220-i. . W‘: ?'i 0V M2 Dir '*~‘--‘ ,_ ____ i. , ‘ Q’ _ $- ; / . 3'2-I-§Q ~ I7‘.4 2 ' "r;.%‘fi> ii Q =i=§*=;‘L1fiat:#,.Ir_‘ r -1% __ 1=-U-7 V,__._‘,.|.}_.“,A 1wt _\r_ _:_ . "A5‘ 1-1~ -'l.‘; ‘j\g‘_ ' -. =:.‘.i,2* "i..;ur= :“!‘_: '*f_\ .:"'aT“" ;-— i‘ -:1: V >" P . Pifif.-D La, H! " R»; '.‘:'J=-,_Lj.-~h1.;1;‘ v}-\ “ya -H15‘ [M]; _ ~31 ¢ ~‘,- -;_ O .1 Q == Fig. 168. - Power take-off assembiy, shipped. A. Driving shaft componenis. B. Driven shaft componenis. 116 ‘*= 4 I \\: iii Dismantiing. See A. B, Fig. 168 represeniing the disassembling sequence of the various components, from iheir seats. inspection of components. Check gear teeth and shafi and hub splines condifions. The power take-ofl" driving shaft s/idfng gear can be checked and also disassembied by removing the iransmission casing upper cover. Check the bearings for smooth running and ihe power take-ofi’ driven shaft oil seal conditions. See page 118 for main assembling cfearances and permissible wear limifs. Assembiy. SA-\§fli;.d.4'tH_A-J\>.;»€wiIbo~§.;»-u,Afr_¢.w- <~'- Reverse the dismanfling sequence. Note. ‘- To fit ihe power fake-off driving shaft into the siiding gear hub, turn the power take-off driven gear by hand. BELT PULLEY The belt pulley assembly is mounted in piece oi the power take~ofi cover (Fig 81) and m V of - rotation 55’ the puiiey either on the right or left side, according to the required direction in ~ the vent" shouid be mounted on top and the drain piug at bottom (Fig. 159); if necessary, the position of the parts. A b e= setcase with both interchanges The unit is coniroiied by the power ta-1ke»oi"f Fever shifted info KMCFTORE >> (engine). Major overhaul. Dismantling. Drain Iubricafion oif, remove the puiley from driyn shafi end, and fake away the o,oposii‘e ‘end cover: K _ -..».,,_ remove the snap ring from the driving shafi supporé, and hammering‘ on a bronze punch from the inside, remove the shaft and ah’ ifs parts. The ro/fer bearing outer race, ifnecessary, is removed from its seat afier taking away the snap ring; from the pulley driven shafl‘ remove fhe nut and its ;;:'z-.‘__=: e; _-, 1 .';:.:'.~_.>:_"~‘.“x:;~.. P‘ 7 -or spfif pin and, using a bronze punch, push out the V... ‘. “.1 _MT. ,.J i\§m‘-R¢.,m-‘i-1_>i,:-.;‘j._i B.M‘,:\ 5i.fl.-,<\\fi1;‘3,r.2.¢__W-'-=,<1m|:{l.w~“.!‘i_... ,mW;=.3:; ,_J~g,;4|@‘f:‘-1{“'i.|-,<‘4-m_I;iH..'f:‘,->»w_-,!Z;,<|.1€_(i‘i-.,<;:.‘<;_.,_lw:-‘,m.v-.\w_m_mM,_.a r Z21 driven shaft. The roller bearing outer race and the ball bearing . :1; ‘ remain in their seats, and may be removed after taking away ihe snap rings. Q ~?T1F—E I | i 1 ‘.17; r ~‘~;.' . <.-=\-- §‘*‘"r~:_: i '.=v;_<_-3 ""2"- es \ ;'I‘:=i*.T s- 1 ~‘ ~ ,1+_-f';_>_-I 2*‘ Fig. res. - Belt puiiey unit. 11? . ' .1 -1-.? Y ,2-.::\-27'». __,._;_ * Checking all component?- Check bevel gears and shaft splines accom'ing {Q cfafa of page 118; check bearings for correct functioning and Sfmfi seal for oi! leaks. Reassembling and adiusfing the pulley assembly. fig . Q {($11 E? ii-5' Refer to Fig. 178 and reverse {he sequence ;'of!ow@d for dismantling. Bevel pin/‘on and wheel adjusfmenf made by varying zhe shim rmg P of a'rr|/mg pinion and shim flng ;__ of bevel cmwn gear The suggeeied clearance for bevel pmron and wh.;-9,1 rs of 0 “'5 mm (0 0059 ,l am shoufd be Obfdlfiéd by 73“-*?L’ § 5» Z 3 /arymg the L and P shzm ring thicknesses s Service wiih SAE 140 oilfhe belt pulley assembly unifl level reaches the plug faceted on the cover opposiife to the same, " I1 » u p_____,_____ //A i¢“\ \ \ \\ i O l . l __-_L I -F‘ ,‘_ _ 0gl _~ 1,-1:: .<~@:mnumm# +1 $v ,q ll l l .f ; J '_ Q: .' 5 _-- f /."’+.gfilfiian. ; %.,.-I_;1;v¢w,<"g¥¢wI.(% _ -*:.v_-‘F-,.“ f Q‘, K A 30 -—-—4 —- nu’; . . E J, ii ‘I70. { Z ////L _ /‘i i Qlillili #5?‘ §|'i§\ n‘ ‘r ?&4§m§ ':'~' 'L P491: $557“ 3i ‘_ <&4( -%._.- - Ll4i§A%L*'“‘?I i M5 I’,--~‘-' '- ,1 _ _ her 3 ‘. ,.§ v-""_......'=-_,,— __HV_ _ ‘U. _ i. in-mi-_.=~._A , "-0;; V ml 1,‘; Fig. 170. - Belt pulley unit section. F.. Bevel gear adjusiment shim. P. Bevel pinion adjustment shim. SPECEFICATFQNS, ASSEMBLY CLEARANCES AND F We PERMISSIBLE WEAR OF POWER TAKE-OFF AND BELT PULLEY COMPONENTS 1 , _ er V e Assembly clearances " Data " 7' * mm ' Tal;e»off gear backlash . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Between driving gear splines and power take l Bel? pulley pinion backlash . . . . . . . . . 6,15 i - EBWEEH driven gear splines End pulley shaft ' -0.024 to 0.872 ll~W , e , 7- , , ‘ ' to 0.0041 _ 7' - 0.0959 7 118 1.5-1.8-2-2.2-2.4 "*7 ; eE I -8.0009 to 0.9028 ‘ _ :0 asst;-0 07n9~0 0787;‘= 0‘B85'5_O_0g4'5 0.0157 .‘ 0.8098 ‘ ‘ - l 0,4 l_ __*,_, 4 _ ’ , 0.0157 _,,*_.__ i 59?? Pulley gear adjustmeni shims . . . . . “II in. l 3,25 shafi . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -0,024 is 0,012 I-0.0009 to 0.0005 _ l i . O .0004 2 Between gear splines and power fake-off driven e »_ 9,4 l 0,010 ‘E0 0,105 i mm 3 oaoss :0 0.04119 ‘ uff control shaft . . . . . . . . , . . . . . er Wear limits W" ’—| ~ Vfl in. 0.19 :0 0,20 1 ' — HYDRAULiC L§FT %» l _ /. ‘ 1:’ ¢ , > “ , -.~ -*‘-‘-~= -, oi‘? weH5 r - 1‘ -‘-=9 — =;§§'-" - - '33.”‘@;’; ,“,'.":‘3'-?r‘i‘_‘5’1“‘9r, fie ,~.,"‘g?§_.~ ..§ P 5' -1 E} e l ~ "'i='§_rl" i.- 1» . Fig. 17%. - Hydraulic pump mounted on fractal‘. "' Q -= ‘E’ .. L . ' :~; iii lfl:-.i='=~?‘ ' l ~.>' 4 I I :~ —’-* :.» - ..= I - ‘. 3;! 2;‘ ‘ " i _..~. -'—l_r;_- _~:;e:;;=‘.;~-"r¢; . iL‘,- V -;!.=_.r~' ; 7*5é' —-P=‘l§~1-'{EL r », ,-;';';l"+'-,-2~;\~;;e<-‘=-,,-=‘~";1 ‘""-J iv P :l":l l ‘-"¢"¢_r‘ - *1» -’ ‘,o,,~'~"’ M . A-=21-‘ea.’ f~:~.r§>=i-. ?‘_ H. I _'J‘ m *3 A . ‘.12.! »5'*_~l-4» = l 45. =. =. ,1; _ " " - -l ,, . ; ._l ~‘»-l:.‘ ;. _*. ~r. - :=~;:= ‘~i“" ‘"~i> -' __ " 1-"1; - as .e .»~>,~".-“<¢=»."-~1,'¢-"'* " “ - ,».. J cl: ,.»~?‘==@==Z*‘=e,).*s§&_ _{§§:?F>'*‘~ '§7!M-J.‘ -7%-‘?‘.l'~>"’»‘»',e:K__ —;-4.-_l -,- , — .»~»,~e!i_——ee=\ ~11; " el-,’§,-Ii)’ i‘?‘fi'\ W514‘: _.>"¢:-4‘. i 1% . ~~>-v~R§‘M=-V-=~=~ l +.- V ‘ -. -. 1») > s- 5'3! " ~--M - l 57- -. -- \.* .. ~...- .= ;.'~»-..;-s.‘-.l.,-.=-. .4 _ i .1-,-..,-.i»;-.§,..¢_»».v»-~ -.~ -,l~.-/..- ~ Mi .. .-_ 1-fr ~_<-.>--.1 ._,-,r ‘A‘ _ _ -<» 1 » iv ;'__?:.!-t --1 .5-1.1;-<,=,;:.,.,'?;: - .5 ~ _ ._;e:-;' " i:2!l;-'£‘2-L'=3Z§'Ii-'L‘_"‘I'::‘.- iii .:_:';'§;’i Fig. 172. - Hydrauiic iifi mounted on tractor. 1? A. Lift control lever - B. Seleclion lever (position coairoi requires the lever lo be shifted down) - M. Spring for reaction 2: E *» .'1"! §= strut. Hereafter are the main components of the lift mounted on 411 R tractors: ~»~ a gear hydraulic pump, driven by engine timing gears (Fig, 171]; — a iii-t, with integral‘ oil tank composed oi a ram (simple efieci) acting through a ball-heeded linl-: on a I av; lever keyed on the lifting arm shaft; l — a three point implement hitch, adjustable with a screw controlled by a hand wheel on the right link, allowing the cross adjustment of the implement position (Fig. 127); fa! ._ ;‘l .:‘; ‘Z :5 av —~ a control valve, optional, to be applied in place of the control valve cover for supplementary attachment control (Fig. 193). E, +5 If HYDRAULIC PUMP '%cé/ fig’? 7%“/"~ The hydraulic pump needs no maintenance, checking or adjustment even eiter long operation. This is Q, or ‘ , . ue to the factrlhal clearance between “me gears and bushes [S taken up automatically by the oil pressure in the pressure side. The bushes have their side facing the delivery fitted with a fillet (1, Fig 1'53), which the oil crosses tr ro h I to act upon a surface recessed on the two covers and defined by . two rubber gaskets shaped: as{jg a heart, and laid eccentrically (2). Pump general overhaul. .- Q; 1- 9-=7} F ‘fie ., .- 15. $5.?‘ 5 See Fig. 173 r'or the disassembling and assembling sequence of the hydraulic pump components. The explanations of the preceding paragraph should facilitate a correct assembly and disassembling; sense of rotation oi the drive shaft is indicated on the pump cover. in addition, notice that assembly and disassembly require no special tooling, as the high finish of mac surfaces would be damaged by a careless assembly. I4 Never disassemble a hydraulic pump if original spare parts are not available: if repairs are necessary , if K entrust them to FJAT Service Organization. 1 ii’;}‘;‘€r> .7 ‘ll?-'1 1 119 ___v . ,1. - v§:=_I' r We give hereafter the specifications oi the hydraulic pump, to check its performance: 1*v-.»~1-4 ._ ratio between engine and pump R.P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ pump speed (with engine at rated speed, 2390 R.P.M.) -L152 r . . . . . . . . . 2.000 R.P.m_ . . . . . . . . . . . . (clout-(W339 E _ suction heed . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . $380 mm (,+_‘l2.8Hi}"} __ deliveries {oil at temperature at G kg/' (O p.s.i.) . . . . . . . . . 1? litersfmin (3.75 lmp,gal‘_] or 5005 -1409?) at 150 l4:<;\> ;\\\¢>:i -Q" * \ > LJM a 77;‘:/WW 4 riif-“ii é % "i€—_‘W ,1 Iii 4 I= x / ,- / / E , ‘ D) ‘ax fi- é. _i ‘ 1"» » \ L!Z2-~‘=t:. , / ' q __ ,—’' fig Q. ‘ 1 ,.-._.,; . if’ \\‘\ _‘ X‘ ': 4,-~\ 1? 5 ~ 3'__ Fig. 174. - Arm cantro! shaft section. 4. Cylinder discharge valve - 8. Lift arms "cunt:-0! shafi - 9. Shaft bushings - f. Thr u’ F _ _ _ arms - 1. Contra! spouf adjusting piug O 9in theCuntrei controilave,Spun] _ P. Conirol speoi ~ s. Torsson sprung - S. Lzft ~ L.Port Linkage ‘ ~ § . in 1 /,.»->7 1 nun 2/ / _____?j;// 131% ' F 5 5 ../ * / "*~— -. “ /I A- J1 I —- :1 Q? I-*5'=1=-’ .._r-1"-"-.9’--=‘-¢ '-.‘ a:.m .r;1- 3' my4!, \¢4 #9:_» J, , 1' 1“-“J ~ , J ’ " 1/ "" /’§_‘::‘;‘_ /i_ I ‘*3’ H 1 \ ,/ -~—-73 3 _- »:+.;_,;;;.;.$; _/K I’ “A‘§""§%§'iP‘ V ] ‘W /\E¢"§$ F 5' - !___|; i ' l " _ v ? ‘nix!’ I. i _. __.__<,"i-4’4¢;»;_<,///'/’.// ;‘-- ‘ I ”/ , fig \ GB h.75$‘ ..“ . \ /‘/‘ 8 z C \fi $1‘c 25 = ‘ _, / F ///I , '‘ I 14é\ 4 :5 "/ /\\%' ' ',v/"I r‘“%—“-—-_."°'_'§3‘ Q -, ,K ,..:»*\'-égtg' g \v - *k //' / ; .:-“ I=:1‘ ‘*1.,;_~ D ~ R33‘ /9* ,~ 1‘ I’ - pi, ‘-_,1 _/ , "-1 A“scrum fig v~;. _.~ _ 1; Ifl ?1!.3 ':-\ 1_g_?~q” ' 83' ii5'!<1 -A. \§~ ’ * Fig. 175. - Sectional view of the hydrauiic lift unit. _ I PQy’§:ncier7 péessum safety valve - 4. Dzscharge valve . . ' . ' . _ '3 , _ _ l j ' on - u i-I am s=at on_ peston 18 Arms hf? -8djUSI mg acre-Iv Sormg ad;ust|ng shims M max Spnnu D E E I= ' § Igaié _ f’ _ Q, v. I (cl E . B m 5% if 2 ; _ ~\ 9 ‘5 ‘ _ I I \ A *~ I ra *@ - - . i~ . - gm-_+ F“ ‘Um / ; I C i -- ' ' 4 ‘ \> ' ‘ H~\~ /iw - r. Control spool. - =1) Sectional view 0% the piston of the hydraulic lift No, 06993 ,,-.-_..,‘ * / 4"‘ _= / ,///’ or |t - P. Cantrai spooi. A ' ' "7/,/L?’ ff, 5} ~- prs on and The rubber sq:-:1 on fr" umts an to No 521992) a) Sectional view of the cylinder intake valve. 2. Lifi contra? vaive - 5. Cylinder intake valve - h. Groove machined along he control span! axis to discharge the oil, the pfgssure of which keeps valve (2) closed by acting an the tap b) Detai! of seciion through the control spool as~:‘- 1%l 31:21} 1 " P I Fthe Fag ~ ‘£16 — (The <=rrow md|ca‘es lather piacw b=tween ine I g*,c ' Seegasket ~ .5 A:-mm_rs.zr».;»=-» aw F‘ »__; ~1;‘ ‘- -t_ /. and ujJ.— d) Starting from fiitn.27108 up (April 1*: T952) the number of tap link mounting; hofes has been increased from 3 to 4. Q -'‘.r ‘$3; Pi‘; E f Ltancvzo ‘‘Q Xt}‘ti3 I9§\ §QT0T ,\ Q. @ ? 7?‘; ._ ¢.A_. <. :. ‘| 1'5-ii 3'?E'.$;= 127 v.= '2' a I 1- ~;.:-i - ~!i'.;’.-::".'~.".~‘;';-‘lé » .';~.1'.;'_:=:,7~ -- _ ‘£12.. -Q21‘. iii. ‘U $11 . / /' I 1;»?_ ca_;l- !i'?:f'C/_¢__ /_ _ _ _ -:'*-*;*;-:*.‘-;/ ‘Ll:g:fibLiAiL:f:<<:§':;;;g::§i_7f'::‘ ill »:;. A '1' \\_‘ g.‘.§-_1*1~2~!~I‘f‘I\—.V_ _ ‘ _ __ rr_.¢.v.»m-n=€ I “Q 13' \\_ NW r’-iii‘ - 5:}? 1'2 ,1 , ‘4 " J / . $.1- A 7 if \\\\! ‘ ‘0 §n= .3-~ — F“ z 1 1 if/'_ "J .-' /"Big Q"'11 ‘\ \. _ _ 7 Q’ I45; _ -2 7-=' Q. Q Fa“ $93‘ II 1?? "‘ .‘ l_J-1 ‘1_ ~ -o .~. 5 \\\ 1;3'“ I- \*m\§\\ \ \ \ ~§ . .: .=,.=-.m \~‘ < I I- » .,5 ‘@: ~430, 9,1; (fl 7 05/ oV “&" v\~ .5, . s=% Ziwiz: “R\‘ .;. EE§§‘. ' I I Q ~ \\_ ‘ , Y; - 2:" \ .- *§ r, wH V 1) 5/ l 2/W 4! 1 W V Z W R '3 S. Arms lifrlng. 'i“l1e control spool P is ro_2a'l.ed so to let oil pass from {he pump onto the top cl the llft Eoniroi waive plunger 2. ensuring?) its closure. The pregSurized 0l| can thus llawm to the cyimder through valve 5 and dlsolace ‘lhe piston to lnt the arms. 7/ i»'/_-':_i/ .1 ,1 / {3‘// //;-"/7 ,~ 1 //3 1 ,1 /_,_ ,FiF,r Q!/01:11 5 #~gm; Elli _____ __ ~ h Q _7 7“'"to.1 ...- 'Y "W sax‘ lg, M , \~1\\\\\i E ?" \\.T El'llll$' *"’§\ Q-\\-:3-M.‘ \§= _..‘ D ii ._.\u _ as ". §%=-—-H-= = =C: :=i;: ; ";i: ;. ;&@ .;s '<-'_:r w-unIL$~ ' F. Arms floating. "'1 ';‘&.% Jr< As soon as the oislon moves. the confrol spool F relates being conneclcd to lhe Inner arm through levers F, E, D. The spool rotallorlal movement causes tho cl! under pressure which kepi the valve 2 closed by pressing on lts top to discharge Into the reservoir through the grc-Que machined along the spool axis. The pressure of the oil coming from the pump and aciing on the bottom of the valve wins ‘lhe resistance. the valve opens and the oil flow is conveyed into the reservoir Instead oi the cylinder. /5 /.1 1/111 /,///W//'////,/((/ ._ ?T77 A. Arms Lowering. To lovqer the arms, the valve spool opens by cam action the discharge valve (4), which allows the oil to outflow lowards ihe tang undgy the 9,93Mme or the plston. Fig. 175. - Working diagrams of the hydraulic sysiem for different arm positions. (Note: The oilfiow patrern in the circuit is ldenilcal both for position and draft control operation) -1. Pressure relief \'fillF9— 2. Control gllvg - 3. Cylmder saretyyalve T Cylinder discharge valve - 5. Cylinder lnlakg valve - D. Link ~ E. Rocker - E Yoke link * °';*l‘°{ 59°03 ' 9: ¢- F’WO’l l30|l'k5 Y Gfoove alongfhe control spool axzs for oll dzscharge when valve (2) opens - L. Linkage conlro eler - U.V.Z. Top lmk rnountmg noles. (Srarhng from lrlt No. 27108 up the number of holes has been increased from 3 to 4. see Fig. W5). 122 Ii \ ! \ i '-‘ .. I -:"$‘;~ I-I? "‘;+!?' .1‘ ‘.4-.*}.; ._ .. , -. ‘ .»=- . "'1?-"_.. ;»-,; . @::=.-.,--.."'~@ . .:a:;r;71=a. . -.1-‘.- ' 1,,»_f‘-L“. -:. -.;_=~._.-_Eli. .1.“-.=.,E * ' '1 A -' 1._=.§ I7'."’€=il.'‘?:"_ ‘ “‘“°"‘:"k; ‘h " ‘;,§;.£ r ~I Q \_- - _.i,‘ __ ;-,, Q) 1" .11 1 '7-, -->- ‘~;—-;. .'vl I \ ;J‘ 1:.--li*.;51=--.“*1--4--5:1 ‘.1-'0 1* ,';j_.=':"-;5.'*i-,'."-'_'-;'=‘Ar?‘ . _ .-v ";—::._.~,_ .JV-:35.‘ ‘4_.-I.-_-‘L;-_, 11'; -__-‘w-1--. . l 1-"~ -.‘W~..’4», ‘:9; A ‘:_-953'-"3"_';:_‘;‘~_:1‘_?f4'1f} 4 -¢.§=;1 _;,- '»_~.,_-, _-,1;--,_, ,_. , 17:. -4.» ,, _ , ,' ,\ .. ‘=L‘:Z,—l'j3_-‘_=¢.) mH,_..._- ‘»~._-,.~»-<,.~»=-m;.4:~, M“._.._ _. . . .1.-“<14. ~25‘ :5. 1 ?S if .,. ?!§ il ii:1 _ a ~12‘; -1.‘ a; :3~l :1 . 5!! 33; I". . 33% I I ‘K’-‘Y ll? fli .~ . .~-. " ‘*‘ <-:-- V-;¢>'_I_" ~: Fig. 177. ~ Removing the arms lifting shaft (the arrow shows the direction of extraction}. , ' ‘ ~="" '3 Q ._' ' , - ' I_.';-iitl "Fl,-’,:' '"§.}'v;‘1*. ‘\,~ ‘*3 ~ >.,»1';-'1 :_:.":;-:,.~_I:-;_;_ ¢—»~»T-'~ -#2:»:/, .. 'v,:~_.:-. ‘rm-Z,"~.', _~,-1-1,, : . §,,—:€.\_—*,§.' .=.1.= - q.>-.*;-.2.‘_:3=¢~}-'!;i;f—‘~-. -.1. 2-*.;‘:_ I J1 ,=:.'#v ~ f T» ;-'~ :..~.~z,r . ‘R_. ,_-+ q'yL,,' - :,~;~..- . Y ~ *4 ;~ Fig. 178. ~ Removing ‘the valve block. ' 17. Valve block - Linkage control pin conneciing the link the control spoollever lever~ - O. Q. Cotter Set screw ‘ zhe ‘ control lever to the ccmfrol spool - R. Access CGl‘||'§BCtifl§ 21. Screws which fasten the levers to the inside arm - L.<~ a g e con trol lever. port lor removing screw ‘R (gee Fig. 182} ~ t. Confrol spool adlustmg plug. E‘ .25%: ‘¢~» ‘.‘~."‘"“'1. ‘ I '1: .,. 3. ~< ' ._ _. "*e-.f.=‘;'l'.~i**.-¢~.. .1 ' ‘ .*.J ' "" -I 1 ":‘*_Z=-;-.:"._'1-v";='.=_‘~.-.::51.‘, ‘ ..'.;-.».=.-:Y"'i.‘¢-;’.'=-*-3~*" Dismanfling the power lift. To remove the unit from the tractor so-para t e t h e arms from the implement hitch first, then disconnect the two oil Zines and remove the screws wh? ch fasten the unit to the transméssion housing. To dismantle the power lift proceed according to the following sequence: Components to be removed. Operations and cautions. Filter (H, Fig. 133). Pu/H Outside 3 lnkago (12). Remove the comp/ate assembly freaing it from zfha iifi box and spring support. Can be removed éogether with the spring Suppgri, Cover (13)-. he paris out 1'/we lift box. .53; Li -: 5: .- -‘ " ., ll“: ' “'“"““' ‘ Fig. 119. - Cylinder discharge valve Parts. ‘w‘-21% 4. Plunger. 1 aw .» ;5.—:‘ -421' / ' --‘Hr-u\1 Q» Q;-1 i. 11'-.. ,,:-:-1 .‘. . 1/ _ .223 13 M. I mu-" __"'_'_’__ -- -.=j£zQ'E . 33; ' '1 _-' 1.. "- .5 > T» ‘ _ -_ Q : ' _-'.' i:‘*e:';;. 1%;=.; 1+ Er‘ ‘$42.5; -..' '- "' ” . '95’ "'11 ~ - <-<42 / ,1 - *~ 0. .-.i-‘#2 1- += "1-.-1. . . ~’-‘l-'_*‘A ,¢:~.»,' ~.<-G ‘"‘*'<='-5‘ - ='l~'- .. ~ ‘ -- './,“__:_m-3, i ,5 ..:~_é$___ . " ,1;' "~‘\ 1- .".. 19' "_2-- ~ -:¢-ii _ l. J7%§{ |;;:%.:',;:.'-.'.."—‘—" ¢~_ I '1 ._ ‘-’~- . '~ 1' ;.: ’» -A .Q~_.¢-vL:.____\.. ::-.-‘- ;~; .--iv .- —~‘- "--;_;'-"T _..;.1 Fig. 180. ~ Undoing {ho auxiliary equipment ca:-nfrol cock screws. » {li- :.=.<~,;‘»~~.~.~'- El:"’??~‘.<’£ ’l ?~ . ‘< ‘~=;~i=:= ='i_,-1".-~' <~*--~ ‘ .1 .-. J - . .' _.-‘;:"~'¢ ». » Y‘ "aT*.=‘~r.i*5-.1-éla=‘?5.?',L-'1-:1 ‘= .e»»- ' =. _=.{- ”’ '1 ?‘¥¥’=.‘l ===~.-».l= -. P"?!-‘5">l?TI?"J"3‘ -.;<-z.‘—.\.=r~r:-;; J.‘-:='.;?+ _ 3-‘.53: 1‘ ._:'z§:~-. ~_.~.l._;vé ".14--—; _'..=fi=;.,;,"_;- f:-[_=:~f 1"‘ 1 -;»~_, f+=_->:i§5’J-‘Fu>.. =1;-.\ -E 2:;-.. ls:-.' -:=-».'-1.1;-7.. ‘ l ,,_*' _ ~ -.2? _,,,‘:;1~1;%‘i .4- . ,_~';2=?f~" -- -.-1» .‘~FI‘,_~'i>.*—‘-F“ .- =.-???’ — *1“-~?~.~.-‘ .~-2» '-'1" ».;,-z?:-2%-:=-" ----2.-..=' . -1;<=*"' " ‘Iv '»-‘=‘ . t E . Fig. 131. - Testing apparatus for safeiy and pressure ’ ' rel:-sf valves, usmg valve holder A ‘l&?O32fA;’B. | in . ' 5 :1 . 3* 123 . ,. _. _, Remove the rrrr oufer arms; the screws which fasign {he levers to the inner arm (21, Fig. 1??) and slide the shaft in the direction shown by the arrow/., Arms control shalt. Noie. - To prevent damaging the seal ring located on the /eff end of the arms control shaft, more the shafi about 2 cm (25/32”} in the sense oppos/Ye io the arrow and remove the ring (Fig, 177)_ The inner arm wifh its pision n'rl'w'ng strut remains inside the power lift. Control valve (Fig. W3). Fl’e-moi/e pin (0) which fixes {he waive spoof control lever fo his link prior to sliding {he whole unit ofi’ the studs. ,\ % =..»:. 5; ,4 <" .-.'*£‘ . E _' ‘, V + 5 "=1:-‘Q Q’ ‘ ~ “J:-Si ere ab: i -’f‘.;*“' ¢:_ - ‘ outer fever (L) in a second time; - fie).-L.~;L -- fhe pfsfon and barrel. El Q P »~ the lever mechanism which is removed by unscrewing ihe screw (R) first and sliding ofi the al- -' a{.i~I‘ Er?‘-2esi1§Tl'5."§}';l'»T>,, ‘ “A, _ ' it '17 —- 2 X;$51; .11; ® =+_ . Nofe. - The for/owing components rerpafn free inside {he power /ffi: ~ * .‘@re;r—;":<"§r13;:7,%riee;=eEi_ pi 2*‘ \ f , . ‘E7 /7 3%, _V___ ‘ ‘ ‘.§o: __‘f_‘:.‘L_:§E‘;‘__:_“ H. 3 . _, “*r~‘.‘-‘av £3519 ‘fl The fatter can be slid oui the front by applying a slight force. The vah/es can ah’ he disassembled easily enough as they all are accessible from the outside, l-vfih the exceptfon of the off inlet into the power cyfinder valve (5) which requires removing the control valve group. To disassemble the confrol’ valve slecken the screw which fixes the control lever (Q), remove {he adjusting plug (t) and the side cover of ihe conirol valve for auxiliary equipment (Fig. 180). Fig. 182. - Lifl outside and inside control linkage. (The illustration shows: on ‘lop, the outer leverage removed from fhelift; belov.',%l1e insldeieverage placed as during work). A. Lift control lever - B. Selector lever - 1.. Leverage control lever - P. Control spool - Q. Screw securing the control lever to the spool - R. Screw securing the lever L to the rocker. Fig. 183 shows the power lh’{ suhassemhlies in the dismantling sequence and Fig. 182 the outside lever mechanism (above), and {he inside lea/er mechanism connected as they are during operation (be/ow). lnspeciion of components disassembled from ‘the hydraulic lift. After dismantling the power lift unit check the following: — check conditions of the gasket between barrel and housing and between piston and barrel; -— check the play between the arm control shafi journals and the bushings; if found exceeding the values specified on the table of page 130 replace ihe bushings; ~—- check that the play between the control valve spool and its bore lies within the specified Eimlls. Note that the valve spool is not furnished singly as a spare, but always Together with the valve block being fitted to the bore; wash 8%‘; replace the oil filter cartricigelli found defectlve)ancl make sure that the filter seat plug is well welded lo the plate for carfridge protection to prevent aifsuction on the part of the hydraulic pump; replace the oil seals for the lift arms shaft and the gaskets of covers, plugs and valve seats if they are not dependable; check sealing characteristics of the discharge valve and of the lift control valve (4, 2, Fig. 185}, grind the seats if necessary and check spring performance; check the selling of the pressure limiting and safety valves by means of a hand pump equipped with valve carrier A 197032;'A,/B, Fig. 181. lf data do not correspond, replace the valves. as component oarts are not furnished separately as spares. 124 711/l‘¢l-' w_l.e H U ‘-9 ¢7l in 3'53 "$7"? 1"” {9»5»r'.. l rf.#!W;1;: ;*'~" o i g. . : I“ r e ‘_.. 1 L 'L‘1i.=a=¢. 1% (5 7 ,-_q, ,5‘: ([1: “El Q , -' -' _~ . --‘K: .r-_1;'.,-;‘:,;_ 'ci< ~ 1. Pressure reiief valve - r. Control spool. ze 1% Power lifi assembly. :3 Reverse the order of dismantling and follow Closely the instructions given below: la “4 .,;. -§§,v.1,~ - when piecing the/inside and outside arms on the control shaft make their respective stamped marks to register (see Fig. 184); ’— the installation of the seal rings on the arms requires using the protection A 1970El3;'A first, in order to prevent contact with the teeth of the shaft end, then the use of the punch A 'l9'i9G3,lS (Fig, 135); - the screw which fastens the control lever to the control valve spool (Q, Fig. 182) should be mounted on the piston side. r Y: Power lifi adjustment. i The adjustment of the power lift should be carried out by placing the unit on the tr + I 495065 which is equipped with the necessary weights. ac.or or on the bench 3L ._.. a) Confroi valve spool aofliusfmeni. —~ Run the engine to high idle speed, then raise the lift arms, and place the selector lever on position control (downwards). Remove the cotter pin and slowly screw in the adjustment plug (1, Fig. 138) until the load starts oscillating (vertical oscillations}; unscrew the plug half a turn and fit the cotter pin. 125 1 '5 !-1 -1 ; 3 ' -~ .4: ' L.. ,._.¢r = -,. . Qgpx K"-'* I‘ 2 .1';¢'. .1‘;i‘+==T-" ?-1%.?*.?P.*-‘ =’:1 ‘ , 1-*4‘ -ix-F1‘ 1-:53?‘ J V IA‘ '. 2*‘ _1"‘-'3 or " '- 1.‘ ~'->. _ ’ ‘"5" ' , r .‘_-j-‘= 1-=':: .-:;,,‘.'-t;,; '<»'- -‘_-var ~ *,:;'.=='i=r i;-1— :1-V‘ -_,:$;-.3._;=1.~‘ '.-. ms Yr: ~*.-1*’? .1 1 :' 15;-,;;§-.";‘_,.1i;_¢, -=5; 5'1‘ .> " =.E-W1: 1» . , -i - - ;.:.:f;is_ - __\._c:_».-f.~§;r' ' V.--M; 64- - _;._- .._,,. .~..-‘-.;'-~» _,;=: = i J _.._. _. -. - . - 1.- =.u<-=.‘; _ .3; - is ‘T-,\v. '. ,f_‘,;,! r ~ _ 1- . ‘ , = -~ ' ‘VH4-_~. '- - ._-. ---_-'.~<,_. ._ - - = rr’ 'i-filial" ;¢;';{";=_: ~>.__ ~ ‘ =,5 5, r »- ‘H1 ~ .~s=; .. Jig -.1 _ >4’ rs -aw: “>133? _ .__L, ‘ . ~ .r K:-".—. Ire“. .79.‘-="“" 1- 1 . - ~r I 5*-= -§,j;_r:,~.-"-§'V‘;' ___>_ " ~ " 1 _ __, _. 4 ?.\‘ *=:'!'*$- ',_ "‘ h " ' -f \ .r;;*~~ “ir==;-"' ~ _-_ ~' rm r _~---.\ '1 ll ' Y-1=._ . ‘F ‘J? ‘iii . } 1. ' _, ..,_ .' _~ ~ 1 “=1‘?= ' \ _i V: i - ~ I i~;-$.41-; i'~;1l-' Q1. 1 i '~':-3-1-. "?.1»i- -2;‘. "W " 51'-' -55.’ V V ‘- J ;-w_- r;.-i -*-~ -'_, ; _.‘i.~- ,- ' 'r..';',.-=- : 1 ‘us. »-, "1"" “"3: \; re A4 ;‘§.:P»;»,>°“* k ., -*~' “J: _ - ‘ *'; _ - 0-~ -A _,L.. .‘:{ @~=-_ -_ * _~.~:<";>; 5».-* 1 :.:2-= r-.‘*-_=-‘+9-»= ,_ V :2 1-"-:=‘7;L»..i...;~",%$3=5?1-11» -'1" - "' = : ff-“ =- . ;; ., .' _' _ 1-L_ -VI-.5 ‘-tr» ~—1- -~ '7 ,., 1 A. ~-1». ,-4* - <2: -: ~25 a ' To- E~ " “'_“ 5 _g,:;:e;;i§§'_ ‘ 2J Q ‘-_" Y‘; 1; . , 4 ;_i-_ ~ 5v" = IQ . “"- ye»-. :;‘=, - -‘$5.: 5 ~f' ‘hi-‘-L“">l ‘Pia?’ W -5,5,1 _ "axe _ Si Fig.188.-Adjusting ihetop link supporting spring iension us in g f 00 I A 7 $7016 . ~:<\n.-~',‘;=s.. W ‘_; .:‘€‘!.L ii: ' x i ~.1*»_'=e‘ 1" .— "'1 v_Mfi=.~ I »_~ -vi. ‘:3 _ i 1 1» ‘ TY e 5? F‘ ‘ iv"! " “=. \- ‘:4;-' ‘I ' i ii_ i -M- ~s-i';1'i;L>;l?' _ E »i_' . . .’,..,_<) j_(:1,,,_‘ r .-' /.332‘ : '-:4? ‘ I = s ' 51;"? :7 . ' 7‘ i “ »~:<1l'31' V,2' ‘ ‘Q -“§’€§; ‘ " "~::=,, 3.>.“~;.:::1r_-_~»—_we;-v»:;=v.z5;@ I -e ‘* ’??‘= _*;j2 ,;;;-_ ; L3 _\_.=; Fig. ¥S9.,~ Hydraulic system pressure reading using a ' fifirng ' A 191835 mounted in place of presszzre gauge with E the safety vaive. 5, $ J c .2; .e 2) Iristeli the iever A 197816 in the mounting hoies (Fig. 188) and by pressing downwards take up :5 gs compieteiy the ciearance existing between cover and support at the lower siop shown with an arrow (2, Fig. 191) a). In these conditions, the disiance I shouici measure 22,5305 mm ((18865 0.02”); Z‘? 11 a greater distance means that the surfaces of the iower stop are worn and need added material. The distance I in cases 1) and 2) of Fig. 190a can be checked using the two ends of the << C30 - .1!‘ 2|" No ~ Go » gauge C 197i3€5. d) Adjusting the pfay befween rofler and sector (F;7g. 190 b). — Move the iift controi fever to the highest position in the sector slot to get fuii raising oi the arms, and place the seiector lever in draft control (upwards); appiy the iever A 197016 tofhe mounting hoies of the struf to ifs support so as to compieteiy take up the piay existing between cover and support at the lower stop: in these conditions the distance Q’: wx. is?- ii i ?‘ J‘ ? got ‘i i i between cam and foiiower shouid measure L5 to 2 mm (1/16 to 5/64"). if necessary, the distance can be corrected by rotating the eccentric on which the foiiower is mounted. Note. - Should the working pressure of the lift hydrauiic system need checking, piace e pressure gauge with fitting A 1933135 in piece of the safety vaive as shown in Fig. 189. gifi Ii ‘ Skfifii . 1 -"HI 22.5805 H .,W nugget _\ f‘_\ —- \_/ h I Fe 4'5 >. G) I; 5")’x ‘% 1 .. an.\.-c-we-._. i ago 1,_‘_,: ,_'" _j"', nii Q: ~/, "ta Fig. $80 a. - Sefiing {he ciearance between lift cover and iop link mounfing bracket. i 1) Setting ihe clearance I (i4,5 to €§,E_i mm = 0.571 to 0.510 irs) between cover and top fink support bracket, spring M being free. 2} Sefling the ciearance I (22 to 23 mm -7: 0.865 to 0.905 in) between cover and ‘cop iink support bracket, spring M 1ii 35%‘; :i~ being loaded. H. Acijusiing shims - M. Top iink support bracket spring. % 9-:an -w$35‘e~<.u‘_u\=;1=:;.fi-»e3i;:@-i(.M:¢'‘ElZ~=1e.,':‘= § . ' \__w:* \-z/ \‘&;§.€-.'§~."Q.“!$§ls.-flu‘ ‘“ ~,.!,}| 1:§\w*- *>;.¢_ 3%“ >’i?""- 1,_199% I ‘Yr,-see~ h _____ .'{: _\- \.—\_ ' ~ -' v\ »\»\§'!\'\'_Y4&\Q:z;_\§Q1- _ A. I 3"’ §2§,' ..___.Q_i\:'§)§ ’ “‘““""“ raw‘ '0*¢‘....§.“ 5 ‘ \ to Y rs I 1/ " i _._eu_s,__§~s / \_/ #2 I,o.+@¢,g\/r - ""4 jrw“ __ 'lT. iIf I * i i ex I’ 1 =- _ l}lll; .,,== ;:.~sé so C""Oq -;--~ ‘ LU 5 \\ ___~. 27%;»E rs-1; The control cock unit shown on Fig. 130 and 193 ls installed on the power lift unit in place of th valve block cover. From the latter it is possible to recover the gasket and the complete pressure Va" e . . e control which can be installed in the new unit. c. :1‘ The operational diagrams for single and double acting cylinders are shown on Fig. 194. 6 I 5 ‘.41 _ ' " ewe __ I J”. ‘ml _}v:£u£ Y ~ ¢="» 1 \ *9 W 1-%¥~w+¢: F / M 6 ' ».:‘~-.—_r er ego _ ;.;<:-,».-'.l,..-\{‘.L___ cw "*1-s E ~ - Q} oi,“ 1,: ‘.335 3‘ * .r C , _ .-¢.~ea.¥ Hydraulic diagrams showing the operation of one double acting cylinder. F E557 "‘ *2?‘ .x ..@. Aris.i =* -I . F -v-u 5,11: W AI ‘L e -5.: .\__: .~1l_=J r. :44» 7. IIi‘-; 1: “Z! @ J ‘-19’ 1-=~ ».->.~:¢; \<»1 43*“ J \\ B .1 { n '-~ Y3» \i{ik "r. T4 c ‘$3 3‘: \‘-:1i ’iJ\ 2*“QrC-M» 3 ._cE. =;< .3’ ,.- ‘.::~‘ x‘ Hydraulic diagrams showing the operalion of single acting cylinder. . Fig. 191. - Diagram showing the operation of the control cock d connects single doublwacting Cylinders, 4. Pressure relief valve - 5. Control cock pin ~ B. Double-acting cylinder line fitting - 7. to Plug 16 M8and x1,5to be used when operating single acting cylinders - A. Stop position - B. Lifting position - C. Lowering position. 1 ' 3 »‘->11. 3 r 129 1 1L ~¢<-».rm_-.»i=, .-_?\mWi , if F HYDRAUBC LEFT ASSEMBLY DATA __————~ _=— ..__ — -_M.V,-¢. . _ Data Description \ Assernbly ciearances mm (in) ______ M? __7__ _ __ \ \\ —— 85,036 £0 ' rnm Diameter of piston 5 (3.3479'1O ss,o?1 1 (3.3-451 {O 0,036 to 6,10uI Sleeve and piston -. : ;‘ g H7, Iéfi 55,909 1 end ; insidediemeterofbushingsfor rocker § 1 2,016 is supportlevertpress-fitted bushings) I {D A730 in 12,059 l 0.4146) 1 1 2.1:-:54) Q I ; inside diameter 01' bushings 1 "**“,i Diameter of draft ccmtrol Fever pin 1 (O 1,973 to gglggg .4714 :0 _ __.~H_..,._ 7.-_ V —— _-_ 7, W, _ -~~~7~ 0-‘T54? i_' __ ,_ V , 7,, ‘ "W 4 __ _ _ __... __ ‘ Compressed lengfh 6,15 (0.005; , 0,25 - V (0.0%) - - ' »~ _ - W _”__i _ - = __.__ ____ /1 _ H ,_ _ , ‘ _ ' — , . 25,000 to 24,942 Bushings and upper iink bracket hinge axle ___,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,016 to 0,083 (muons in 0.0034) ‘ 1 Q S afeiy (eylindm-) Valve spring specifications Free Eength ‘, 1 ' j ,- \ __ , , 0,032 to 0,122 _f 25527210 25,020 _ , 0'4 (moss to 0.5076) fitted bushing and their _; {(10013 to 0.0040) (0.018 to 0.022) F Diameter of upper link bracket hinge ; axle * [ever pin ,_|_ (O.98"H ‘:0 0.9351) . and the diameter of the F H fitted into the upper fink bracket (3) _, ' } a , 1 I inside diameter of bushings pFess__ 0,100 fo 0,200 (QD939 TO 9.0075) 0,45 to 0,55 adjusfing screw {1D, Fig. 186) ,’,_, '7 § ! pins £01179} Thickness of spacer for Iifl arm run ,___ 7 Inside diameter of ;J!'esS- 2 control lever ,,.-._ ._,Y g,‘x-v,‘.|-_»,r,_ 12,075 __ ,, W? I Thickness of friction discs for lift ’| _ ,. 0.4724) 1 Diameier of roiler (r, Fig. 1% b) iii? 11,973 ta 12,000 \ control lever (L, Fig. Q82) pins ’ (0.47i4 io 0.4‘/'24) H, 1041,03 3:». s i i Inside diameter oi rofler and liftcontrol , 1 2,032 to lever bushings (press-fitted) ‘l (0 .473? to i t s-., -r. tO 41000 * 1.8504; Engs: 00014 to 00041) 1 x ->:¢='= 5 4,970 to right end 5 (2 .15-f-2 to E 4 5,975 to Fefi and l (1 .8é‘5‘5 to 1 . . . . . mm (in) U322] . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . ‘ mm (in) (1258) Test ma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . kg (lb) i '1, mm 5") ' 1 Diameterofarrncon’zra1shafiatbush- ‘ _ _ Wear “mus I to 55.170 to 2.‘!Y21) Q to H.170 5 Arm shaft and bushings: I to 1.8571) rigm end , l ‘ , _7 ; 3.3492) _ — ,‘ B5,00i} 3.3465) , B4-9135 50 ! , inside diameter of bushings on arm § 55,108 I Control sheit (1): réghi end (21693 7.100 Eefi and ‘ (1 .8543 l E, _, | H 5 inside diameter 0?’ cylinder ‘ , __ . (m) I Inside diameter of cylinder sleeve 1 _ ' ; = " ..._.i__ s 0,02O to 0,130 0,5 (moses to 0.0051) (@1120) 1 W C t Eaiigfilia "* I 46 (0.82) 20 . =*- Discharge ' 22 (6.87) 10 1,8 ta 2,2 [4 10 4.2) (0.40) ' , I1 ‘I -j 1 . Q (0.79) 25 ‘° 29 (55 to 64> ~" \>,‘ 2,3 fo 2,6 <5 m 5.7) . 1 ‘ I ' Opening pressure of relief vaive (1, Fig. 186) (marked worh Jetter C orE) ‘ Opening pressure cf cyiimier szdety vaive (3, Fig. 186) . . . . . . . . . 145 in 155 kg_/cm: (2062 £0 2205 p. 196 to 205 kg/cm“ (2774 to 2916 p.sE”. L»-1, Discharge valve (4, Fig. ‘$86) io control valve body wrench iorque . . 9 in 10 kgm <65 to 72 mu) ‘E Cyfinder safety valve (3, Fig. 186} wrench torque . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 4 to 5 kgm (29 to 35 7'1-éb} 1, (*1 Bushings are fitted mm their housings in ‘(he lift casing with an interference of (1,020 w 9,102 mm (011003 to 0.0939 in). ("*1 Bl-l$i\iflg$ are fitted into their housings with an,inie:%erersce 9+ 0,55 to 0,23 mm 63.8920 is 0.0091). i 130 I cviriq 7 {mi r 11¢, 0 n‘ Vlive, Lad M ?’F§e!:i=I'3 vziae c [mJ¢r ,' 7/?” 5'7? 1394"? 51%?” 674.. 35 - ' "Re.i:§.f‘ ya}-I-2.! 7 1 Ci’ I/5 IQ 65$’ /2' 7% F25 ‘ mm=hw~a-@~_~i.. 44 .__ . ~=-,».@¢~%,_<¥-1»F~.,—Mi-<~_ l HYDRAULIC HFT SYSTEM FAULT TABLE 1 l FAULT l i POSSIBLE muss 1 ' - A r Tel‘-lTlONS REQUHED l ‘ Lift fails to operate. » 1) No oil. 1 Top Up, 2} Control valve sticking. ‘E Dismantle and clean it. 3) Hydraulic pump does not werlr. _! Overhaul the pump. l i 1) Oil level very low. Lift lelts. . .- .-_» .- ._-~ ¢ l ; Top up. 2} Oil filter clogged up. 3) Air bubbles in suction duels, E Clean it. ‘ Check fittings and seals. ‘J hmF$.~"'» :-.“W4 Q,_.,5_ ,r,;_ i,;‘.- Lrll: does not hold the i load in raised position 1) Faulty adjustment of valve spool. :!' J. ll (when the engine is 2) Faulty sealing or sticking of Dismantle and check the parts ln- i discharge valve. l volved; assemble the valve tigl-ate,-,_ ill on oscillating up and clown ; when the engine is stopped, file load 3 drops}. 33 3? :94 fili L”?- 1 ll iii _ Niall’ (5 '7; 3 1%,“ 'ILB.' - ing the plug with a torque wrench ; order to avoid possible clistor3 lions. S) Oil inlet valve of hydraulic cylinDismantle and check the parts in- l der leaks. i valved. r 4) Oil leeks past lift piston seal or l Replace them. * cylinder seal. 5) Cylinder pressure relief valve 1 Replace ii. 1 leaks. l Replace them. l rcrewf §>r'e'='s2<-'l’E¢.i 6) Discharge valve seals damaged. lee ll-' I 1) Pressure relief valve ou’c-ol’-ad- l Check setting. i justment. l l l 2) Cylinder pressure relief valve = Replace it.fg,2;~- lf0<_;‘-£{l‘l‘l out-of-adjustment. l \ Ida‘ ' ' 3) LBW Plump efficiency f*). I Test pump performance and over- 11 =.<~ E .2 l l V ‘ll l l F 3‘ . l ‘ haul ll, if necessary. Pressure relief valve cuts in when l’fi ‘ arm 5 are -53 raised -‘e§a_. ‘ ' 1'1 ail .sf {ii ll 1) Lift arm sircke adjustment screw Take a few shims from underneath L 0U?"°1'"adll151m@¥flf_ 5 the screw head (see paragraph << b >> l‘ oi lift adjustment on page 125). Traces or engine oil in 1} Oil leaking through between the hydraulic fluid. ‘ hydraulic pump and seal. ‘iii? l| l A setat9to 10 kgm (65io 72 limit) in lI 'I 1 l 5 “E, r;;_, $5? -6 {.1 ‘l l l H on page 125. running, theload keeps 1;: Readjustthe valve spool as specified l l ' Check the parts involved and re- ' L place the damaged Oi’!-3S. l ) Usually accompanied by a considerable increment of the time required lo raise the load. :.,,='=;;: z l e ‘E i‘-‘ l l i i H iii-' l s 7 (‘I 1 fir, 1 l 1 ¢ :a 2 -; -* ~ :2 4+"-"‘> ''1 5 .1-l -H -" ': ’\_. 1,3; l l '—.e -, Ii?!-. ._-I s Q , 5| 45 e 7 1 l ._<'z' > .. _- 3 I¢ 4 T T001. HST Tool No. ' Description Page No. -"*£=r+'.1*2~: <.>"c:-»~ Fig. No. 5:’ $3» +4 1*: A B61322 A $117 A 11401 A 12131 A mow A 19171 ____A mew A mesa A 117683 A moss A mesa A 121051 A mans A 131010 It» £3 ‘J. ~. Fe . Hammer, brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I l Swlwel sland, pump overhaul . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ‘ .l I Grinder, engine valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hand pump . . < . . . . . . . Adaptor . . . . . . . . . . . Dial gauge . . . . . . . . . . Wrench, injection pump timing Wrench, engine timing . . . . PilrJtrod.....~ . . . . . . Bushing . . . . . . . . . . . Gauge, control box sorting . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . as 39 1s as as 40 49 49 as 41 1'04 . . . . . . , . . . , ..l . . l . . Gauge, control box selling _ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . _ A 187014 A reruns,/A/B A 191015 I A 197fl32fA_fB A 197035 A 2“1'1’£32B ' l Adz-:p£or, gearbox primary shaft Gauge, bevel pinion setting . . Lock, final drive gear . . . . . Driver and prclieciion . . . . . Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . _l./alve holder, hydraulic lift . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E . l . . . . ' Fiiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l t 3'3. .' ll B3 98-91 l 15? ‘H14 52 68 302 112~1’33 70, ' 125“ 121 124 121 13 12 11 as 67 13 as-as 40 44 as 37 35~36-33 as-as as Valve spring compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l A z1ress;'A/e,'c;o/e,rF;'s Curlers and spindle set, for valve seat grénclirlg . . . . . . l = A 211022/A/e 31' 2 F. Driver, cylinder liner removal and installing A . . . . , . . .. A 227005 Puller, injection pump drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WA zsms 2 Adepior set, differential lockinstalling . . . . . . . . . . 5 A muss Driver, valve guide removal and insralling . ., . . . . . . . ‘E A sz:-mo? ,1 4 Puller, injection pump plungers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l A seam Wrench set, injection pump adjustment . . . . . . . . . . A 323623 Support, injectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A 222025 Puller, injection pump shafi bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 #5 r _ A szan.-as Puller, pump bearing outer race . . . . . . . . . . , . . A 322023 Retainer forks, lnjecfion pump followers . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 11$-?v.{I§T_o A seam Tool, injeciicm pump tappet removal and installing . . ‘ A 3223044 35%;: Screw driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ll A 423112 #2 .. l Measuréng sel for control rack travel . . . . . . . . . . , -3;»: z | A swear Rivetfng set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 55?.41 ‘; :I_£-, A 511021 | Wire brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 A same: Connection, inlection pump plunger stroke check . . . . . l 12 35? =».;-_5*;' A sevens Puller, injection pump delivery valves . . . . . , . . . . . ‘ 40 5:1“; 5 A szms Connection set with pressure gauge, injectors and pump l as elements check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' A same Puller . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 39 A amas .' 1‘ Wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as A aware Clamp piston rings . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 56 il A maze Pliers, piston rings . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . l8~20-46 A swear Puller, pilot bearing in flywheel . . . . . . , . . . . . . . i 18 A 7i1flfi3;'.lk Fixtures, main clutch dismantling and reassernbling . . . . 53 A 11110.»: Wrench........................ 54-65-as A mzsn Spring tester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as A 735002 Puller, steering arm . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 '5’ £7 A 928251 Driver, gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 ' A arms Driver, gearbox . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ARR am Rotary stand, medium size . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . ‘ 5 59 ARR 22:6 Rotary stand, large size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55-re-11:5 ARR 2221 45 F Stirrup set, for rotary stand ARR 2204 . . . . . . . . . . 3 ARR mom Stirrqp set, for engine installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65-70 ARR mans. f‘ Engine lifting hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E 8-45 i<§;“4§'§ c ear: Dial gauge, with stand . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-B c es? Dial gauge set . . r . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 20 c 731 Gauge blocs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . ' 11 c mars ~ 8:6, ¢< C-So-no-go» gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 c 517023 Fixlure, connecting rod alignment check . . . . _ . . . . 127 c mm: _,i<:.§_, Ring gauge, for setting dial gauge C 687 . . . . . . . . . 20 masses 3%Bench, hydraulic lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11-18 1' u 0321 f-'?~ Reamer, reverse shaft bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 l c. u D337/A/B Reamers set, engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 7: *51' u 211011 Esoanslon reamer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 14 u 313030 Reamer, valve guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 17-19 u mm Reamer, pump rack bushing . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 u sum "5; Expansion reemer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 u am-:15 Expanslnn reemer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 65 25» ~ 2% ZI= 2 ll ?85 138 781 189 21 ‘I7 107 54 67 53 60 27 29 84-89 fin. & _ . 96-$05 ll 3 51$’. 1532', ~_..=¢ 5.-., ii-Er '1 _ _. .-_ 4 l 7'4 ‘ ,.,=»~ ~rt)! _a ,_|_E)~ ,. V: 3": ‘V >§1‘*=s *1 -» =2-_.~__ _ ‘ »-:;=~E.s 131 =55‘ .a ,W,-; 3*‘; ~ _.-»~=_.-.\,-4. .’- ‘.v-0“>4 Fig. 195. - Front and side view of tractor 411 R. I> ix 5: I i. 1 l Fig. 196. - Rear and side view of {raster 411R. 132 , --3-.f_-‘T__._‘__..:..__-,_<_,7;,.;...‘ __,__’,_._..... -.__.___ __. -5_.__fi_....___~_ _ __7V.,__.7.. .__v_v_>.____...v,..‘ _ 7,... _ _ .__,._.__. -_ . , .. ._ ...—.v,_T~.. ,__--_-_.....v.,..v.._..._......7...-_..___>.,.....__.-j. >_v____ ____ _ _ ~,> ~_@,-<.»~,-Wm_ SPECEFECATEGNS i-.»'>~i.-"M' \u- .~»r-nM‘\":'* E.f‘{GlNE 5,V. »- _-<1». Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diesel 4-strske, with turbulence Numbers of cyiinders . . . . Bare and Stroke ‘ _ _ _ _ _ , ‘_iiL-“'§vlF‘\QwJ\" f ; _ . . . . . . . . , . 615.000 F‘; chambers, . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . 4 _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85x1E]i) mm (3.3'i6”x3.93?”) Pistcn displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Compression ratio, appr 0 >< . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . Maximum rated horse pawer {with air cleaner, without fan Maximum l-i.P. developed aé: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum torque . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Maximum torque deveiopeci at: , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine weight {with air cleaner, withuut lubricating oi?) . . fiflnwkn xwnl J44!w» .3? Q s Z 1 1 i » 1 . . _ . and . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exhaust muffier) . l . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . Lubricating oil quantity (in sump and pipes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2276 cm“ (138.5 cuin) 215:‘! 40 H.P. (1) 2300 R.P.M. 14,3 kgm {$01 ftib) ‘$500 R.P.l‘v'l. 275 kg (609 lb) 7 kg (15.5 ib) 11 Timing .1 I I Q ~. i opens . . . . . . . . . . . “Qt - ' - - ‘ - ' ‘ ‘ A ' " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' " l closes Exhaust ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ji Clearance between valve stem and rocks: arm for check Nnrmal running clearance between valve stem and rocker exhausi). . . . . . . . . . . , A ‘ , . . 4 . . . , . = 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . opens . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. cioses of timing engine cold . . arm engine coid (inlet and . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 3° before T.D.C. 23¢ after B.D.C. 23°3°before B.lIJ.C_ after T.D.C. 0,375 mm (0.014? in) 0,29 mm (U.0D'.’B in) Fae! supply Plunger-type fuel {Jump "- Operating pressure - » - - ~ ' " ‘ E tijithosuedimelri? bo'~vi0i;peyp.e . . . . . . . -‘th t ed‘ eni b ‘it . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .1,2i0’l,5kQ;'cm5:('l?io2i$3.53.} lnjeciion pump {Bosch licence) with 4 piungers :4 -,1 FIAT HAT FPIKE FP,»‘KE 22A:48 22A:L.4;'i l for fuei pump without sediment bnwl, type Ii for fuel pump with sediment bowl, type . PES 4A 608 »1TG:L4_f‘§ PES 4A BBB 4‘l(]:L4,-‘I6 Direction of rotaiion of pump shaft (looking on drive side) . . . . . , . . . . . . . clockwise I A Enjeciion order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3-4.3 "5. Setting of injection assembly on engine. The pump assembly with plunger No. 1 at tha beginning of clelivery, is mounted on engine having piston No. 1 in the cam» D3 =a::= I75 -.'; *2’-:7 $11 =1 éefi ' pression stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . , . . i . . . . . . . 20°¢ 1° before T.D.C. Nozzie holders type . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . KC 55 S B F Nozzles type . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 4 . . DN ‘l2 SD 12 injectors calibrated ai: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 'i2G;_'~ S i-cg,-'cm” (£700 78 p.s.i.j >‘.=_;§ Go vem or $2“ "iii Vacuum governor (embodied with the injeciion pump) type: . . . . . . . . . . . . Max. engine speed (no load), not less than: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Min. engine speed (nu lead). from: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . EPJM 60 A:L45 2608 R.P.M. 420 tn 480 R.P.M. 5 -*2} i 1:"‘ ?£-‘ii 1*}. ‘f 3 >5 71’; Pii l Lubrication : Lubrication oil pressure (automaiicaliy adiusted by a valve) with hot anczirse =t normal R.P.M.rate..i........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3kQ;'CFi‘i2(*$3p.S.§.) s*-.was wevzd_m_wa» aiv 52:» 3:-iv me; “ii (*3 Far tractors £11 R and 421 R (3) Engines with 5°,', less pr:-war should be accepted. i l i l : % fgiiz-. 2 133 . ., -..____,_> ;.. ~ .1"-=. »1. Starting Eieciric motor with engagement contmlled by eiecfro-magnet type FIAT E1i5-3524 . 3 KW Giow plugs for caid starting . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 W - Ln-/awJ » TRANSMISSION 1st I-Ind 3rd 4th 5th 6th % E gear . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Gearbc-x ratios Overall reduction rams 5.901 . 1 130.276 . ‘¥ 82.756 I 64.847 35.873 22.738 16i}.3443 44.151 ».1--ll. . -1-Aha.-ah;-A 10.863: ‘i gear . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gear . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . 3.749 : 1 gear . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1st £'@VE!'S€ - _ . . . . . . . - . - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 2nd FEVQTSE , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . . 235.449 ; 1 2.938 : 1 1.825 : 1 1.632 1 1 7.283 : 1 . 2: I ._ \._, ~.\,-'.\_ .-,A~.,-4‘: Rear reduciion train Bevel gears $850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fina! drives ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total reduction raiio (bevel gears and finai drives) . . . . . . . . . . .‘. . . ~ . - .- - . - . . - -- . = . | . .- . - .... .... 3.917% 5.636:‘l 22076:? TIRES Tracior ‘type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 515.100 (411 R) | i Size of front fires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Max. inflating pressure of front tires . . . . . . Séze of rear tires . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nlax. inflating pressure of rear fires ' fieid wark mad Work i; . . . . . . . . . . . 51 8.00-‘I6 2,5 kg‘/cm’ (35 p.s.i.} 11-28 D,8 kg,/cmz (11 p.s.i.) ; ' i 1,2 to 1,5 kgfcm” [1 (17 to 21 p.s.§.) Y 515.163 (42i R} 5.50-16 2,5 kgjcm’ (S5 p.s.i.) 11.2428 0,8 kgfcm’ 11 (p.s,§.) 1,2 to_1,5 kg,/cm? (17 to 21 p.s.i.} _ E i . E ‘~ STEERING SYSTEM TurningraciIus...... . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . 3 m (9 ft. 103:1) | 2,2: m (9 fi.2 in) i BRAKES Outer diameter of drums . . . . . . . . . . . . Width of brake lining —~ . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2100 mm (82%/5"] 50 mm (2”) - 2180 mm (825,?) i 59 mm K2“) . DRAWBAR (1; Horizontal swing of drawbar clevis . . . . . . . Height of drawbar cievis above ground i minimum ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I maximum . . . . . . . . . . ! ENMENSIONS AND WEiG¥-[TS Wheelbase . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Front tread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! R ! - F 669 mm(26") ' 660 mm (26”] 270 mm (1'c:5;;> Q 20$ mm ( mg’) ssn mm(215,'3”) 4713 mm (121,/5."; 1525 mm (713/4") 1} 1289-1336-1480i580-1 688-1338‘!8B0-1989 m m } E 1815 m m {7'i1;’f) 1260-136%]-146$ E 1568-1656-1'?6l% . .,.-_ 1sea.1eso mm 5531";-54‘/4-53‘i'¢~ ' 425/Q-se=,I,-swag Q 52‘»’=-55‘r's-79‘/'v e1=,/8-es=/,-es=/, 74"-78' 73‘:'<-77%” ‘ \ 1 J. (1) See naw drawbar specifications on page 139 for tractors with chassis No, 429451 up. 134 3 3 .4V_-‘“.,_. 1 if 1? I 4 1 Tracior type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . § Rear tread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >\.-&_vm~\a.|mu\v-.¢m» w.H- -.1Agni ' r ,1 |L42.'r.*|l\vc| {Er -=. 3‘F 5 I T N 1' r ~< ! * ir 1 with .. drawbar f‘ Que all Engm 9 ‘raga . . . . . . ‘Nlih0!.3’[ drawbar . . . f Over-ail width :,V~'iH‘l min. tread . . . iwith max. tread . . . . . ,, . " to the to of steering Max height tothetogof bonnet Ground ck-zarance under front axle . . . . . . Ground ciearanne under rear axle . . . . . . Operating weight of tractor . . . . . . . . . . whee! . . . . . . . . . . . . Weight of the two front wheel weights, approx. . it .~ ¢ . . . . . . .- . . . . . - , 1. I Ki ae .. Weighi of the four rear whee! weights, approx. . . . 3 ‘a », c J 1* k 1‘: 'I.'~:2';7.:;'1"=.-,>'=i 1*1‘, I zasa mm(113§r;) 2755 mm(10a=|r;; (50"} ‘I490 mm (585/4*’) {855,IE”) ;fi%mm@Wfl§ (55‘r;,",”) ; 1335 mm (521/2") (540 1300 mm (5¥1l"}’} (1B"'j8”) . 409 mm ('i5°/1,") 1400 kg (3000 Eb) T0 kg(15fiib} 5 3 220kg-(4B03b} s PERFORWUKNCE AND FUEL CONSUMPTION Speeds, with engine at rated speed (on concrete course}: 1st 2nd 3rd 11th gear gear gear gear . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k.p.h. m.p.h. i k~D-i12.2 ' 1.4 2.: . . . . 4.0 1 2.5 5.3 3.0 8.0 5.0 14.5 22.9 6th gear . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _ . . . 1st reverse . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd reverse . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 3.3 j 11.3 ; .. 1011 _|-3;2%? IW. for type 615.100 I 'vn~. 5th gear .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rt; -.1 2 1500 mm 2200 mm ‘I410 mm 13'?!) mm 430 mm . j ; 0.0 14.2 2.0 ! 1.3 ' §m.p.h. , 1.3 3.3 2,1; 5.1 7-7 14.0 22.1 3.8 4.3 8.7 13.7 3-2 11.4 2.0 Diesoi foo! consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3.54 kg {7.7~B.8 lb) 3.5-4 kg (1.7-3.2 I or Maxi:-nurn drawbar puiis on concrete course, with tractorfuily ballasied (iron disos and 75% water ba|!ast- I ed tires): 1st gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 4th gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5th gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6th gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ~~_ jrsou kg rages :b)(*>§ ‘ - - . - » . . . . . < | . . . . . . $500 kg (3,300 Ib)(*)? 3500 kg (3,300 lb)(’“) The same as for - ¢ | . . . . . . i 1350 kg (3.000 Sb) 750 kg (1.850 lb) 450 kg (1.000 Eb} type 615.100 . i (*') Whcelsiip is limiting factor. Running at 24 V. See page B1 for instructions on ifs components. or. ACCESSOEUES The performances of the accessories (power éake-off. be-it pufley, hydraulic Hfl] are the same for the severai types of tractors. Po we? take-off 3», = SE: a "=1.'- .= 1: j i ELECTRIC SYSTEM . . 1.1 :91: 27.? 2.. :>, rd‘ || the same as ‘M20 kg (3130 Ha} 70 kg ( ‘$50 Eb) 220 kg ( 4301b) 5! .> 1200»? 300-14001500-1500-1?00~ 1800-1900 mm =4'1",",-fi11_f¢—55‘,'}.59%-63-67 ?0‘,'s-7432.1” 2900 mm {‘!14”) 282:1 mm (1113 :5 .-;. 615.102 615.000 Diameter of shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 11;; Speed of Eive power take-off (at rated engine speed} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57:; R_[-EM. Revoiufions in ground speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 revolution for approx. $0?/J’ of forward travel (2? cm) 185 I \ 1 Bela‘ puffs? puney Speed ai rated engine speed Belf $§}86G] . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1195 R.P.M. $5.6 IT?’/'5 (3,070 f.p'm.) Diameter of pulley . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 mm (975,) Width cf band . . . . . . . . . .. . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 159 mm (5,) Weight of pulley (without lubricaimg oil) . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,5 kg (53 [5] Hydraulic lift Hydraulic gear pump, type: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piessey g 13 X Reduction ratio between engine shaft and hydraulic pump drive shaft speed . . . . . . 31.162 :1 Pump speed (with engine at rated siiasecll . .1’ . . . . . . . . , . . . . _ . . . . . 2900 R_P,m, Dsliveryifii flfapproxl_50°C-140°FJjZ’;150O:;i:<:?cCr-tan(g§éSc|:g.i.}i 3 J J J J J I .... J $2.5 12322 l§tZ§i$§33Zl;§ + - -- Relief valve opening pressure (Marked with letters C or E} . . Bore of hydraulic lift cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Maximum travel of iifi iower links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum weight raised at the end of the lower links . . . . indicated lifting capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lifting time (with engine at 2300 R.P.M.) . . . . . . . . . . . Weight of draft-and-position-coniroi hydraulic lift, inciuciing pipes . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . and 1 l 1 5.-_ . -. i,. .4 Q 1 " . . . . . . . . . 150 kg/ (2190 p_5_;_) . . . , . . . . . 85 mm (3.3-4") . . . . . . . . .. 500 (30.5} . . . . . . . 580 in 600 mm (1) {22’/," 10235/8’) . . . . . . . 9£l0to12iJ0 kg (1)(1985'l:o2645lbs) . . . . . . , . . approx. “I51; kgm (5425 ftib) . . . . . . . . , 3 59,; pump {without oil) 82 kg (130 11,} (1} Starting from chassis No. 4i2é274 up, specifications are as follows: Max. Travel of lift lcwer link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 and 650 mm |f21‘,'s" ancit251/Q") Max. weight raised an lower link ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 and 1200 kg ($985 and 2645 :53; CAPACITIES X Part to be filled V I Quantity : ~ . Cooling system . . . . . . . . . ' Fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . i 12 I. 39 I. included) injection pump and governor . l Air cleanser . ‘ 0,5 >> . . . . . . . . . . 12 >> ;1 Finsldrives (each) . . . . . . . . 2 >> _ Steering system . . . . . . . . . ‘T — i Transmission Frcmt wheels Grease nippies . . . — I-\_.. . . . . . . . - Belf pulls ‘<1 . . . . . . . . . . . c >> ‘l Hydraulic lifi . . . . . . . . . . . >> Generator l slpports . . . . . . V 1: iwicl-:......... l Y Starting mo‘-zarr c-.-errunning clutch 7 3/'4 Q{$. N-B ..°"° '12 » ‘I’! if; 2) 1 3|f4 )7 DJ -.-¢1. _ av m~. - - l ‘, i g SAE10 W oil for temperature below 0° C (32° F) SAE 50 HD oil for temperalure above 35° C (Q5° F) ‘ l Same oil as used for the engine sump i SAE 80 HD oil ‘ — , . . . . . . . . , . A Water Diesel fuel SAE 30 HD oil for temperature from 0° C (32° F) 81,’; !mp.gaI. 8kg . . . . . . . . . . ._= 1- l 2‘_r‘2 lmimgal. | Engine crankcase (filters and pipes ' Material Mk c.,_~u_l..__... SAE 90 oil SAE140 oil for temperature above -10° C 64° F} 3 SAE Q0 oil for temperaiurc below —10° C (i4° F) SAE 90 oil 1 Chassis grease ‘ Chassis grease J) it J‘ D . i SAE146 oil for temperature above ~»~10° C (1-4° F} SAE 90 oi! for temperature below --10° C (14°) i 1: ii SAE 20 hydraulic oil High meiting point grease SAE 50 HD oil l High melting point grease I i i l i li §, l. l l: l r is ll W/~.F-'_Ifl!W4A-.I<» .» 186 """“"‘_-‘ - . .___._ __ _... __._ - .- s, i, 5; l.L. ~vwe w.»v-' F‘rl?0fi5FlCATlO§"&S Starting from the tractor with engine No. 020425 and chassis No. 411789 up, the fuel filter and feed pump have been modified as follows: DOUBLE FUEL FILTER in addltion to the single paper element a cloth element has been added. inspect each 300 hours the filtering elements to check their efficiency and to wash with kerosene the cloth ene, and replace, ll‘ necessary. the paper element, which must not be washed. -=-.4»_F.-~Y»I._L>-»_Iw.-~>.I-A_r.vU,-»_. . -. . ,. . ._. . . _.-¢ r.»- ~.-+ r‘-':¢-.--.~.*-.;-'=1'-'7-'~t*.'~.~~;e-' — 11- --M-~~»--_~. »-..- ‘~w»i 1, l 1» V-r-* r r =r_». _.¢,:=.-.,....-1,»,r- r -»--,~-»|!-- '5?.19:-uv:* ~ - 1'12" r- 4- --=~:- .-.-1-. ~%1‘¢§¢'ay).1-‘K W; -_= ‘,r~m-gr-.91-;,,5-lea‘:~.; r »£-..‘=1-“ s :1: v .' _, - 1 ‘=4 ‘, '1 --r< A _- .1~_ -.} ,,--,-up-. ., =* c-"~ .-‘ ;_;r;'.'._‘w ’,,~ ~ ‘Z.'7?“;"~'<’.“»-.-”.+:»4~’rf11=";?'-'-"' -' ~-=r2:r;r +"- * 1 \ V,,.‘;l-=4-;=:*;¢"-T=-we-=rfi>*=*'"'"~ w4'=*~»r==‘~v==;-.-¢.1!:'5."‘=.= . “ .k:|.?,=wv.:.v~: , =. W -' ;.' '-.;;= r"r-.-‘<-£z',Et;,_r‘.‘- _,_@'.;='<. 3.,"--'>:1 “ '=*’""""..M — ~-;-- Lam. ' ,-4.‘ i‘. - ,__~»:a.-»- _ .;=-=-fie"? F -V Wz\.,* £7-.‘—’; T v A» 2 6;’, ' Er » ' .i1;>Z,'_ ,_ _ W" »». é,,,~;; A5. 1 ,7 4' ’l».:*2“ Pv- _ f ~. ‘gave -A.._c-e G .. . M I];'9*.~._-. 5»P . - »-~ V, . _ 1~.F% '-1'v ~>>---~-‘ ‘.1 Er“-:»"?—"~‘:r'1§4{":§ " ,_.-3--,3 -'i.:~> "E*~L=:"'; ‘:n:l§';l= . Q _fi.»;‘ 4 “ _.-=r*u-‘He ’ -»- ..-— ._. j .W!".:r.., =‘..»;.."I-=."_"",._.".2-I--“’=-""““’" . " -1 P <~‘\ _ ~;;*§e 1 *_"r - - 4 §;"l4:')'($’\5‘ L 11?-=1~“-I,-:;=-.c ‘“"' 0 . _ e , '55; an <1 1 -e.§-Y“ 4.~£ ‘:-uua .» =1=;»' 5% ‘~t».\r'-'."<-‘~ -*%+.~:»%l1_-»*‘" " ' ,. ,» l <_ "Eva __,¢'.-‘ “=;_1‘5"' Fl ‘r ‘it-'1, - 1 J. §:z?i',;l,—,:rr?;‘:I T3*; “?=‘?F=‘-$11-‘E »* 1' —-..-em‘-.1.-».‘ —_~-mrnut'=1 e i Yr L-= -r*=*#v»'= ' ' . " - »-»-,-H,-..l-.A,>.1,¢»,., =il;P-Y'Q.-I'l‘I:—¥'—-e II-3%.-f:1'-Bi-"~'~:#L. —“."*—,\q~-<5-.'~4l‘§rr*~~'.. ..—.1 . ‘VT ..-=;-.1557"-*==:-'=:=r“1-‘er;-- =%-;-¢=:ur=":;:,:--17-‘-v-:***}‘ »1\ll" :..e»=::1%%'1*'-‘* ~| r .-P _‘ _,-I: ;§,+'-=:=;>.-1=-' %¢ "" ~. ' ‘Er ‘YT’-‘ ='il'€-<§: 11ii;:"Z=:f‘~ w:-4 -9r\'+x,;~-r-—=1:-~,:=-= ~__-'- .:»,¢-~~r=;j' =.~~- ,-»- ?» 1I=.‘*"%iJ‘:a=i:§§:i >=<» ‘,.l‘.Y:.m. ,—‘__-\‘_~r.-'4,» ,~. 9-; — ' ' -.;.‘- = ‘__“-"3-.4,'_H.—"-= 5w,-:_r:2:,;,’~'.2‘-»:‘ - ,1: -‘~ 4535'.;-15gu*;.;',*.,.'fi{r_--1:» "‘ .,~‘ "I:-fi"”' ,-J-‘;".;?IJ-':-'-1=?.i~l;Z€=*‘3 ‘I’-r“Lil3:11?-'%:f*T‘;;5-2.5-s~*§' r.--~‘—':.';;r'J‘Ei-"’*“'!"'~"l;sI~?,' g,;}f}'b§_‘?" 3-” ‘-':."51-iF§é'~m.1=..::ii‘§@'§.. "*Ir“¢‘;<‘:‘ .1 F*:~&’,-:52 > -1 ~ - ~*" ‘V Al =1 ‘Q . . '._.-_r¢-,<'___="__ _:._,- »= :- H Fig. 197. ~ Two element fael filter. 1. Flllzer air bleed screws - a. Filtering cloth element - b. Paper 1. Cover protecting the pump control sleeve - 2. Reference filterlng element. marks - 3. Pump €astening nuts - 0. Feed pump fuel filler. Fig. . 198- injection pump type PES 4 A 86 B -110:L4;"1fi. gj; After the filter elements assembly, bleed air as follows: 25.; ;3.‘= - screw back of two turns the screws (1, fig. 196); K»< — unscrew the knob of the priming pump of lime feed pump and pump till the fuel that flows from the holes located under said screws is free from air bubbles. Retighten said screws. V A§ r.1'.‘ 3' I 5 .. .%=i%- 5} = "IA? ea? FEED PL¥l‘v‘lP WITH BOWL-?YPE FELTEFE £71 5: E2; $1,r_ _ The iniection pump type PES¢A6€}l'3 1¥l{):l_4_l1.6 features a feed pump fitted with bowl filter mounted out side the pump body (figs 198 and 199), ‘ ’ ' F5? 5 <11 l gee 2% ‘'"*l*-1-r ' :>'-.‘¢I:M‘ ” @@‘»~r If __.. Frg. ‘I99. ~ Feed pump components , I ‘J 1% 15. ¥-‘we! rilier. --<1-L “/ 13? i 3 i I The caiibration with respfifiii T0 i3i'B\‘iOL%8 Dump type PES4A60B4i0:L4j‘i is the same and the gqfqg diiierence concerns the fuel feeding. i Fuei filter cieaning should be done with petroi every 120 working hours and before reinstaiiing it, it is advisable to check and to replace it if necessary. T After assembiy, bleed air bubbles from the system by siackening the relevant screw iocaied on the iniection pump body and by acfuating the priming hand, pump. U-FLEX TYPE GIL RING - < fix U-Flex type oil-ring has been insiaiied on engines No. i}i6?36 and above. This type ring is higher than standard ones, therefore the piston groove has been modified accordingly. Said changes have aéso been made on engines from No. 016266 to 016518; Modified dimensions are shown in Fig. 289. Z; Z ii ii I 1 I Fig. 280. - Dimensions of pisicm ring and its graoue. 12.5 5.530-5.550 mm 5./I80-5.510 mm 12.6-72.4 mm 72.4 (0.217?-0.2184 in.) (0.215?-02169 in.) (28583-2.850-3 in.) NEVV DRAWBAR AND HITCH Starting from chassis Na. 429451 up the drawbar and hitch device of the series 400 tractors (except mod. 431,‘R) have been modified in order to bring iocatiun of the various parts within the requirements of international standards. Changes are as follows: 1. ii 1; 12 ~ stronger and simpler frame; i ~ more adjustment possibiiities, in fact: Z ~ the cirawbar plate can be fixed to the tractar at two different heigiizs, and for each one it is 1:z i furiermore possible to adjusi the height by turning the drawbar plate upward or downarci, More verticai settings are possibie by turning over the cirawbar; i, i —— the drawbar can be set on 3 iongituciinai and on 3 traverse positions. ~— Besides, the lower links are made 4 cm ionger, and the PT~O shait 1 cm ionger. 2 138 -~, »\.~ -~"i-\4~<-.‘=1\-'mi.- ~*.!"'F?1§“”'"P!‘H*R°"'\.€T~nW.1uIviH¥4"~<‘!*§'\~v1?*fl:'!"r¢1H‘P 31 Q .53 if 1: §i in '~'=! i-1 .- , '-'5 €= 2 T5 5. 5: 5+ 1 Bi‘- Fig. 201 - New drawbar and hiich assembly. if-fl -51 E:1- '€ L"; Specifications. Verticaf distance from ground Fine to top of drawbar at hitch point, adjusfabie as foflows 2\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horizontaf swing distance at hiich point . . . . . . . . . . 318 I 0») “Jca -42:2 mm (121,-';'- 11z=;S".111;;; 570 mm E20") F Hcarizcntal distance between hitch point and reasrnost point of 12.4-28 tyres. adjustabie as follows . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horizontal distance between hitch point and end of PT-O shaft, adjustable , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 18-455-‘iI}D mm (3f8”-215;”-4”} 354-399-44¢ mm (1é"~€5”,/_{’-1782”) J2 Vertical distance between top of cirawbar at hitch point and centerline of PT-O shaft, acifustabie as foflows . . . . . . . 229-ifilh ififi-49 mm {3?:'3”- 61,»',;"~-‘:»”-‘£1,'2”} I. Pi‘. =§‘z"#. 3‘ _ Verticai distance from ground line to centeriine of PT-O shaft ‘ 538 mm (21*,’8") Diameter of h=Ytch hole (plus one 115 mm == 11,516” hole at 102 mm = 4" ahead of hitch hole) . . . . . . . . . . . 29 mm ("E*_l5"') V. i ¢_§'§.¢:>%a¢.&§ , ' 1‘? .1 1. s 1 he =_ A3,‘ 1125; , /.., :15 -3;-I 1 1; 1';-J. 139 " 2. §%% 0;"? .-.-2: -'-"S1." <.. . g it ii :. \§ TABLE CF CONTENTS 5-w-:H»,-;mWm..» i %_ € i L; 5 Page Foreword and Service Notes . . . . . - - - 3 Engine . . . . . . . . . . 4 (_3enerai_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disassembiy . . . . . . . . . . . . - Oi/erhau/'5 and C/veks . . . . . . . . . . . Cylinder biock and barrels . . . . . . . 1.1 11 Cyiinder head _ . t . . . . . - - - . - . 12 Timing gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Valves, guides and springs . . . . . . . Valve tappe-is and rocker arms . . . . . Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 74 15 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Specifications Steering and firom‘ axis 73 . . . , . . . . . . F3 Steering box and linkage . , . , . . . . 73 80 Pistons . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . Crankshait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 19 20 Wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5'0 37 Main and connecting rod bearings . . Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2? 22 Generator Type F? 715-740/'24-7600 l/ar. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6'? . . . . 25 26 26 27 Generator Typo DC 115,"24,="7,i3 C . . . . . . Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 89 Coiifing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a Confrof Box Mod. A_i3-140524 . , . . . . . Specifications . . . . . . . . . . W 95 Control Box Moo’. GP Ti’24,~’7 . . , . . . . Specifications . . , . . . . . . . . . 95 10?’ 108 Lubrication . . . . . . Oil pump . . i . . . Oil filters . . . . . . Specifications . . . Water pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . 28 28 Front axle 75 . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Specifications 77 83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Air feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Batteries Air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Starting motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 30 G/ow plugs . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . H5 Fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3? Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7'15 Power Take-off . . . . . . . . i . . . . . Se/t puifey . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 116 1?? Fan Fuel feeding Fee-dpump . . . . . 37 injection pump and governor . . . , . . Calibration data . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 47 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 g Reassembly of engine . . . . . . . . . . . 45 I Timing , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 injectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brake test 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Performance data . . . . . . . . . . . . Sf Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718 Hydraulic lift . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 719 Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 720 Control Cock . . . . i . . . . . . . . . Specifications . . . . . . , . . , . . . 128 236' 53 Fiexible coupling . . . . . . . . . . . , 57 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733 5F>ech‘:cations 57 Moo‘ifFcat:'ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . l l 2 @ I Tool list . . . . . . . . Clutch - ~w -¢=wv=n-:g.'=a:w 71 . . . . Eiectrical system . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ - Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , I7 Radiator ' 79 . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . ?9 l J -' Final’ drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 1 54 59 Specifications V I Dffierentiaf and lock . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power chain I Page 53 53 Specifications . ' Qo<. r1-fk~£=. Gearbox and epi'c,'»'c//‘c reduction gear . . Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 73? 140 2 .~ -.»—,(.“-_,.~